Page 32 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 32

           o(\r the aover or a pll.Cket; a nd if the packet is lied round with striug or tape, a seal must be
            placed on the ends where they tied.  In the case oi long envelopes with a seam down
           in the centre, the seam should be secured with seals placed not more than three inches
            apart.  All  t he seals must  be ot  the same kind  of wa:-c,  and must bear  distinct  impres-
           -sions  of  the  same  private  device.  Coins  not be  u:.ed for .sealing; and
            the device  of the seal mus~ not consist merely of straight, crossed or curved lint'S which
            ct\o  be  imitated  readily.  On  no  account must a  letter be accepted
            for Jn suranc& which does  not bear a  seal  with a  distinctive
            prlvat& device.
             The onus o! properly enclosing and sealing  the letter  lies  upon  the sender, and  the
            Post Office does not a~ume liability for  Ios~ arising from the defects of the OOI'er or the
            seals, which  may not. be ob~erved at tlte tirue of posting.
             The amount for which a  letter is insured musl  not exceed ita actual value, and  must
            be written by the stmder both iu words and in figures s.C the t.op of the addt·ess sidf. or the
            ~over,  thus -"InsUred !or £1:!  ('l'wclve l>oun&)'' or whateve~ the amouut m~y lie.
              Alteration or erasure  of t.he inscription  will  not be a llowed, if a  mist.ake  be made the
            .... ntry must  be  completely struck  out and  a  ne"  entry 111ade by  the set1der.  'fhe eeals
            ().11 an ordinary envelope or an irto;ured letter must be plac"c.l as slwwn below:-

             w Letters whlcb do  noL rulfil the foregoing conditions will not be accepted for insurl\nce.
              Indured letters will have all the safegunl'(ls  of the registration system, and a certificate
            nf posting must always be obtained by the ;;ender of an iusured letter.  An  acknr.wledg-
            ment of receipt or the delivery ruo.y also be obtained under the same conditions as those
            11ppliMble to registered letters, i.e., on payment of a further fee of Zd.
              Compensation fo:r  the loss or daiiL!IIl;t:'  in  the post of au insured letter,  or it.s content<>
            wiU  not e.:teeed  the amount of the actual loss or dama;e, and will not be paid at all for a
            packet contn.inio.g any prohibited artiole, fiJr any pacKet which has been delivered with
            out external trace of injury and has been accepted without remark, or for dama.2e caused
            by the fault or  negligence or  the sender or arising  f1otn  the  nature of  the article;  nor
            does it follow as a  matter of (lourse that oompensatior. will be paid wben  lo1!S a rises from
            tempest, shipwreck,  earthquake,  war, or other causes beyond control.  Indirect loss or
            losa of profits is not taken into consideration.  No compensation will be psJrl f•>r any loss
            or damage resulting from acts of the Kio.g's enemies.  No claim for compensation will be
            admitted if made more than a year after the packet was posted.  The sender of a  parcel
            may waive hi!!  claim  in favour of the addressee.
              Legal liability  to give compensation in  respect of  any  le1.ter  for  which an  insurance
            !ee has been paid will  not attach to the Postmaster for Jamaica either  personally,  or in
            bis offioial capacity.  The final decision upon all questions of comperu;ation rests  with the
            postal administration of the country in which the loss has taken place.
                                     PAI.KEL P05T.
              A Parool Post e.xchange ensts between Jawaica and  tbe uountries a.e:ainst which parcel
            post rates o! postage are shown in cols.  6  to 13,  pages 39 to 46,  Parcel post  business is
            transacted at all Poet Offices.
              The parcel mail for the United Kingdom and Irish Free State, United States of  o\meriM,
            Bermuda  Canal  Zone,  Canada,  Costa.  Rica,  Honduras,  Panama,  British West India
            Ts lands  (via  'l'rinidad  and  Barbados)  and t.he Bahama Ce.yman  and Turks Islands is
            forwarded by each available direCt opportunity.
              The parcel  mail for Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela is forwarded  via Panama.
              P!.lroels for the majority of other countries are forwarded  via  the United Kingdom.
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