Page 39 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 39

PUOHlBITIONS.                      37
        The following articles may be imported only under special conditions, of whioh parti-
      ciJl!\ra can be obtained from the Official Secretary. ComrootJ.we<b of Australia, Australia
      Rouso,  IStr&.nd,  London,  W.0.2:- Brusbes composed of  hair if numufaotured in
      Eastern Countries; cotton seed and cot.ton liut; dyes not of British origin; fruits,  h..ide~
      And  !lkin.s; lymph  ~d vaccine;  ml'St and  meat products;  morbid oultures anti  viruses;
      plants and parts or plant-s  other  than  tobacco  plants,  potatoes;  spirits  (except
      w hen sent as samples or for the prolvate use of the lmpol"ter);
      tobacco, clga,.s, oigaJOetts and snuf~; sugar; vines.
        BoLIVJA.- Braudy; alcohol;  tobacco in any form.
        Ba,  GuiANA.-8pit'i~.
        Br.  I roNDIJI\A.S.-Tobucco pucke:l wi~h o~her ~<•uds  tob,cct• sweetened; succbadne, etc.
        OAN.mA.-Sf)irituous and  intoxicating liquors of all  ~inrls:  adulterated tea; prison
      goods  trade labels in metal; skins and ot.h~r parts of wild birds;  bees,  used or second
      lland hives, raw hive goods or products e.'l:cept honey OJ' wrut; potatoes; all nursery stock,
      includinft  trees, shrubs, pla.nts, vines, grafts, soion.s, cuttings or buds except under permit
      issued by the Cana.Jian Department of A!>J'iuulture at Montreal.
        Ecu.A.oon.-8uga.r cnne,  brandy  or it.s  conlbinatiotll!  and  tobacoo.
        EGYP'r.-Arti6cial tobacco; seeds and juice or extract o( tobacco, mw or refinl'd sugll.f.
        FllANCIL- Tobacco, except in limited quantities for addressee's  use,  es:!ence  of tobacco;
        !TALY.-Tobacco, subject to special restrictions .
        .  lA.PAN.-Tobacco.
        N!GERu..-BpirituoUB  liquors  11nd  wines.
        PANAMA.-Hweet.s, paste, fats and substances wbicb. easily liquefy,
        PlilRU.-Tobacco and sacuharille, subject. to special restrictions.
        Prm.tPPIN'Iil  lsJ.ANDS.-Bame as U.S.A., exoopt t.hat cigars and cigarel.tes are admitted
      without restrictions a.s  to qul\lltity contained in single package.
        POR'l'UOAL.- Tobacco., subject to special restrictions.
        SWlll>lllN.-Tobacoo, spirits and winee, subject to special restrictions.
        UNnED  KlNonoM.-Extraots,  essences  ot  coffee,  chicory,  tee.,  or  tobacco,  or  any
      -.dmixture of the same.  Saccharine, mixtures contain.ic,g saccharine and other substanoe.B
      of similar nature or use.  Any packets containing such substances will be handed over tc
      the Gustams  authorities and the persons oonoorned in impo1·ting  them will  be liable  to
      heavy pecuniary penalties.  Liquids  or  sullslanc~s for  analysis or medical  examination.
      Pathological  apeoimens.  Butter  mmt  be  enclosed  in  hermetica.lly  sealed  tins.  SnuB
      work  (tbat is,  preparations of  or snufl' or imitations of them made up in any
      way, as into cakes, table~, or f~cy artit~!ea) .  Tobacco stalks whether IU&nufaotured or
      no~.  Tobacco st,alk flour.  Tobacco sweetened (whether manufactured or  un.ma11ufac·
      tured)  or cigarettes sweetened or made with sweetened paper, except as otherwise specially
      pro ~ided in aey a.ots  ~elating to the cu.~wms.  Cut tobacco so compressed  as to have
      been rendered unlit for immediate smoking until it has been restored by steaming or some
      other  process.  Cavendiah  or N egrohead tobacr.o  containing  leaves  of  trees  or  plants
      other than the tobacoo plant.  Manufactured t.obMco other tba.n Cavendisb or Negrohe&d
      containing a.n.y prohibited ingredient.        '
       The bides, skins, horns, hoofs, or aey other part of cuttle or other animals which may
      be prohibited in order to prevent the dilssemination of any contagions distemper.
       Goods made in foreign pl'isons  e.'Ccept  goods  in  transit , or uot imported for  purposes
      .of trade, or of a description not manufactured in the United Kingdom.  Living animals
      except bees in properly constructed boxes.  Bullion exceeding £5 in valuo, coins e~-eeed­
      ing £5 in value u nless accompanied by a declaration that they are intended for ornament.
      Rags,  bedding  and  soiled  clothing.  Clean   secondhand  clothing  Is  not.  however.
       Firearms,  deadly  weapons,  and detached  pieoes  of such arrns  or weapon.s;  synthetic
     ~rganic dyes,  colourst  or  colouring  matters containing synthetic organic  dyes  or  iuter-
      mediary  orgao.ic  proaucts  used in  the  preparation  of  synthetic  orgaruo  dyes,  colour,
     -eolouring  matters.
       For fuller details consult United States Postal Guide.
       U!'m'En  STATES  oF AMERtCA.-AdulttJrated  Coodand  drugs;  cigars and cigar-
      ettes fn smaller quantities than 3 1 0 00 in a  single paJOcet ;Ieathers
     .a.nd skins of wild birds (exct~pt  ostrich  feathrers)  unless  for  educational  or  scientific
     IJ!Urposes;  live  bees;  poisonB;  prisou-ruacle  goods,  spirit s  and  Intoxicating
      llqUOJOS; stupefying  drug!!.
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