Page 35 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 35

SPECIAL  REGULATIONS,                  33
      the satisfaction of the chief officer provided in every that tho identity or the article
      is established to the satisfaction of the chief officer.
        3. The parcel  poat being in  the m~jority of oases the medium  through which Mtic:Jes
      are returned to the island, Colleotora at out ports must fut·nish to the Oolleotor or Ouatoma
      at Kin~~:aton o.  list of articles sent away to be returned as well  as the description of any
      articles which  have undergone examination  before being sent away in order thAt aucb
      description may be recorded in a regiater kept at the Post Office with a.  view to t.he iden-
      tification and admission duty free, or on payment of fbe duty on the oost of repairs, etc
      if any, on their return to this island.                        '
                               llefund of Duty.
        Goods,  wares a.nd  merchandise upon which any duty under Law 4 of 1925, shall have
      !Jeen  paid  on its beio,~ proved to the satisfaction of the proper officer of Customs that
      a mistake has been  rnads au1l that such goods are not the goods ordered by the importer
      and  that ;ruoh goods have been returned  to the exporter, if  d11l.y  exported within three
      months of  their first.  importation, shoJI  receive a  drawback  of  the  full  duties  paid on
       importation.  Applicatiou  for refund of  duvy should  be made on  the form provided for
       the purpose. whicu may be bad from t.he Postmaster or Collector.
        Applications for refund of duty muat be accompanied by that portion of the cover which
       bears the address, the duty label and the declaration.
                    5pecial  llegulation3:-1, United l<ingdom.
        A.-Ca.8fl  llfl  Dvl111~V Sy81em.  A Cash on  Delivery S~tem of parcels is in  existence
       between  this  Colony  and  the  U niteU  Kingdom.
        Parcels up to the ,.oJue o( £40 each may  be sP.nt either way, b.nd the value col!e()ted from
       the addressee,  and  remitted  to  the sender.
        In addition  to  the 6d.  Custo[US clearance fee,  a further service fee of 3d. is  collected
       on each C. 0. D. parcel.
        A  Cash on Delivery parcel  may only be retained at  the office  ol destination lor 15 days
       from the date of arrival, after which  ii unclainled it is forthwith  returned  to  ocigin,
       This fact  is emphasized  because certain  firms abroad  represent that C.O.D.  parcels are
       retained ior a  longer period before being returned.  Requests for longer dt:tent.ions will
       not be eutertl.l.ined, nor will  part payment be accepter! from  the addreesee;  the  full  amount
       oi duty, charges, and all other fees must be remitted to the head office before the
       parcel ca.n be forwarded.
         B.-Prepayment nf  C'~Utlml$  Dutw and  ot/IAI·  charg&J  on  Parcels  Post  Par~l8 to  U1a
       Un~ted K\11{Jdlim.  PersoDB  sending  parcels  to  the  United  Ringdorn  and other
       countries,  may if  they so desire, take upon th.eroselves  the prepayment of the Customs
       duty and other charges which in ordinary cases are leviable on the addressee.  The sender
       will be told at the time of posting what the appro:timate amount of these charges will be
       and a  deposit will  be  taken  of the estinlated amount.  A settlement will  subsequently
       be made when  a statement. of the total amount of the charges has been  received from
       the British Post Office.  The following are the conditions:-
         Parcels  to  be  sent under this arrangement  must be  handed iu at the  Parcels  Post
       Branch at Kingston, or at any district post office.
         The cover must be marked by the sender "To be delivered free or charge."
        Tbe sender mnst fill up and sign a format underta.kiug to  pay on demand the amount
       of the charges due.  Forms for tlus declaration may be had on applica~ion to the Parcels
       Poat Branch at Kingston.
         Parcels for free delivery will only be accepted from persons whose s-ettled residence  is in
       Jamaica.  II the  sender is  residing  only  t.emporllrily  in Jamaica  a  parcel  CIIJlllot  be
       accepted for  delivery free of charge.
         A fee of  ls. per  parcel is charged for the cost of  the service  in addition to the  postage
       and deposit for duty.  This fee must be paid by a stamp or stamps affixed by the  sender
       to his form  of  undertaking in the place indicated.  rr the parcel prove duty-free in  the
       United Kingdom the sum of 6d. will be refunded to the sender.
         The sendermust make such deposit on account of the charges for whieb  he desires to
       provide  as  the clerk in charge  of  the  PIU'<lel  Post Branch  at Kingston  or the district
       postmaster may, in each case, decide.  This deposit will. for the present, be the amount
       of the estimated duty and must be paid by stamps affixed to the form  of undertaking in
       the place indicated.
         One form  of  undertaking will  suffice for  two or three  (but not  more)  parcels  posted
       together by the same sender to the same addressee.  In such cases the fee will be ls. ro r
       eaoh  parcel.
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