Page 37 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 37

38                      POST  OFFICE  GUIDE

       SHARP INSTRUMENTS, PIECES OF  ME'rAL  OR ORE.  Art.icJes Of this description should! J
      packed and  guarded  in so secure a  manner as to invol've  no  risk  to  t,he contents of U
      mail bags or to officers of the Post Office.
       T INNED FOOD;  INDUS'rHIAL  AND  VEGETABLE PRODUC1'S.  Art,icJes  SUCh as  tinned  fo((
      which would be spoilt if otherwise packed may be admitted in a cover hcnnetically scale'
      Samples of industrial or vegetable products may also  be posted  in  covers closed  by tl
      manufacturers or sealed  by an inspecting authority of the country  of origin.  In the J
      cases the sender or the addressee may be required  to assist in the check of the co11ten  l
       ARTICLES  FOR  MEDICAL EX.H !I NA'I'ION  OR  ANALYSIS.  DeleteriOUS liquids Or subst,am
      though otherwise prohibited from  transmission by post may be sent for medical exnml,  1
      ation  or  analysis  to  a  recognised  medical  laboratory  or  institute  under  the  follow~
       1 .  Any such liquid or substance must be enclosed in a receptacle hermetically  sea~  1
      or otherwise securely closeJ and this receptacle must itself be placed in a strong woode
      teather or  metal case in such  a  way that  it  cannot  shift  about  and  with a  suflici~  1
      quantity of some absorbent  mnterial  (such as sawdust or cotton-wool) so p[Lcked aba,   1
      the receptacle as  absolutely  to  prevent any  possible leakage  from  the package  in tl  :
      event  of damage  to  the  receptacle.  The  packet so  made  up  must  be  conspicuou  .
      marked  Fragile  with  care  and  bear  t he  words  Pathological  specimen.
        2 .  Any  packet of the kind  found  in the parcel post or found  in  the letter  post 11
      packed  and  marked  as directed  will  be  at  once  stopped  and  destroyed  with  ali i  .
      wrappings  and  enclosures.
      Inadmissible Articles
        The  following  articles  are  not admissible:
        Goods for sale or consigned  in execution  of an order, however small  the quantity;
        Samples of tea exceeding 8 ounces in  gross weight;        ·
        Postage  stamps  or  forrnti  of  prepayment,  whelher  obliterated  or  not,  or  any  pa~
      representing a  monetary  value.
      Customs Treatment Abroad
        Particulars of the countries which  admit sample packets containing articles liable I
      customs duty  under  the  Green  Label  system,  are  given on pages 53  to 101.  Samp
      packets containing dutiable articles sent to other countries  may  be returned,  subject<
      to  fines,  or confiscated  according  to  the  laws  of  lhe country  of destination.
        For special regulations governing Treatment of Dutiable Articles sent by sample po;
      to  Great  Britain,  see  under  entry  GREAT BHI'l'AIN,  page liD.
      Packets containing Printed Matter, Comm ercial Papers and Samples
        It is permissible to enclose in the same packet printed matter (except literature for tl
      blind), commercial papers and samples, provided that e:1ch article taken singly is witli
      the limits applicable to it as regards weight and size, and  that the total weight does li
      exceed 5 pounds if the packet is addressed  to a place in the Brit,ish Empire, or 4 pouni
      6 ounces, if addressed  to a foreign country.
        The minimum charge for such a packet is 3d. if it contains commercial papers and 11
       if  it consists of printed  matter and samples.
       Rate of Postage
        The prepaid  rate  is  !d.  per  2  lb.  The postage mnEt  be  (ully  prepaid.
        The limit of weight is  15  lh.
        Papers of any kind,  periodicals,  and books, impressed  in  Braille or other Bpecial tyJ
       for use of the blind, may be sent.
        The packets should be clearly  marked in  the upper left-hand  corn£:r  B/·ind Literalw
         In all  other respects  the regulations regarding  printed  papers  apply.
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