Page 33 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 33

34                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE

      Admissible Documents                                        •
       The  unrlermentioned  articles  or  documents  are  transmissible  as  printed  papersi :
      the  imperial  and  foreign  post.                           I
      Address cards                   Periodical works
      Advertisements                  Photographs
      Albums containing photographs   Pictures
      Books, sewn  or bound           Plans
      Catalogues                      Prospectuses
      Drawings                        Proofs  of  printing,  co1rected  or  mtcorrecte.  1
      Engravings                       with  or  without  retative  manuscri1
      Maps                            Sheets of music  (but  not  perforated  shell  1
      Newspapers                       intended  for  use with  automat.ic musio ·
      Notices of various kinds, printerl   instruments)
       engraved, lilographed, or mimeographed   Visiting Cards
      Paper patterns for cutting out.
       A card  bearing the heading  Postcard or the equivalent thereof in  any  language, if   1
      conforms to  the general conditions  relating  to printed  papers.
       Reproductions  of  manuscript  or  typewritten  original.  Such  reproductions,  wh1  ·
      obtained  by  a  mechanical manifolding  process, hectography,  and  so on,  are  accept/ ·
      for transmission as printed papers, 1f (a)  they are  handed in  at a Post Office;  (b) aped
      attention is drawn  to  the fact that  they  are reproductions of the kind  specified;  (c)
      least  20  packets containing precisely  identical  copies  are handed  in  at  the same  tiro  1
      Carbon copies  of manuscript or typewritten  originals are not accepted.
       The same  regulation  applies  to  circulars  printed  in  imitation  of typewriting.
      Additions and Alterations
       The sender may, either outside or  inside a  packet of prin ted  papers:
      Indicate by hand  or by  a mechanical process, the name, position, profession,  style an
      address of the sender and of the addressee; the date of despatch, the signature, telephon
      number, telegraphic address and code, the postal cheque or banking account of the sends
      a serial or identity number referring solely to the packet;
        Correct  errors  in  printing;
       Strike out, underline or enclose by marks certain words or certain parts of a printe
      text,  unless this is clone  with the object of constituting correspondence.
       The undermentioned documents and so on may bear additions and alterations, mrul
      by hand  or by a  mechanical process, to the extent indicated in each case:
        Ships' Departure and Arrival:  The dates and  times of departures  and arrival
      as  well  as the names of the ships and  the ports of departure, call  and arrival.
        Travellers  Advices:  The travellllr's name, the date, time and place of  his  intend&
      visit, and the address at which he is staying.
        Order  Forms:  Order forms or subscription forms or forms of offer for publicatiorr
      books,  newspapers,  engravings  and  pieces of music  may bear the names  of the worl
      and  number  of  copies  required  or  offered;  the  price  and  notes  representing  essenti1
      elements of the price; the method  of  payment,  the edition  and  names of t he auth01
      and  publishers;  the catalogue number and  the words Paper  covers, Stiff covers or  Bou
        Forms used by Lending Libraries:  The titles of the books, the number of copi
      asked for or sent, the names of the authors and publishers, the catalogue numbers, tn
      number. of clays allowed for reading, the name of the person wishu1g  to consult the boo)
      and other brief notes referring  to  the books in  question.   1
        Printed  Card.  Pictorial  cards,  printed  visiting  cards,  Christmas  and  New  Yea
      cards  may  bear  good  wishes,  congratulat.ions,  thanks,  condolences  or  other  formuh
      of courtesy,  expressed  in  five  words or by  means of five  conventional initials.
        Proofs  of  Printing.  Alterations  and  additions  concerned  with  corrections,  fan
      and  printing,  and  also  such notes as  Passed for  Press, or  similar notes concerned  wit
      the execution of the work.  In case of want of space,  these additions may be made o
      separate sheets.
      Fashion  Plates  and  Maps
        Price-Lists.  Price-lists,  tenders  for  advertisement,  stock  and  share  lists,  mark'
      quotations,  trade  circulars  and  prospectuses  may  bear  figures  and  any  other  no~
      representing  essential  elements  of  the  price
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