Page 29 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 29

CLASSIFIOA'l'lON  OF  MAIL.              27
                          CLAS5lf'ICATION  Of' MAI L.
          Oversea.  correspondence is divided into the following clMses:-
         (a)  Letters  (b)  Post-cards,  (c)  Printed  Papers.  (d) Commercial  Papers.  (e)  San1ples.
       (I) Parcel-Post Parcels.
         Fot the Rates of Postage on all classes of mail  matter, limits of  wtlight  and size,  etc.
       see Table, p  38.
         (a)  Letters  posted  wholly  unpaid  or  iusufficiently  prepaid  an~ forwarded,  but  at•'
        Clharged on deli\·ery with double the deficiency.
         Unpaid  anti prepaid letter&  from  plac&>  abt'o.W  are  charged  double  t.lae
       deficient po~e.
         Letters or packagca paid ar.  the letter rate of postAge  received from  abroad ~uspected.
        to  contain  articles  liable  to  cttstorus  duty are  detainvd  undt:r  autbority  ol  the  PoSl at
        Union Conveutiou peruliug inquiry and the payment by 1 he addressee of any duty leviable.
         (b) Post Cards:  See  lnland  Regulations,  p.  5.
         (c) td)  Printed  and  Commercial  Papers:  l·or de1io.ition  uf,  aotJ  rules  governin_g  these,
        see Inland Regulation~ pp. li and 7. (1)
         (e) Samples:  The  Uhe or  r.he Sample Pos~ is restricted  tO  (1)  bona fide  samples
        or  patterns of metcl111m.lise  '' ithout saleable value,  and  (2)  natural  history speciroeus
        dried or preserved animals and plants, geological specimens, and scient ifio specimens gene-,  keys, fresh 6owers,  tubes of serum  and patbolo~ical spt!cimens rendered inoeuous
        by theu· mode of preparation and paokiug,  wheu sem for  uo  clll1lll~cial purpose, and
        printers' blool~ '''ben not !or sA.!e  or in eJ.ecutiou of an order.  l'ac.keis containing  goods
        lor sale or oousigo~r\ in execution of an order (however 8Wall the quantity) or ll1'1iclcs srnl
        b1/  one  pri.vale irtdi1>idu.«l  Ill anothm·  wl!ich  fl)'D  1101  actually tradt  sampfes  or  pattem.s  or
        scientific specirueus, etc., ca.nnut be forwarded  by san\p.le pvst.   i'uch pa.r.kets  must be
        sent  by parcel post., or be p1·epaitJ at the leu,,· rate of postage.
         It is recommended  that every sample should be marked "Sampl-not for sale, ''  o:r
        otherwise defaced in such a  way s.s  to tender the article ulll!llleable  in the ordinary WI\Y
        of trading.
         Packages of printed and  commercial papers and stl.tnples must be fully  prepared:  v
        1101 /tdly pait.l  th~ will TWI  be /07"W«1'dJid.
         Spacial regulai!Ums  as  to  certain  m·tic!u.-'rhough under the regulations oi the Postal
        Union orticles liable to  Cuslon~a tt·uty may only be seut by  ~be parcel  post or letter mail,
        this rule is relaxed for  S!lmples  in  certain  countries.  [n  some  inmnces  samples  liable
        to Custoni.S duty are delivered eitLer free <U oo. payruent of the duty, but in others t.hey m&y
        be withheld {r()fll  delivery.  Samples  of  IC(I  exceeding eight  OWl<:es  i.t1  gross weight are
        not in any accepted for  transmission abroad; and some counLries  have fixed  a st.iH
        lower fuuit  both for  tea and for  certain other articles.  San.lples liable to Customs duty
        are ordinarily admitted into the United Kiugdon1 wbeu sent in quantities so small as to
        have practico.lly no saleable value; but the importation or tnba.coo, ciytms, cirJareUts, &o., by
        sample past is prohibited, with t.he sole exception of packets of type samples o! UJJmanu-
        factured tobacco not exceeding six oUJJces in !:.'TOSS weight,, which are delivered on payment
        or 2s.  9d. Custoros t.luty .
         .SamplOIS  o;  Spirit~ (except  perfwned spirits)  may  be  sent  to  the  United  Kiogd()m
        provided t.hat the samples are plainly marked "Spiri/8 (not perfumed)."  Each packet is
        liable to a charge of 3s. 6d. CUstoms duty.  Samples or wl11t' are admitted tree of Custom
        charges.  The ~\TOSS weight of  aey sample packet containing wine or  spirita must  not
        exceed 12 ounces.
         Sampu11  oj  T6a  rnay be seo.t  (o Great Britain in packages each not exceeding 8 ounces
        gross weight., and if  distinctly marked  "Tea,''  will  be  delivered on  paymeut  of dut.y,
        as follows:-
          (i)  If the weight. of  tht~ sample is under 3 ounces gross or 1 oUJJce net  - Froo ot duty.
         (ii)  If the gross weight of  ~he sample is a ounces or  more: but does  - A. flat rate of
              not exceed S ouoco!!                         ld. per pacltage.
          A !lY  liquid,  ~Fil or  ll'!lbalam;6  which easily liquefies must be enqlosed in a  gliiBS  bottlE~"
        hermeticall,y sell.led;  and the bottle must be placed in a special box of metal, wood or of
        strou.g  curru~ated cardboard containing s&\~dust, cottou, or spongy materia.! in sufficient
        que.ntity to ab.~orb the liquid if the bottle becomes brol<en.  'l'he box itself, if it is of thin
        wood, ruust be enclosed in a  second case of metal,  of wood with a  lid screwed down, of
        strong corrugated cnrdboo.rd  or of stout thick leather.
          {1)  The inla.od rate of postage uu "printed" and "commercial" papers is the same, but
        the  O!IIJ1'8~a  rate  on  "conunru•cial"  papers  differs  from  the  inland  rate, see  p.  38.  Tha
        differences between  the two classes of mail should be carefully noted for  that reason.
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