Page 36 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 36

OVERSEAS  POST                      37
   Printers' blocks, cut-out patterns Rent singly, kl'ys sent singly, cut fresh  flowers, articles
  of natural history (dried or preserved animals or plants. geological specimPne, and ~o on)
  tubes of serum and  vacc.ine,  and  pathological objects rendered  innocuous  by  the mode
  of  preparation  and  packing.
   These  articles,  except tube&  of  serum  and  vaccine  sent  in  the  general  interest  by
  laboratories or institutions officially recognised, may not be sent for a c.:>mmercial purpose.
  Packing and Address
   It is recommended that every sample shoulrl  be indelibly marked Sample: not for  salt,
  or otherv.;se defaced  in  such a  way  as  to render the article  unsaleable  in  the ordinary
  way  of trading.
   Samples  must be  sent in such  a  manner as  to be  easy  of  examination  and,  when
  practicable, must be sent in covers open at the end.  The upper left-hand  corner of the
  packet should  be clearly  marked  Smn7Jle.   .
   Packing is  not obligatory  for  articles consisting  of one  piece,  such  as  pieces  of wood
  or metal, which it is not the custom of the trade to pack.
   The address  of  the addressee  must  be  indicated,  as  far  as  possible,  on  the packing
  or on the article itself.  If the packing or the article itself is not suita.ble for the inscription
  of the address and service indications or  for  affixing  the postage stamps,  a  tie-on  label,
  preferably of parchment, must be sf'curely  attached.  The same applies when  the date
  stamping is likely to injure the article.
   A sample enclosed  in  a  linen  or  paper envelope of  little strength must have a  label
  preferably  of  p!Uchment  attached  with  the  address  of  the  adr\ressee  and  the  postage
  stamps in prepayment.  The address should if possible be repeated on  the article itself.
   In order  to  secure  the  return  of a  packet  which  cannot be delivered  the  name  and
  a&dress  of the sender should  be  printed  or  written  outside  the packet.
  Permissible Additions
   The sender may indicate by  hand  or by a  mechanical process outside or inside  the
  packet in  the letter case on  the sample itself  or  on  a  special sheet  or  paper  referring
  to it: the name, position, profession, style and address of the sender and of the addressee;
  the date of despatch,  the signature,  telephone  number,  telegraphic  address  and  code,
  .the postal cheque or  banking account of  the sender;  a  manufacturer's or  trade mark,
  a brief note relating to  the manufacturer or supplier of the goods or to  the person  for
  whom the sample is intended,  serial or identity numbers,  prices and  notes representing
  essential elements  of  the price;  particulars  relating  to  weight,  measurement and  size,
  or the quantity to be disposed of, and such as are necessary to  determine the origin and
  the character of the goods.
  Special Packing Regulations for Certain Articles
   DRY  COLOURING  POWDERS  (FOR  EXAMPLE,  ANILINE  BLUE).  These are admissible only
  if enclosed in a stout tin box placed inside a wooden box with sawdust between the two
   DRY  NON-COLOURING  POWDERS.  These must be  placed  in  a  box  of metal,  wood  Or
  cardboard,  the box  itself being enclosed in a hag of linen or parchment.
 dmust be enclosed in an inner cover (box, linen or parchment bag and so on) which  must
  itself be placed in a second box of wood, metal or stout thick leather.
 ~  Guss oR  OTHER  FRAGILE  MATERUL.  Articles of glass or other fragile material must
 ~ be securely  packed  in a  box  of met..'l.l,  wood  or  strong corrugated  cardboard  in  such  a
  way as to prevent all risk of injury to other postal packets or to postal officers.
   LIQUIDs, OILS  OR  SEMI-LIQUIDS.  These must be enclosed  in a  receptacle bermetically
  sealed;  and  the receptacle must be  placed  in  a  special  box  of metal,  st.rong  wood  or
  strong  corrugated  cardboard  containing  sawdust or  spongy  material  (not cotton)  in
 6 sufficient  quantity  to  absorb  the liquid  if  the  receptac.le  becomes  broken.  The  lid
  of the box must be fixed in such a manner that it cannot easily become detached.
   LIVE  BEES; LEECHEs; PARASITES.  Live bees or  leeches must  be enclosed  in  a  box so
  constructed as to avoid all danger and to allow the contents to be a~f'ert..<tin ed.  Parasites
  and  destroyers  of  noxious  insects  exchanged  between  officially  recognised  institutions
  muat be aimilar:ly  packed.
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