Page 41 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 41

42                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE

      No letter  or  parcel  can  be insured  for more  than  the actual value of  the  contenu
    and  packing,  or  for  more than  the sum entered  in the  and  parcel post summary
    on  pages 53  to 101 against the  name  of  the  country  to  which  it  is  addressed ;  but
    it may be insured for part of its value, and a  letter or parcel of which the contents have
    no pecunLtry value may be insured  for a  normal sum in  order  to obtain  the safe guard!
    of the system.  An insured letter containing documents which are of value because of the .
    cost of preparation, for example, plans, estimates, or contracts, may not be insured for an
    amount exceeding the cost of replacing them in case of loss.  Over-insurance is an obstacle
    to compensation.
    Insurance Fees  (Letters)
      The fees for insurance, ·includi11g registration fee  of 4d. but in addition to postage,  are as
    foll ows:
               Limit of            Limit of              Limit of
        Fee   Compensation   Fee   Compensation   Fee   Compensation
        s.  cl.   £        s.  d.      £         s.  d.     £
        0  9      12       5  9       156       10  4       288
        1  2      24       6  2       168       10  9       300
        1  7      36       6  7       180       11  2       312
        2  0      48       7  0       192       11  7       324
        2  5      60       7  5       204       12  0       336
        2  10     72       7  10      216       12  5       348
        3  3      84       8  3       228       12  10      360
        3  8      96       8  8       2-10      13  3       372
        4  1      108      9  1       252       13  8       384
        4  6      120      9  6       264       14  1       396
        4  11     132      911        276       14  6       400
        5  4      144

    Advice of Delivery
      The sender of an insured letter,  box or parcel may obtain an advice of its delivery on
    application at the office of posting, either at the time of posting or subsequently.  In the
    case of an insured letter or box, when the application is made at the time of posting, the
    sender must indicate his name and address on  the outside of the packet.  A fee of 2d.
     must be paid by stamps affixed by the sender to a  form  provided for  the purpose.  The
     weight of the form  is not taken  into account in  assessing  the postage on  the packet.
     Inquiry as to the loss or non-delivery of an insured letter or parcel,  made subsequently
     to posting, must also be accompanied by a fee of 4d., unless the sender has already paid
     the special fee for an advice of delivery.  If it is found that the postal service is in fault,
     the inquiry fee is  refunded.  One fee of 4d.  covers inquiries concerning several packets
    of the same category (insun~cl letter or parcel) posted at the same time by the same sender
     to the same addressee.
      Insured letters may be sent to  the countries shown as participating in  the service on
     pages 53  to  101  insured  up to the maximum indicated.
      In  addition  to  ordinary  correspondence,  they  may  contain  paper  valuables  such  as
     bank-notes,  currency notes,  bonds and  securities,  also  valuable documents of any  kind
     such  as plans, estimates and  so  on;  but if the contents are dutiable in  the country of
    destination  they  can  only  be sent to  countries which admit dutiable articles  by letter
     post, see pages 53 to 101.  Letters containing articles other than those mentioned above,
     postcards,  small  packets,  printed  papers,  commercial  papers  and  samples  cannot  be
     insured.  An object of value which cannot be sent in an insured letter may generally be
     sent in an insured parcel.
      An insured  letter  must be enclosed  in  a  strong cover made up  in one piece,  which
     must be securely fastened by means of identical seals in fine wax, with spaces between,
     reproducins  a  private  mark,  and  affixed  in  sufficient number  to  hold  down  all  the
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