Page 37 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 37

SPECIAL  ;REGULATIONS.                  3.;
        All  parcel post  parcels  addressed  to  t4e  United Kingdom  or  other places  t.o  which
      the insurance  system ext.ends,  obtaining  ;:.tJcles  ol  jewellery.  watches.  bullion  or  other
      articles of gold  or silver. must be insut·ed  a~o ... ~an not otherwise  be forwarded to  destination.
        Rules in respeet of oompenss.tioo for  insured letldra apply genere.lly to  insured pa.roou
        D.-<::ompen.~<Uion for los.~ or dmnage of Olo1U;scrll.Eo 7Jal·ce/.s betwee11  the  U11ited  8:i'r1!1do1n
      ami .Tamaica.  The Po:~trun.ster for Jamaica will (not in consequence or s.ny legal liability
      but voluntarily, and as an act of grace) give oompensa~ion ror the lo~s or de.mago of t+tlin~
      sttrcd parcels sent by parcel post between the United Kingdom  tUld  Jamaica., when such
      loss or da.mage takes place while the ps.rcels arc~ in his ouf!~ody, a ne! does not s.rise frorn u.ny
      fault or neglect of the senders or from  the ns.ture of the content~~.
        The compeose.tion paid will in no C9$e  exceeu £1.
        The compensation payable will be in a()cordance with the ge~ers.l regulations as regards
      ln~ured parr.els {see above), ao fo.t• 11s  th&~ are applic11blt.
        E.-Undelivered  Parcel$.  Undelivered parcels orir,oins.ting in the Unit,ed  Kingdom are
      ~emrned ~o the senders~~~ their e.~peu!!e lW Iess the sender ha~ indicated by a  n<)te  on the
      pn.ruel  that he wishes it r.o  be obatV/o11erl in  r.ase or non delivery.  Tile sender  may also
      direot  the.t a.  parcel, i£  uadeliverable a.t  the !irst address,  ma.y  be delivered at a.  second
      address.  If not. delivered at the second address parcels will be dealt with as above stated.
      They are held for  lfi dAys for each addreSIJ  hefol'e beillg disposed of.
                !I.-United .Stc:~te.s of America a no the Canal Lone,
      -The following are the special regulatioDS which govern t.he e'lt'Change of parcehi:-
        Letters, post cards &nd written of tbe u&tllte  or personal correspondence mu8t
      not be enoloseu in a  parcel.
        Ir such be found  tbe will be placed in  mails, if sepiU'able; and, it the letter be
      Inseparably attached, the whole paekagll will  bo t'ejtlo.:tecl.  U, however, auy such should
      ln! be forwarde-d, the c•luutry u( destination wiU  oollcot double rate of postage
      a.coordiD.!l:  to the Postal  Union Convention.
        A  pa.rcelllllloy  not cot1ll.\iu t\ny otber parc11l  iuteod~ for  delivery at an uddrlllls other
      ~hall that borne by the pa.rceJ itself.  If 811Ch enol()secJ parcel be Utltect,etl it m,ugt be sent
      forward sit~gly, chn.rl(ed with uew and distinct pared post rates.
      '  Each  parcel  musr.  be so  wmpped  or enclo8ed as w  permit  its oontents  to  he  eiiSily
      ex:unined by any Postmaster or Cust.oms Officer whose duty it may be to do i!O; aud e~~.oh
      parcel will be subject in the country of tlestination to all Clli!t.o rlls duties and all Cuat.oroa
      regulations in force in that r.ountry for t.he  proteotion of ita Cust.ont~ revenue .
        .  \  parcel for United States and Cane.! Zone may be rcgi.atered on like conditions t.o th<Jse
       that. govern the r~iBtration or other corresponden.ce; sod on  payment or the swn of two
       pence additloMl to the first charge, the ~ender eau obtain a receipt for such parcel from the
       !l.cidreasee, but parcels for the Unitetl States anrl the Canal Zone may 'lint be i~1mJd.
        l'arcels  must. be  so ca.refuUy  packed as to be sa.Jely tra.aemi tt.erl  in  the mails of  either
       country, IJoth in goin~ t.o  t.he Post Office of e-;chax~ge of the country of origin, as well aa
       to the office nf addtf'.ss or the uountry of deslina.r.ion.  Parcels ma.y  be sealed or rasteoed
       by means of nails and screws.
        The coulll.ry ot destination  ma.y,  at.  it5 option,  levy aud collect from  the  Addressee.
       for inland ilervice and demrm·y, a charge not e~ceeding twopence half pen,.y (or .five cents)
      <>n  each single parcel or not more than one pound weight; and, if the weight exceed one
       pound, a  oharge equal  to one hAlf penny (or one cent) for ea.oh four ounces or fraction
        II more tha.n one parool is sent &t one t.ime to one addressee, the sender should number
       the ps.rcel.s ooueeuutiVA!y and should indicute on oaob parcel the number of parcels forming
       the consignment,  For instance, if the consil(l1m.ent consists of three parcels, the parcels
       should be numbered "1/3," "2/3," "3/3,'' respectively.  If tb.el alue ofthegoods (e.tclu-
       sive of  paper;; suob as st.ock:s, bonds, etc., of no commercial value)  contained in a  parcel
       or in severe.! parcels sent at the time by one sender  to ehe same addr~ exceeds
       lOO  dollars, an invoice certified  by a  United States Canaul should be furnished.  This
       invocie should be enclosed in the relative parcel,  the Cust.o013 Declaration being noted
       "Consular Invoice enclosed."  When the ConsulAr Invoice reL.'I.tes  t.o  more parcels than
       one, it should be enclosed in parcel No. 1,  the Customs Declarat,ion being noted acaord-
       iw~ly.  The Customs Declarations or covers of the remaininlli parcels should be marked
       "Consular ln17oice in parcel No. 1."  U thu sender prefers, however, the Conaul:\r Invoice
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