Page 39 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 39

40                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE

       Letter Post: Incoming Packets                               :
         Dutiable articles can be sent to this country in  green  label letters,  samples and sma
       packets as well as  by parcel post.
         A postal  fee  of  6d.  for  customs  clearance  is  charged  on  delivery  on  each  incomi~
       green, sample, and small packet, on which customs duty is levied, irrespectil
       of the amount of the duty.
         Duty on goods imported by post is calculated  in aecordance with the Jamaica custon
       tAriff  for  the time being in force, and any  inquiry regarding the customs chargee, railil
       on a packet from abroad should be addressed to the Collector of Customs, Kingston.
         Every letter, ea,mple, or small packet received from abroad suspected to contain articl
       liable to customs duty, not having affixed thereto the green label or bearing endorsatitr
       authorizing examination by the Customs, may be detained and  notice of such detentin
       iei!llecl  on the approprit\te  form  to the addressee.
         Any  postal packet may  be registered,  except:  a  fight weight air  letter and  a  pared
         'Dhe registration fee is 4d. ami must be prepaid in addition to the postage.
         Parcels for places abroad cannot be registered,* although in many cases they  may~
       insured, see pages 53  to 101.

       Instructions for Registering
         A packet to be registered must be handed to an officer of the Post Office  and a receip
       obtained for it; it must not be dropped into a letter box.
         A  letter or letter packet intended  for  registration must be made up  in  the  manna
       laid down  on  page  15  for  inland  letters or  letter packets, and  must not show  any tra~
       of  having  been  opened  and  refastened  before  posting.
         Small  packets,  commercial  papers,  packets of  printed  papers  and  samples  intend~
       for  registration  must  be  made  up  in  the  manner  prescribed  for  unregistered  packeb
       of  these  categories.
         A small postal packet addressed  to initials or in pencil cannot be registered; but tlv
       _address may be written in copying-ink pencil unless a panel envelope is used.
         It is recommended that the name and address of the sender be written on the outsid1
       of  each  registered  article.  Registered  articles  must be fully  prepaid  as  regards  botl
       postage  and  registration  fee.
       Advice of Delivery
         The sender of  a  registered  postal packet  may obtain  an  advice of  its  delivery  OD
       application at the office  of posting,  either at the time of posting or subsequently.
         When  the application  is  made  at the  time of posting,  the  sender must indicate hi!
       name and address on the outside of the packet.  A fee of 2d.  must be paid  by  stamp!
       affixed  by  the sender to a  form  provided  for  the purpose.  The weight of  the  form i1
       not taken in to  account in assessing the postage on  the packet.
       Inquiries regarding Loss or Non-delivery
         Inquiry regarding the loss or non-delivery of a  registered packet must also  be accom·
       panied by a  fee  of 4d.  unless  the sender has already paid  the special fee for  an  advice
       of delivery.  If it is found that the postal service is at fault the inquiry fee will  be refunded.
        One fee of 4d. covers inquiries concerning several packets posted at the same time by the
       same sender to  the same addressee.
        Payment for Loss
         The Post Office pays compen8ation not excecdiug £2  18/- to the sender of a letter or
        packet duly admitted  to registration which has been entirely lost whilst in its custody,
        except  in  the case  of:

         *Exceptionally parcels  for  the United States of America and  Canal  Zone  (only)  may
        be reli:istered.  See  under  UNITED  S'i'A'I'Es,  page 98.
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