Page 33 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 33

GENERAL  REGULATIONS.                   31
       Postaga,  Dim~nsions an.d Wllight-For postAge,  maximum dimensions and weights, and
     .other particulars, see Table of Rates of P<l~<tllge,  &o., pages 39 to  45.
       Par~igrt (•·Xcept to  U.S.)  ( l)  M4 Colon~ parcelB camwl be TO{II~terad, but they lllAY  be
      tflsmod to certaiu countries untler tbc conditions speoified on page 34.
                            General  rlegulation.s.
                       C' uiJlum.a  D~clar!Uiott and Di~tpal.clt-twl~.
       Parcels  aro  BUb3cot  to  Cualoms  1lli!l'tl«tioll8.  Tbe ~ender of  each  pMoel  is required  to
      m~o~ke, Cor Customs purposes-upou a spe<:i~>l rorrn or Corm~, which en.•• be obWned at illly
      Pt•st  Office-an accurate statemeot •>C  the  nature aud  value  of  the  oouteut<s  and ot.her
      p:ut.icvl.ll.r!!.  Tbe sender's n!Lrne am! full address mlli!t also be filled in.  Tbe forms should
      I.K• filledin, in iJJk.  Two Corms or C,'ustt.JIT\SUttUlarat.ion are io U$e - ( I)  A ~ellow fol"m
      (No. 74.1),  intended  to  be  affixed  t o  the  covers  of parcels for
      Bl'itlsh Colonies and Possessions and for a  few foreign coun•
     tries; and (2)  a  white form, which  is  used  for parcels  for all
      other foreign countries.  Several  ident.icnl copies of the  latter form must in
      r:nanyca!!ea be made out.  The number of white foriT\Srequired is indicated by the figure
      ~>Iter the letter Win col.  1~.  Table or,  pp. :i9 to 45.  When a while form is u.wdlh.o
      11. r11lrr  mu.!t also ful  up a dwpatcJ. not<r.  Under  valuation of the contents or failure to describe
      them  fully  may  result  in  a  seizure  of  the  ll.vcel;,  and  in  the  case  of  parcels
     addressed to the UniLed States of An•erica in the imposition of heavy fines,  which will not
      be remitted even if the parcels are ret\trned to the senders.  'l'ha n/Jt weiahl or quantity nf
      tho different  /qind8  oj arl.iclu contained in a pare l 8hould bB 8epnraMv $laUd.  Any other
      particulars sbould be given which would facilitate the a.ssessruent of Customs duty, such
     as the material of which clothin~ is compo~ed, and whether it ill new or not.  In the case
      of articles returned  to the co1.mtry  where  they  originated,  the fsct  should be stated.
      Cust.oms  Declarations,  iut;tead  of  bearing  entries  of  "Groceries,''  "Pre!!ents,"  etc.,
      should bear entries giving n.  description  and t.he  weight,  of the following  articles, when
      inoloaed,  viz:  Sugar,  sweets  o.nd  con!ectioneq,  cryatAili~ed  and  imito&tiOo  fruits  and
      IJowers, preserved ginger, ja1Il8,  jellies, and marmalades, uhooolate, cncot\  powder,  canoed
      {!'uit,  tea, coffee.  In case of dried fruit,  the particular kind, figs,  raisins,  currants, etc.,
     .should be st.ated.  For further u.s  to declArations, see note a~aiust the names
      or  the various countries i.n the Tablu of Rates pp. 39 to •15  (col.  13).
       Special attention Is  directed to  the "Prohibitions" (Export
      nnd lmpo .. t), pp.  36-38.
       A Customs el<:arance fee  of 6d. will  be collected on every parcel post parcel  (whether
      it contains dut.iable matter or not), and on every package (other than parcel post) which
      .on  exam.ino.tion is fnund  t.o  contain dutiable matter.
       The postage on parcels nutst bd whoUy prepaid by post.age stamps.
       The Post Office  Department will  rwt  be responsible  for  the loss or dllJllage  of  any
      uninsured parcel.  This rule ia modified in case of parclea between ~be U.l<. and Jamaica,
      see page 33.
       Each parcel must be plain!)·  directed, such directions setting forth the name and ful
      address of the person for whom  the  parcel is intended.  A parcel mwtl not be  poskd in a
      laUilT bo:t but m-uat  ~ tal.-en into a Post O.Jfi;:s and presqnJtd at the coutlW to the Postmastet
      or ·purscm in charge.
       A  certificate  of posting  will be {,riven  to  the person posting  a  parcel but no liability
      Attaches to the Post Office in respect thereof.
        A parr.el rnay not ooutain da.ngerous articles, perishable articles, articles likely to injure
      other parcels, or the officers of  the Post Office,  liquids, unless  securely  packed  tn  proper
      cases and  surrounded with  absorbent  material.  or any  articles  or substances.
      T he rules for the mode  of  packing parcels contaJnJng liquids,
      oils, etc., as set out on pp. 27 and 28, must be strictly adhered
      Jn every detaJI,  A  parcel must not contain auo~her parcel or other postal packe~
      intended for  delivery  to  a  person other than  the addressee of  the firHt name parcel.
        Jl on examination o£ any parcel  there shall be found in or with the same any wtkl· or
      C(rmmunicalion of llw nature of a l6Uer  paper or communication will  be withdrawn
      therefrom, and will  be forwarded to the addressee thereof;  or, if it be  net  addressed, to
      the addressee of the parcel in or with which the same was found enclosed, and the said
      letter will be surcharged for delivery at the unpaid rat.e of  postage.
       (1)  Seepage 35,
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38