Page 38 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 38

OVERSEAS  POST                      39
  Admissible Articles
    The following  articles are also  admitted  at the rate  of  postage  for  blind  literature:
    Plates  for  embossing  blind  literature;  and
  ,  Voice records intended  solely  for  the use of the blind  provided  that they are sent by
  or addressed to an officially recognised institution for the blind.

  Letter Post: Outgoing Packets
    The facilities  for sending dutiable articles abroad  in  the  letter  mails vary  according
  to  the  count-ry  of  destination.
    The general  regulations  which  apply  to  letters,  samples  and  printed  paper  packets
  are given below; but where additional regulations apply these are given on pages 53 to 101.
    Before  posting  a  packet  for  abroad  containing  dutiable  articles,  the  sender  should
  make sure that the regulations  are complied  with,  as  failure in  this respect  may  lead
  to the return or confiscation of the packet, or the payment of a  fine in  addition  to the
  duty as  a  condition  of delivery,  according  to  the laws  of  the country  of destination.
  The Post  Office abroad  may  charge  a  postal  fee  for  customs  clearance in  addition  to
  the customs duty.

  Green Label Lettera
    Under  the regulations  of  the  Postal  Union,  articles  liable  to  customs  duty  may  he
  sent"in packets prepaid at the letter rate of postage to those countries which have agreed
  to admit them.  A green  customs label,  obtainable  at any  post office,  must be affixed
  to the address side of each packet.  These  letters are known  as  green  label letters and
  the countries participating in  the service  are indicated on pages 53  to  101.
    If the country of destination so requires, one or more ordinary white customs declaration
  forms must be enclosed in the packet, and in some cases the country of destination requires
  the customs declarations to  be made out in a  language other  than English.  Details of
  these requirements  are shown  on  pages_53  to 101.
  Sample Packets
    Certain  countries  admit  dutiable  articles  in  sample  packets  under the regulations·
  applicable  to green label letters.  Particulars of these countries,  including  those  which
  have fixed special limits of weight for certain articles, are shown on page8 53 to 101.
  Printed Paper
  ·  Printed matter  liable to  customs duty  is not debarred  on  that account from  trans-
  mission  by  printed  paper  post,  and  except  in  certain  cases,  no  customs declaration  is
    In  the case of printed matter  Fent  to  Australia,  Canada,  (including  Newfoundland),
  New  Zealand and South Africa, the following  special requirements apply:
    Australia.  Advertising matter is dutiable.
    The  following  are,  however,  exempt  from  duty:  Trade  catalogues  and  price  lists
  not designed to advertise the sale of goods by any person,  firm  or company in  Australia
  when sent into Australia in  single copies  addressed  to  merchants,  firms  or companies
  therein and not exceeding one copy  to each merchant,  firm  or company and  not being
  for distribution.
    Canada  (including  Newfoundland).   Printed  matter  must  be  conspicuously  and
  indelibly  marked  with  an  indication  of  the  country  of origin,  and  should  be  plainly
   superscribed By direct Canadian Ship only if advantage of the British preferential customs
   tariff is desired.
    New Zealand.  Advertising matter is subject to customs duty under the New  Zealand
   customs tariff; but trade catalogues and price lists relative to the goods of firms or persons
  having no established business in  New Zealand are not liable to duty.
    South Africa.  Advertising matter is  subject to customs duty.
   Small Packets Post
    Dutiable articles  may  be sent by small  packets post,  see page 31 and  pages 53  to 101.
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