Page 36 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 36

34                    POST  OFFICE  GUIDE.
               The ! are the articles liable to duty under the United Kingdom Tariff which
              are likely eo  be despatched from Jamaica by parcels post, together with the rates of duty,
              (and in the case or tobacco, of certain fines)  thereon.  These rates are 111.d13Bet ro cowrider-
              obls thnnge and should ba read as approx1ma1<1:--
                                                                      £  s.  d.
              Coffee, kiln dried, roasted or ground       per lb.     0  0  2
              Tea           .                              "          0  0  I
              Tobacco, manufllotured, vi~.:
                 Cigars                                    ..         0 12  11!
                 Cigarettes                                           0  10  51
                 Cavendish or Negrohead                               0  9  10
                 Other manufactured tobacco        ..                 0  8  7£
              Tobacco, unmanufactured, containing lOo/o or more of moisture
                 tf stemmed or .stipped    . .     . .    per lb.     0  6
                 lf uastemmed or u.nstripped       • ,     "          0  6   ~~
              Tobacco, unmanufactured containing less t.han 10 ofo of moisture:
                 rr stemmed or stripped    • .     . .     "          0  7  6i
                 I! unstemrned or unstripped               1<         0  7  6i
              Information concerning the duty levied in the United  Kingdom on rum,  wines and other
              spirits can  be obtained from  the Collector General's Department.
                Parcels  will  be accepted in  t,he  United  Kingdom  and  certain  other  countries for
              delivery m Tamaica free  of Cu.stows duty on conditions sirrilar to the foregoing.  Such
              parcels  are  liable  to  examination  on  arrival !or Customs  purposes,  and  all  pains  and
              penalties attaching for  undervaluation or mjsrepresent.ation of  cont.ents or to  prohibited
              goods  will  be  enforced  against  t.he  ~;oods themselves  or  against  the  parties  assuming
              the charge, as may be decided by the proper Authorities.
                c.-ImsttrU.IICr  of Parcel-!!  to  tlw  Umlerl  K1nftOOm  and  cer/IWI  ctlUJr  Ctrntrlr!l;8.  Parcels
              for places a.gtl.inst which a. limit of insured value is entered in col. 8 in  the Tuble of Rates
               wpages 39  to 45  eau  be io.sured.  Countries against which no entry is made do not
              participate in the in.surao.(:e system.  The insura.uce lee is shown ln col.  13.
               Evel'y in.S\lred  parcel  nlust  be packed  carefully 9.Jld  substantially,  with  due regard
              to the nature of the contents and the length of tlle jonrney  and  must be !lealed  with wa:r
              or lead in such a way that it cannot be opened without either brealcing the seal or leaving
              obvious traces of violation.  For• insta!lce, seals must be placed over each  joint and looae
              Bap of the covering of a  parcel; and, if string be used in packing, a seal must be placed
              on the ends of the string- where they are lied.
               All the 5e&ls on an insured patcel  must be of the same kind of wax. or lead and mUBt
              bear distinct impressions of the aame private device.  Coins must not be used for sealing;
              a.nd the device must not consist. merely of straight, crossed, or curve<!  l.ines which Muld
              r84dilv be<l.
               Pl\rcels contain.inp;  Coin  or Bullion  (not to  exceed  £5 in  value,  eKcept  in the c&lle o£
              coins clearly  intended  for  pl.llJXlses  of  ornament),  watches,  Jewellery.  precfous  stones
              or a.ny article of ~~;old or silver must be enclosed in strong boxes or cases, which must be
              sewn  up  or otbenvise  f68tened,  in  wrappers  of linen,  oanVB.S,  strong paper,  o.r  other
              aubstantjal material.  In such o~~~;es the seals must be placed along the edges of each join
              and loose flap at dist.ances not more than three inches apart.  The address of such parcels
              must  be written  on  their actual  uovering.
                If a  parcel  te.ndered !or insurance rloes  not, in the opinion of  the officer  of  the Post
              flffir.e  to whom  iL  i8 tendered, fulfil  ~he foregoing  conditions as to  packing anti  sealin~:,
              it is his do!y to refuse to i.n.sure it.  Nevertheless the ouus of properly enclosing, packiug
              and sealing the pncket lies upon t,be sender, and the. Post Office assw:ned no  liability for
              ID$ arising from defecta which 1~y not be observed at the tinle of,~.
               The amowt for which a  pa.roel is insured must be written by the sender both in.  words
              and  ill figures  at the top  of the address side of  the cover, t.hus:-"Insured for fifteen
              pounds (£15)." No alt0rAtioo or eraau,re oft be inscription is allowed. It a mistake is made,
              the entry must be completely  obliterated and an entirely new one made  by the sender.
               No paff.el  cnn  be insured  for more than its actual value,  or for  more  than  the  sum
              entered against the name of the uountry to which it is addre.ssed (see Table pp. 39 to 45
              col. 8).  A parcel of which the contents have no saleable value may, however, be illSUJ'ed
              for  a  nominal  eurn in order to obtain the aafe.guard.  Over iM4ratl4e ia  an ob1ttu:lel
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41