Page 31 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 31

REG:lSTIU.TlON 1  ETC.                2Q.
      r l)  and other precious articles may only be sent by registered mail prepaid at the  lettor rate
      or postage.  (2)  (This applies to i11tand as well as to foreign and overseas 1onil.)
                         'legi.stratioll  (  (3)
        If it is proved  LO  his satisfaction tbat a kUer Ol'  pack6t duly adm·iltetllo r~gi1lrat~n M.a
      btten entirel.!! «Mt whwal \n hi.S  c!Ultody  the Postruasr.e.r undertakes to  pay an sndl:'l)ltllly uJ
      :,Ojtat<IJ8 1  e:..cept in cases beyond control (f.g.,  tempeet, shipwreok, earthquake IU1d war).
      ?{o  compett.lintwn, however. is  payable ncllpt u~ I he  0<11111  of the  loas  nj  th.,  rrlll1'6  lotl6r  or
      packet: anclno alalm  un.lll1e admllUd if tnade nwrl! tJr«Y!  117/€41'  t~jt~'t' 1/IR /.elltJr m·  packet Wll8
        T~ Pnstal Admillistratiou  of  all  oountrics tilld  colonies incluiled iu  the  Postal  Union
      vive the same undertakio~ iu respect  of registered Jetl,ers or packets lost whilst in their
       Il it is desired  to obtliiu c;,mptmaaliml in the case of etb4/racti.on o}  <'tmteu.t,q  of~ leLtar, or
      t<)  provicl11 for a  hkber maYirnum  than 50 francs,  reuourse must be ha<.!  t.o  t,he  Jn..rurance
      I!/&L8tll.  See  '' ~11rance" belo"'
       The {ee charg!lable for  regist,rot,iou  to  places abroad is 2d.
        Conditions of &gistJ•atiorl.-No postal  packet addJ't>SSed  to  ioWals or in  pencil (except
      copying ink  pencil,l  as  atlitaitted  to registration.
       Every letter preseutf:d ior  r~istrat.ion  must be enclosed in a  envelope seourel,y
      rastened, preferably in Otae  of  the n'bolBtl'al•on  envelopes sold  by the Post Office.
        It is rcomm.eoded that the name llnd address of  the sender be written on the  outside
      of  every  registered  postal packet.
        Registel'ed packet:! rnust be pt·e.paid as regards both postage and r~istrntiou fee.
       Packets to be registered trrust  be given to an officer of the Post Office,  and a  receipt.
      obtained for them; they must on no account oo dropped into a letter box.
        A letter must not be accepted for rt'gistration unless i~ is in pt~rfect o1·d~.  A registared
      letter fastened  with  ~tnJnecl paper can  only  be  accepted if  the sender signs his name
      aoro8ll  the slip of guuuued paper.
       ,Advice of Deliuery.-Tbe sender of registered or insat'ed eorrespontlence addressed to any
      for~n country or British Colo.ny in the Postal  Union, mu.y obtain  an acknowledgment
      o{ its receipt by the addr61!See on pS.lffi\eDt of an elrtra fee of 2d,, in addition  to other  fees.
             w      ln~urance-Over.:sc:as,  (Por  Lettern  onl'JI.)
        A letWI'  for a  place against which a  limit of insured  value is eote1·e'd  in  Col. 3 of the
      Table of Rates on  pages 39 to 45,  clloll  be insured.  Couutrica a.gainat  which  no  entry
      18'e do not participate in the iosutance system.
       Letters teudered for iusurant'e  will be accepted by the Post Office on  payment of the
      ree  and subject to  the conditions stated below:--
       Fee-5d. for every £t2 value ill ad(litio'' ln the poslooe and ra(lisiralilln fi',..
       Ai!i few stamps 1.11!  possible should be U!$ed  to prepay the postage and insurance fee, and
      the etamps 11\Ugt not. be folded over the edge of the cover.  When more stamps than one
      ure used  tbey must be ufti.xed  with spaces between  them_
        A  letter  is  the  only  article of  mail  IU&tter  \l'hiah will .be accepted Cor  insurance;
      pest cards 1  priuted papers,  comU)ercial  papers  or sample pnak~ts will  not be accepted.
        Letters oontai:ning coin,  anything  made of gold  or silvet,  precious atones,  jewellery,
      or any  article liable  to  customs duty  in tl1e country  of destination  OLUlnot  be sent by
      i usured letter post.  Objects of value wbi(lh ca.nnot be sent in insured letlert may generally
      he sent, in insured pm•cels  (see page ~4).
       The Insurance  systen1  is  specially  applicable  t.o  letters  which  contain  bank notes,
      ooupons, securities, bonds and otht>r ciocUllleuts of the J.iod.
        A letter tendered for insuranoce must NO'l' be addressed to initials, or in pencil audit must
      be enclosed in a strong co'ler, and be securely fastened and sen.led with fine  wax in such
      n way that it cannot be opened without leaving traces of violation.  F.nvelopes with black
      or coloured  borders  must not be user!.  Seals must  be placed o'ler each Jlap,  or seam,
        (1)  See definition  of  term "j8'Wellery,"  page 8.
        (2)  The transm.issio11 of coin, precious stones, and jewellery (by rll{li8lerBd letler mail) is
      restrict.ed to  the followi11g  countries: Ascension,  Austria, Australia,  Barbados, Ca.nada,
      C&lll11  Zone,  Cape of  Good Hope,  Cuba,  Czechoslovakia,  Denmark,  FI-ance,  Germany,
      Gibraltar,  Holland,  Hungary,  India,  Malta,  New  Zealand,  Norway,,  South
      Africa  (British),  United  Kingdom,  United  Statea of  America  and Possession  or U.S.
      Bank and currency notea ltlAY,  however,  be sent to any country.
        (3)  Conditions  governing  registration  of  otJ(;t'8etl.8  oorrespondenee  ditier  from  those
      governing inland  correspondence.  Seep. 7.
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