Page 35 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 35

36                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE
      Packets of commercial papers should  be clearly marked in  the upper left-hand corm
    Commercial  Papers.  They  are  subject  to examination  in  the post,  and  must  be mad
    up in  such a way  that  they can ue easily  examined.  They may be placed in  a wrappe
    upon a roller,  between boards,  in  an  open  case,  or  in  an  unclosed  envelope  furnish~
    with a  blu~t fastening easy to  raise and replace;  or they may be secured  with a  stri~
    easy to unt1e.
      In order  to  secure  the return of  a  packet which  cannot be  delivered,  the name an
    address of the sender should  be printed or written outside.
    Admissible Documents
    Bills of lading                 Open  letters  and  postcards  which  8!
                                    . out  of  date  and  have  already  fulfille
    Copies of or extracts from deede  under   their original purpose, and copies  there~.
    private  seal  written  on  stamped  or
    unstamped paper                 Papers of legal procedure
    Documents of all kind& drawn up by   Pupils'  exercises  in  miginal  or  wid
    public functionaries            corrections,  but  without  any  note  whid
                                    does  not  relate  directly  to  the  executia
    Invoices                        of the work.            ·
    Manusr.ript of works or of newspapers
    forwarded separately            Receipts
    Musical scores or sheets of music in   Statements of accounts
    manuscript        ·
                                    Way  bills

    Inadmissible Articles
      Postage stamps or forms of prepayment, whether  obliterated  or  not,  or  any  pap!
    representing  a  monetary  value,  are  inadmissible;  but out-of-date  correspondence  ma1
    bear  cancelled  postage  stamps  or  flanking  impressions  which  served  to  prepay  tb
    original postage.

    SAMPLES  (must not be sealed)
    Rate of Postage
     The prepaid  rate is:
     4 oz.,  2d.  each additional 2 oz.,  ld.
     The postage must be  fully  prepaid.
    Weight and Size
     The  limits  of  weight  are:
      British Commonwealth*, 5  lb.
      Other Countries (INCLUDING  EaYPT)l  Jb 2 oz.
     The limits of size are:   ·
      British Commonwealth*, 2 feet in length and 1 foot in width or depth.
      Other Countries  ( INCLUDING  EGYPT),  3  feet  in  length, width and depth combined
    maximum dimension in any one direction, 2 feet.
    Packets in the form of a  Roll for all Destinations.  The  length  and  twice  tb
    diameter must not exceed  3 feet 3 inches,  and the greatest dimension must not exce€!
    2 feet 8 inches.
     The use  of  the sample  post is  re~tricted  to  genuine  trade  samples  or  patterns o
    merchandi~e without saleable value.  Exceptionally,  the following  articles are regarde1;
    as eligible for  transmission by sample post:
       *See footnote  pa~e 31.
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