Page 30 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 30

    The classes of  postal packets admitted to the imperial  and foreign  post  are: letters,
   postcards, small packets, printed papers, commercial papers, samples, "blind " literatme
   and parcels.
   Rates  of  Postage
    Bn!1'rsu  CoMMONWEAL'l'H.  The prepaid rate of  postage  for  letters  addressed  to  the
   *British  Commonwealth  generally,  is  2~d. not exceeding  one  ounce  and  ld.  for  each
   additional ounce.
    OnrEn CouNTIUES.  For letters to all other places abroarl, the rate is Sd. not exceeding
   one ounce and :1d. for  each additional ounce.
   Weight a.nd Size
    The limit of weight to all destinations is 4 lb. 6 oz.
    The limits  of  size  are:-BmnsH CoMMONWEALTH*,  2  feet  in  length  and  18  incjbes
   in width,  18 inehes in  depth.
    All  Other  Countries-3 feet  in  length,  width  and depth  combined,  the greatest
   dimension  not to exceed 2 feet.
    IN  Al~l~  CASES  FOH  LE'I"''ERS IN THE  Fonu OF A RoLL-The length and  twice the dia-
   meter combined may not exceed 3 fee t~ inches, nor the greatest dimension 2 feet 8 inches
   Unpaid Letters
    An unregistered letter posted unpaid or underpaid is forwarded and charged on delivery
   with double the amount of the deficiency.
    An  unpaid or underpaid unregistered  letter from  abroad is charged on delivery with
   double the amount of the deficiency, the minimum surcharge being  !d.
   Rates of Postage
    The prepaid  rate of  postage  for  postcards  for  all  destinations abroad,  is:
         BRITISH          } Single-2d.
         CoMMONWEALTH      Reply paid -4d.
         OnrER CouNTiliES   I. Reply paid-6d.
     No card may  exceed  5} inches in length by 41 inches in width, or be less  than 4 inches
   in length by 2i inches in  width.  The material for private cards to bP. used as postcards
   must be ordinary cardboard  or prtper not less  than one-hundredth of an inch  thick and
   not more  flexible than that  used for  post cards issued  and sold  by the Post Office.
     The right-hand half at least of the address sides reserved for the address of the recipient
   and  any  necessary  postal service  indir:ations,  for  example  Reyislered  Advice  of  Delivery
   and  the postage stamps must qe  affixed  in  the  top  right-hand  corner  of this  portion.
   The remaining space is availahfe for  the use  of the sender for written communications.
     An address label or a slip  to fold back, completely adherent  to  the card  and  bearing
   the name and  address of the person  to  whom  the card  is  sent,  may  be affixed  to  the
   address side of the card,  except in  the case of postcards addressed  to countries subject
   to postal  cen~orsh ip.                 ·
     A sample of merchandise  or other similar article may not be attached  to  a postcard.
     Postcards must be sent unenclosed,  that is  without wrapper or envelope.
     Any  postcard  which  does  not  comply  with  the  foregoing  conditions  is  treated  as a
   ietter,  except  when  the irregularity  conEists solely  in  the  fixing  of  the  postage  stamp
   to the rever~e side, in which case the card is consirlerecl as unpre71aid ancl  treated according.
   to the category  to  which it belongs by reason of the  text or dimensions.
     *Including  territories under  British  trusteeship,  British  Post  Offices in  Tangier and
   the Persian  Gulf, and also  Burma,  Egypt,  Israel,  Jordon and Palestine.
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