Page 32 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 32

OVERSEAS  POS'r                     33

 !lxtent of the Service
  Small  packets may be sent  to  the places indicated  on  pages 53  to  101.
 Dustoms Declarations
  A  green  customs  label  must,  without  e:-:ception,  be  affixed  to  the  address  side  of
 ;he packet,  and , if  the  country  of  dest ination  so  requires,  the  packets  must  also  be
 ~ccompan ied by one or more white customs declarations enclosed in the packet.  In some
 Jflses the country of destination requires  that the customs rleclarat.ions should be made
 )Ut in a language ot.har than English.  Details of these requirements are shown on  pages
 53  to 101.
 PRINTED  PAPERS  (m u st  not  be  sealed)
 Rat e of Postage
  The  prepaid  rate  is  ld.  for  every  2  ounces  or  fraction  thereof.  The  postage  must
 be  fully  prepaid.
 Weight and Size
  The limit of weight is: 6 .lb  8 oz.  tu all  destinations.
   A Print ed Volume for  any Destination Abroad if ~ent singly may weigh ae much
 as  11  lb.
  The limits of size are:
   British Commonwealth:*  2  feet  in  length  and  18  inches  in  width or depth.
   Other Count ries :   (I NCLUDI NG  EGYPT) 3 feet in length, widlh and depth combined,
 the maximum dimemion . in  any  one direction not  to  e:-:ceed  2 feet.
   Packets in the Form of a Roll for  all Destinations:  The length and twice the
 diameter combined  must not exceed  3 feet 3 inches,  and  the greatest  dimension  must
 not exceed 2 feet 8 inches.
   Printed Matters sent  Unenclosed  in  t he Form of a Card.  Whether folded  or
  not, unenclosed cards may not measure less than 4 inches in length by 21 inches in width.
   A  packet  which  is  admissible  at the  printed  paper  rate  in  the inland  post is  not
  [lecessarily  admissible  at  that  rate  in  the  imperial  and  foreign  post.  For  example,
  receipts, invoices and  statements of account, which are admissible at the printed paper
  rate if addressed to places in this country, are not admissible at that rate in the imperial
  ~nd foreign service; such documents for places abroad fall into the category of commercial
   In general,  the  printed  paper  rate  in  the imperial and  foreign  post  applies  to  all
  impressions  or  copies  obtained  upon  paper  or  other  similar  material,  parchment  or
  cardboard,  by  means  of  printing,  engraving,  lithography,  mimeography,  or  other
  mechanical process  easy  to  recognise,  except the  typewriter,  the  copying-press  and
  t!and  stamps with  or  without movable type.   ·
   Printed  matter which  bears  any  marks  whatever  capable of constituting  a  conven-
  ~ional  language,  or,  with  the  exceptions  mentioned  on  page 32  under  the  heading
  'Additions  and  A.lterations, of which  the text  has been modified  after  printing is  not ad-
  lnissible at the printed rate in the imperial and  foreign service.
   Packets  of  printed  papers  should  be  clearly  marked  in  the  upper  left-hand  corner
  Printed  Papers.  They  are  subject  to  examination  in  the post, and must  be made  up
  jn  such a  way  as  to  be easily  examined.  They  may  be placed  in  a  wrapper, upon a
  roller,  between  boards,  in  an  open  case  or  in  an  unclosed  envelope  furnished  with  a
  olunt  fastening  easy  to  raise and  replace;  or  they  may  be secured  wit.h  a  string  easy
 1 to untie.  Printed matter of the form and mbstance of a card may be Rent unenclosed
  without band, envelope, or fastening, and must then conform to the condit.ionR for post-
 ' eards  except  as  regards  postage  rates  and  maximum  dimension8,  Similarly  printed
 ·papers may be sent unenclosed if they are folded in such a way that they cannot become
 > 11nfolded during transmission and that there is no risk of their entrapping other articlea.
     *See footnote page 31.
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