Page 51 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 51

52                    I'OS'r  Ql>FICB  GOIDI::
              I.  RATES  OF  POSTAGE
                  Brili$h           Not excce~ling I oz.   . .   2~t.L
                     Commomoealllt'   For every additional oz.    tel.
                  Other Counlria    Not exceeding I oz.          Scl.
                                    For every additionnl oz.     3d.
                Fon Ills  i\l.u£:;Tr':; Fouct::; Anno.w  AJSJ>  ON  t.A:.'D the rate for letters is the ordina l
               rnte for  the couutry of dc~LitHit iou.
                lhs 1\[.,JESTY's  SutP:; OU'l'SII>~ uom: wAn:ns the rnl.; for letter~ is 2~d. for the first o~
               nnd  Id. for  each additionttl  oz.  Letters should  be addrcti~cd :- li.M.S.  (nauw  of shi
               c.o. C.P.O., Londo•!•  G. C. 1;  if t~tklrcsscd direct ton foreign  \)01'~, instead of c.o. G. P.
               London, the rnte wtll be the ord111ary rate for the counlt·y oft csttru<lton.
                  British           Single                       2d.
                     Cornmolltocalth'   Rcply-pt~id              .Jd.
                  Othu Counlrier    Single                       3d.
                                    Reply-p:tid                  6rl.
               PRINTED P.\PERS      Per 2 oz.                     Id .
               CO!.!:IIEtlCI.\1.   P er 2 oz.                     Id.
                  P . .rt:ns       l\finirnum charge (lo'or 1st 10 oz.)  ..   5d.
               S.\~PLI::S           Per 2 oz.      . .            Id.
                                   Minimum chnrge (For  1st ·1 oz.)   2d.
               11  BtrND L!TERATI:HE ..   Per 2 lb.              1d.
               SM.UL P,\CltE'I'ti   P er 2 oz.   . .             2d.
                                   M inimum cl111rgc (For  I tit. 10 oz.)  ..   JOd.
               REC!STllAT!ON FEE   Per article  . .              .Jtl.
               AovJct; OF Dr:uvr:ttY   2-1.  (for registered and  insured nrticl~s
                (Applied for at time of postiug)
               JsQUl llY  •·on AND ADVICE
                of· D&uv&nY        4d. (for registered nncl insured m·licles only).
                (Applied for after posting)
               PAnCEL PoST P.o.ncELs   Sec pages 53 lo 101.
               11.  LIMITS OF WEIGHT                                    1
               L E'I'TERS          ·1  lb G ozl to all <lest inalioos   l
               PmsTED P .\P£115    6! lb to all destina tions.          ~
               SMALL  PACKETS      2  lb.                               ]
               COlJI.IEilCIAL P.oi.PERS   Bri!·ish Commonwealth •   5 lh.  I
                                    Other Countries              .J  tu c oz . .
                                       (Sec separate entries, pages 53 to 101).   c
                                    Briti$h Commonwealth•        5 lu.   t
                                    Other Countries               L lb 2 oz. I
                                       (See separate entries, paged 53 to 101.   1
               Exceptionally, a  printed volume for any dcslination abroad may weigh as much as 11 fi
               P.\RCEL  Pos•· PAilC£1-'l   I L lb or 22 lb see individual entries on page~ 53  to 101.0
               Ill.  LIMITS OF SIZE
               LE'I'TERS,  PRINTED  PAPERS,  Co~nJEilCI.\L P.<PERS,  "13ttso  Lrnon.nunF:  ·
                  To British  (',ommonwcnllh'  : 2 feet in length  by IS in.  in width  or depth.
                  To Other CounLies in the Postnl Union 3 feet in length, breath and depth combiu~
                  but greatest dimension may not exceed 2 feet.         .,
                  To all  destinations if in roll form; ;~  feet :1  in.  in  length  anrl  twirc rliameter, br
                  greatest d imension  may not exceed 2  ft. 8  in.
                  •:-:>-...:; footnO)tc on p:J.g·3  31.
   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56