Page 31 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 31

32                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE

      Cards bearing the title "Post Cards", or its equivalent, are admitted at  the rate for I
     printed matter, provided that they conform to the general regulations respecting printed
     Unpaid Postcards
      A single postcard  posted  unpaid or insufficiently prepaid is forwarded and charged on t
     delivery  with double  the amount of the deficiency.          a
      An  unpaid  or  underpaid  postcard  from  tl.broad  is  charged  on  delivery  with  donbleC
     the amount of  the deficiency,  the minimum  surcharge being  !d.   c

     Reply-paid Postcards
      In addition to conforming with the foregoing regulations for postcards, reply-paid post-l
     cards of privat.e manufacture must bear at the top of the face of the first half the words ]
     Uarte 1loslale avec ,-eponse payee and in a similar  position on the second half Carte poslale:
     reponse.  They should  be made up in such a way that when  one half is folded over  thct
     other, the fold  forms  the upper edge, and the address side of the reply half, which must
     bear the return postage stamp, is on the inside.              ,
      The sender may address the reply  half to himself and may also  print on  the back of
     that half a questionnaire to he filled up by  the addressee.  A reply half is available only
     for  transmission  to  the  country  of origin.
      A reply-paid  postcard  of  which  the two  halves are not  fully  prepaid  at  the  time of
     posting is  not forwarded.

     SMALL  PACKETS  (must not be sealed)
     Rate of Postage
      The prepaid rate is 2d.  per 2 ounces with a minimum charge of lOci.  (for 10 oz.).  The
     postage  must  be  fully  prepaid.
     Weight and Size
      The limit  of weight  is 2 lb.
      The limits  of  size are 3  feet  in  length,  width  and  depth  r.ombincd,  but the greatest
     dimension  may  not exceed  2  feet.  For  packets  in  the form  of  a  roll,  the  length  and
     t.wice  the diameter combined may not exceed 3 feet  3 in~hes,  nor the greatest dimension
     2  feet  8  inches.
      The  small  packet  post  ig  specially  provided  for  the  transmission  of  goods,  whether
     dutiable or not, in the same mails as printed papers, which as a rule travel more quickly
     than  the  parcel mails.

     Packing and Address
      Small  packets  must  be sent  in  such  a  manner  as  to  be  easy  of  examination.  The
     sender  is required  to  show  his  name and  address on  the  outside  of  the packet,  and
     he  is  recommended  to  mark  the  packet conspicuously  Small  Packet  in  top  left-hand
       Articles likely  to  cause injury  to  officers of  the Post Office  or to damage other postal
     packets must be  packed  in  accordance  with  the regulations.
     P osting
      Small  packets  may  be  posted  in  a  posting  box  or  handed  over  the  counter.  They
     may  be  registered  but  not insured.
     Inadmissible Articles
       Articles which may not be sent by letter  post are also  excluded  from  transmission  in
     small  packets; and,  in addition,  the following  may not be sent in small  packets:
       Coin; bank notes; currency notes; negotiable instruments payable to bearer; platinum,
     gold or silver; precious stones; jewels and other valuable articles; postage stamps whether
     obliterated or not, or any paper representing a monetary value; letters, notes or documents
     having the character of actual and personal correspondence, but an open invoice as well as
     a  copy of  the name  and address of the sender and  the addressee may be enclosed.
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