Page 65 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 65

66                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE
     Lett er:                                                   ~
      Pll,,!uJe-- First oz. 5<1., each oz. oftrr, ~d.   Postcard~ :3d.
      DullfiLie  il rlichs  lllliY  be 9t'nt hy sm:.ll  puck et  J..O~t  (ouly~ .  ClrN'll  label  requi
      Limit' <~! t£dghi-C.Jmmercial papet s 4 lb fi oz., samt,lel!  1 lb  2 oz.
      ru . .JO<ji.-\Jp to 2 lb, 4!1, 3 lb, 5'1; 7 lb, 6;2; 11 lb, 8'1i; 22 lb,  14,8.
      Cu'i!t)ms dPC!illatioll~- I white formtllld ,liEpalcl•  uote.
      i'v& 1 tl!}o- First oz.  2itl., each oz. :lfler,  Id.  Pnstcnrd9  2cl.
      IJu/w!Jle Arti.:l•..s  mhy ht sent by letter auJ small )Jill.:keL post.  Greeu l:1bel  rf'qu·
      1 n.<.mlllc~- Lit nil  £.J()U.
      Limit a of •~~-iuht- Commercisl  papeta and samples 5  lb.
      l'·>~lw;c-TJp to 2 lb, 4/10: 3 lb, ·1!10; 7 lb, 9/2;  11  lb,  14/3;  22  lb,  25/8.
      Cu& 1 t>l/ll  dccluruliun- \cllow f,1rm.             •
      1 tos••r u~.:o- Limtl  £·Hlll.  f ('e !l!,l.  e:wh  £12 nf va•ue.   l
      J•ruluhill~us- L.·Ucrs.  plAnts,  dyl~ Jll)t  ol  13riti~•·  \lrigin  'lhbncro,  rignrs,  ci!.<:lreltj
    Jlllt cx~'t.Y.,Jing 11 lb.  in  weight  nnd  ...:lmplc:!  of  ~pirit:~  n\lt  c.xcet.-tlin~  one  pint
    adnllllt:d  provitl~l tuey art not puckcll w1t h other ~;oot1:1.
      Pnsla:JP-First oz. SJ., f':lch oz. nftrr 3tl.  Postcl!ds :!cl.
      Dulicri.Je  Articies  m:ty !Je  sent  uy letter  post  (only).  Green  label r('quir(.'(!.
      / rrA:rrnnce- Limit  £400.
      Limits of rueiylit-Cvncmerciul papcrH ·I lb 6 uz., sumplcs 1 Jb 2 oz.
      p,,~tage- (Tp to 2 lb, 5.'1; 3 lb,  7/.J; 7  lb, 8 ;3;  11  lb,  10'9; 22  lb,  18/2.
      Cu31nm  dctdarali•IIIS- J white form  lllltl dispall'h  nolc.   r
      l rr•rcrtllll:e- Limi~ £ 101).  Fte Rd.  f,lr  mch  £12 of value.   '
      Pnr!.tWiuru- "U.!UeriJ,  bli imports cXcc!pt by pern,is.iun of the  HnniEh  L!cence oJa
       Pu~lu~e- First ut. fid,, e:rch  oz. after, 3d.  Postc.nrds 3d.
      V•rlrn/.le A rt.cle.1 111uv  l)c sent uy lt•ltcr and smolt packrt post.  GrflCn label requ·
     fur  lt•ner~. and  ~,:ret>n ·lubcl  and  I  11hitc  doclarauon  fo1 :lm311  packet:!  in  French.
       lr.•u·aMe- Umrt £265.
     l'ritotL-d  mutter,  t·sp!:l'lurly books,  is  linblo to Custvn•~ duty.
     P arcels:
      Posla(Je- Up to 2 lb,  1 1/1; 3 lb, 5 1; 7 lb, 13'2; 11  lb, 8/!l; 22  lb,  H/8.
       Customs  d<o.IJra/ror~o'- I  11hite  form  uud  dispatch  note.;.
       Prol.i/.ili;;n- Ll'ltcr,, tobacco es5cnce,  and nil J;OOlls  whicb  do not comply 11itb ill'
     f)-(·nch  ~.lerchanolisc 1\ htrk~ Act.   Gr t"T parcels !ll'c liulolc 1.-1  Cu~l\.ms cl•uy, but f .rr.l.
     gift  pnrrel&  ~He admitt<;d  free  providl!{l  lhcy c\lntnin <Hr!y  food  comm;HI!t!cs,  or  i10U!I
     hold  t:;ooda  and/or  ll:.I'CI  clnthing;  they  hcllr  tile  words  C'nlis  /tm.i.ial  ural111l;  :rnd If
     Sl.utrmciiL  (a)  that  the parc:el IS  1111  llbSOIUt('i,V  fl'CU  f!ift;  (b)  the  rJcgt'(lCJ  Of l'o:flldOll~
     rurd  if not a relative, lht: renson lor acmiin~ the parcel.   r.
       l'·•&tage- First  o:.~.  15cl.,  each oz. after,  3d.  Postrorda 3d.
       flutrabl• tl rllrl" m:lY he Sf'nt by lctUll' and sample ('O~t.  Green laLel and one  wh'
     declar!\tion  required.  (Freucl1).
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