Page 42 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 42

OVERSEAS  l'OS'l'                   43
  folds  of the envelope.  An  envelope with a  black or coloured  border or  a  transparent
  panel must not be used.  The make up of every letter must be such  that its contents
  cannot be got at without e:-.i.ernal and visible  damage to the envelope or the seals.
    Space must be left between  the postage stamps on it and between  the postal labels,
  if any,  so  that they  cannot serve to  hide  injuries to  the envelope.  They  must not be
   folded over the two sides of the envelope so as t.o  cover the edge.
    No  labels  may  be  affixed  except those of  the  postal  service.  If the  packet is tied
   round with a string or tape, a seal must he placed on the ends where they are tied.  The
   seals on an ordinary envelope should be placed as shown below:

    In the case of a long e!IVelope with a seam down the centre, the seam should be secured
   with seals placed not more than 3 inches apart.

     Parcels can  be insured for  transmission  to  the countries against the names of which
   a limit of insured  value is shown on pages 53  to 101.  The general  limit of insurance is
   £400,  but in some countries lower  limits are in  force  and  these are specially indicated
   in  the summary together with  any other limitations of the servire.

   Packing a.nd
     PAcKING.  Every  insured  parcel  must  be  substantially  packed  with due regard  to
   the natnre of the contents and the length of the journey.
     SEALING.  Every insured  parcel must be sealed,  (see page 41)  in  such  a  way  that  it
   cannot be opened without either breaking the seal or leaving obvious traces of violation.
   Each join  or loose flap  of the covering of a parcel must be sealed; and,  if string be used
   in packing, a seal must be placed on the ends of the string where they are tied.
     It is recommended that  when  possible  the impression  of  the  seai  used on  a ]Jarcel  should
   be  made on  the  cotmle1joil of  th ~  despatch  nol.e  if one  is  used.  Labels  of  any  kind  and
   postage stamps must be so spaced  that  they  cannot conceal injuries  to  the cover;  they
   must not be folded over two sides of the parcel so as to  hide the edge.
     Adhesive sealing tape or  gummed paper are not regarded as adequate substitutes for
   wax,  lead or steel seals,  but mav be used to supplement them, provided that wax seals
   are also placed partly on the tape or gummed paper and partly on the cover of the  parcel,
   in such a  way  that the tape or gummed  paper could not be removed  without breaking
   the seals.  Labels of any kind and postage stamps must be so spaced that they cannot
   conceal injuries to  the cover; they must not be folded over two sides of the parcel so  as
   to  bide  the  edge.
     PARCELS  CONTAINING Con.;,  BULUON  OR  JEWELLERY.   A  parcel  containing  coin,
    bullion or jewellery sent to any place,  to  which  the insurance service extends,  must be
    insured for at least  part of its value.  Every such parcel must be enclosed in a strong box
    or case (measuring, if the contents are jewellery exceeding £ 100 in  value, at least :3  feet
    6 inches in length and girth combined), must be sewn up or otherwise fastened in a wrap-
    per of linen, can vas, strong paper or other substantial material and must have the address
    written on its actual  covering.  The seals must he placed  along th e ecl~es of each  join
    or loose flap at distances of not more than 3 inches.
     DEFINITION  OF  JEWELLERY.  For the purpose of these regulations  the  term jewdlery
     Gold,  silver,  platinum  and  other  precious  metals  in  a  manufactured  state,  that  is
    a state in which  value is added to the raw material by skilled workmanship; and in  this
    definition are included any coins used or designed for  purposes of ornament:  diamonds
    and precious stones;
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