Page 48 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 48

OVERSEAS  POST                      49
  a mistake has been made and that such goods are not the goocis orciered by the importer
  and that such goods have been returned tn  the expiJrter,  if duly exported  within  three
  months of  their  first importation,  shall  receive a  drawback  of  the  full  duties  paid  on
    The following are theregulationo mar!eby the Governor in Privy Coun~il, fr>r gn1nting of
  such  drawbnck  on  goods  imported  by  Pan·els  Post  and  re-exported  by  Parrels  Post:
        (a)  Submi&;ion  of  !!Oods  intended  to  be  exported  to  a  Collector  or  suh·Col-
           lector  r,f  Cust{)ms  or a  Collector  or  Assist.ant  C'ollect.or  of  Taxes  (or  iu
            Kingston  tc~  the  Parcels  Post  Clerk),  for  examination shall  be considered
           the equiv~~,lentQf entry.
        (b)  Certificates of examination shall be made by such officer, and recorded in a
           book at his office kept according to Rule 17.
        (c)  Tf  the original Parcels Post Declaration is produced, it may be accepted in
           lieu of the original invoice.
        (d)  The receipt of  the Post Office shall  be accepted as equivalent to a certifi-
           cate  of  ;;hipmeut.
        (e)  The exporter shall notify his intention to export. any goods on drawback by
            Parcels Post on the form  D, and such form shall also serve as the voucher
           for  the refund of  the duties paid on importation.
    Application for refund of duty should be made ou  the form  provided for  the purpose
  which  may be had from  the  Po:;tmaster or  Collector.
  1   Application for refund of dutv must be accompanied by that portion of the cover which
  bears the address,  the duty label and  the declaration.   ·
    It is  prohibited to send by post any  postal  article:
     (1)  consisting of or containing any indecent or obscene print, painting, photograph
        litograph, engraving, cinematogra,,ph film, book, card, or written communication.
        or any indecent or obscene article, whether similar to  the above or not;
     (2)  having thereon or on the eover thereof any words, marks or designs,  which are
        grossly offensive or of an indecent or obscene character.
     (3)  consisting of or containing:-
            (a)  opium,  morphine,  cocaine  and  other  narcotics:  provided that such
               narcotics may  be sent  for  medical  or scientific  purposeR  to countries
               which  admit them  when so sent:
            (b)  any explosive subBtance;
            (c)  any dangerous substance;
            (r!)  any filth;
            (e)  any noxious or deleterious substance;
            (f)  any sharp sub~tance not properly protected;
            (g)  any living animals,  except bees, silk-worms and leeches packed in
               accordance with these regulations: or
            (h)  any article  or  thiug  whatsoever  which  is  likely  to injure  any  other
               postal article in course of conveyance or any mail bag in which the same
               is conveyed or an officer  of  the  Post Office or any other person  who
               may deal with such article;
     (4)  containing or bearing any fictitious postage stamp or any counterfeit impression
         of  a stamping machine used  under the direction  or  by the permission  of  the
         Postmaster General;
     (5)  purporting to be prepaid with any stamp or impression of  a stamping machine
         which has been previously used  to prepay any other postal article or any other
         revenue duty or tax;
     (6)  containing or consisting of any of the following  articles:-
         (a)  Any article prohibited by the postal, customs or other laws or regulations
            of the country or place in which the artirle is posted, or to which the article
            is  addressed  or  through  which  it must pass;
         (b)  articles infringing trade mark or  copyright  laws;
         (c)  oiled paper;
         (d)  liquid celluloid;
         (e)  article8  composed  wholly  or  partly  of  raw  celluloid,  roll  film  and  cine-
            matograph  films,  unless completely enclosed  in  a strong metal case which
            shall  in  tum  be  enclosed  in  a  strong  wooden box.  If the  lirl  or  bottom
            or any of the sides of the box is composed of more than one piecP.  of  wood,
            the  pieces  shall  be  joined  together  by  means  of  tongues  and  grooves.
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