Page 40 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 40

38                      POST  OFFICE  GUIDE,
            The  importation  of  the  following  articles  is  subject  to  special  restrictions:-arms ~
          cereals; cotton, cotton seed and products of cotton seed (except oil) plllllts, parts of plants,
          bulbs  etc.;  potatoes; "ground provisions, "  such as yams,  "coco"
          (11ct cllocola.te cocoa); sealskin fn  any fo1·ru;  sug"r-ClWe;  unprepared fruit and vegetables;.
          virus, seruma 1  toxins and analogous produuts.
            For further details, consult latest. edition of the London Postal Guide.
                            ·.Special  Prohibition~ (Import)•
            Cnless p1•evious w·ritten permission has been obtaii.led from  tl1e Director of Agricultur~
          of Jamaica, it is prohibited Lo  impo~t into Jamaica by parcel-post mail  the following:-
            Bees, honey. and mat,erial  u~ed by bee raisers; boots used  pteviou~ly by  w<.rkme11  on
           banllliu plantations; cotLon and ull parta of the cotto11  piiUlt; ult plunts atJd  varieties or
           gossypium; and all other plants or>lglnatlng In any  country  other
           than the United Kingdom.
            The  followiug  articles  are  ab;olutely  prohibited:-(;(Jffee;  rum;  shaving  brushes
           mnnufa~t.ured in EW!tllrn countries, ss well as thoEe export eel  rrum thoel! countries; citrus
            lt is a lso prohibited  to import  Tuberoculozyne  or  any  other  alleged
           cure for> consumption, unl~ under lict:Jnse grantHI by the Governor l\lld subject
           to the conditions or sueh license.
                        TABLE  OF nATES  OF  POSTAGE,  ETC.
                               Ratu  of  PnstagtJ  /l'Om  J nmlliw.
             Letters- A= !!d. for the lll'stoz. 1.1Ud ld. for  eaoh addltional  oz.;  and  B=~!d. for  the
           first or..,  and lJd. for each  additionnl oz.  ar.cording  to  dest,inat,ion  (aee  eeparate  et1tries
           in Table  following,  column  2).
            LeUer8 for H.M. ShipHf War an4 B.M. Troopa  servir~g abruad,  irres-pective  oJ  addre1111,  !d.
          per oz.
           Post Cards-Single,  ld. each; Reply paid,  2d. each.
           Printed Papers-!tf. per 2oz.
           Commercial Papers-2~d.  for 61-st 10 oz. and  td. per 2 oz. thereafwr.
           Samples-hi. for  first 4 or.:. and !d. per 2 oz. thereafter.
           Registration Fee-2d.  for  all  articles.
           Advice of Oelivery-2d.  (Cor  registered  articles  ooly).
           Insurance  Fee  (LeUttr&  <>nly)-5d. for e~ry £12  of  value  in  addil'i1m  to  the  postage  and'
          registration fu9
                                Limit<~  o)  Size  a111l  Weight.
             Lcltcr~r-Letters, or articles paid at t.he letter rar,e or postage, mAy uot exceed 18 tn(•hes
           in any one direction.  A letter in the !orm of a  roll may mea.<~ure 30 inuhes fn  length  by
           1 inches iu diameter.  Letters to the British Empire may  measure 2 ft.  by 18 ins.
           Limit  oJ  u'eiuht le (Ill  cou?llries =4lbs. 6 os.
             Po8l  Co.rd8---Ma:dmum size 5i ins. by 4~ ins., minimum size 4 ins. by 2-l  ins.
             Prinl.eiJ and Commercial Paper~r-Li.mite of size for packages  of printed aud commercial
           papers are the same as for letters. (J) Limits of weight ate shown in Table, col. 4 lllld 5.
             Stl!ll):lltls-Paakets of sa.mples may not exceed 18 inches in length, 8 fn  width and 4  in
           depth,  in form  of  a roll, for  which  the limits are 18 inches in length and 6 inches
           in diameter.  Samples for t11e  British  Empire may me~UJure ~ feet by  I  foot.   Limi~.:<  of
           weight are Hhown in Table, col. 4 and 5.
             Parccla--Pa.rcels ma'j not e.xceed  3~ feet  for  length,  breath  or  depth and silt feet  lor
           length 8Dd girth combined.  Limit uf Weight= 11  lbs. or 22 lbs. as noted in  col.  l (J  and
           11  of table.
             "Blind Lil4rat·urt"-Pnckets con~aining papers impressed i<Jr  the use of the blind sent
           to any place abroad are accepted up to a ma.ximum weight of 61bs. 9 oz.  The prepaid rat~
           of  postage  on such  packets  is:-
             Up to 2lbs. 3 oz. =!d.  Up to 4 lbs. 6 oz.= Id.  Up to 6 lbl!, 9 o~.= lid.
             ID all other respects lhe regulat.ious as regards printed papers apply.
             (1)  The maximum weight o£ packages of printed papers is abown agamst each country
           in column 4 of Table.  Single volumes of printed books sent separately to Bt4Y  destinatiol).
           may, however, weigh 1\S  much as 6 lbe. 9oz.
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