Page 34 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 34

32                     POS'l'  0.5'FICE  GUIDE.

             Parcels redirected from one country to another wiU be olu~rged a fresh  postage at the
            rl\te payable to the country of destination.
              Parcels should be SBClUely and 8V.bBta11tially packed with due rej!ard to length of journey.
            conditions  or tranait, climtotic conditions, &c.;  e.(J.,  c!}rdboanl or ordinary  brown  paper
            ~ not in general sullicient  packing  for  parcels  sent.  to  places  abroad.  Light  and
            bulky articles shou Id  be  paolced  in  stron~r  wooden  csses.  In some cases seals may
            be found necessary; if wax is  used it should be 'or  the  special  f(UllliW which will  ~vith-
            11tand a  hot climate.  Parcels to U.S.A.  n,ay  •10~ be a>ealed.
             Parcels containing coin, nnythin~ made or ~told or silver or other precious Mtiole cannot
            be forwarded to a country participating iu the insurance scheme except thn parcel ;8 i11sured.
             Parcels containing articles of an agaregat.e value exceed in~ £50 will not be ar.cepted for
            transmi$iO[l.  This does uut apply to insured parcels (for the limit of the value of wbicb
            see pages 39 to 45,  col.  6).
              Parcels received at .Tan~ai1!a frow  plnces over sea. ..are, in terms or the Post  Office Law,
            !it of 1!108,  opened at the Heail Offi0e, Ri111tston, for  l.he purpose  of  assessin1;  the  duty
            on  the  conhln ts.
             Parcels are  deli1•erf'.d  in  Kim::!lton  if  addressed  to  a  place  wit/till  the  house  delivery
            limit bS let"tet';  il beyond such limit, at  the Paroel l'ost Officej  in  the cotwtry
            across the Post Office counter.
              The aruount of duty Maessed on any !iUch parcel must be paid before delivery, or before
            the delivery of the parcel from  the oust.ody of the  Post Office.
              All complaints to Customs duty 011  parcels should be addressed to the Collec
            or of C';uatoru.s,  Kingston, as the Post Oflice brJ.S  no control in the matter of duty.
                                    Custom~  Dutic:..$.
              An  arl vnlorem  duty is le\•ied on the majority  of articles imported intt'l  the island by
            the medium ot t.he  parcel post.  The general rate of  ad  valonm duty is 20o/o,  and the
            preferential rate is 15%.  The preference of 15% is given  to goods which are the produce
            o.nd  manufacture  of  t.he  following' countries of  the  British  Empire:  United Kingdom,
            Bahamas,  Barbados,  Ul'itish  Guiana,  Canada,  Cyprua, Caicos, and  Cayma.n  Islands,
            Fiji, Grenada, Tri$b Free Rtn.te,  I.e~"a.rd Islnnds, Newfoundland, New Zealand, Rt,.  Lucia,
            St. Vincetlt, Trinidad and Turks Tsland.
              Goods imported  from  the above named  Olountries must be accompanied by a certificate
            of origin 1\nll  of British  manufacture. in order to secure t.he  preferential rate of duty.  If
            desired, the certificate may be enclosed in  t.he parcel. &nd  a  note to this effect made on
            the CIDitoms declamtion.  It must be ditilinctly understood that goods wailed by parcel
            post in any of  above nan1ed countries,  whiuh ore not accompanied b;· the necessary
            certificate  of  3ritiab  manufaoture,  will  he assessed  at  the groeral (20ofo) and  not  the-
             preferential rate ( l5o{o)  of duty.
              In addition  to  thls  tariff there is a specific or  rated  tariff  whiob  is levied  on certain
             articles, and also a  list on wbir.b no duty is collected  If the  goods  are  from  the  countrie~
             named  above and on which 5% duty is  levied if otber'Wise;  aud  an  unreserved  free  list
             For further information concerning rated, partially free, and wholly free  art.ioles reference
             should be made to o schedule or Customs Tariffs.
                               Duty Payable on  Qepai rs, Etc.
              Article of  any description  may be sent  awa.y  from  I he  island  and  re admitted  on
             pn.yment of the duty on the oost, if a.ny, of rl'pairs, dy11in.: or nleaning,  or other alteration
            Of adjustment,  on  the following  condition~ being complioo  witl1.
              1.  The exporter shall furnish the ohief officer of Cuatorna with notioe, &nd wi~b a  6Ufli-
             cieot deooription in writinl( of  the articles it is intended  to send away, and  if the  chie:
             offi(!er  of  Customs shall  tbinlc  it elCpedient,  Lhe  arliele shall  then be  inspected  by and
             shipp«l under tbe supervision of the proper officer of Customs.
              2.  On return of the article so exported, or on the return of an article not so exported.
             but in re.speot of which it 9hall be establishoo to satisfaotion of the chief offil'er that it.
             1e an article which had been exported from this island, such article may be delivered upon
             the passing of the necessary entries, and  payJr..ent  of duty, on  the cost of repair, etc.,
             if any, which must be verified  by  the production of JUJ  account or in some other way to
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