Page 28 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 28

26                     POST  OFll'ICE  GUIDE .
             &nta.  MtJ.rt.a,  Cristobal,  J\ingston  (arrives  a.nd  leaves  Saturday),  New  York  (IU'l'ives
             Thursday)-a round  voyage  of 22  days.
               During  the "inter months  n  weekly  service is  maintained between New  York,  Cuba,
             Jarus.ian,. Panama,  Costa Rica,  Cuba,  New York-t. round  voyage ui 23  days.  (Mails
             for .Jama1ca are not conveyed Irom New York by  these  ve~el!o.\
               Nl!lw YoRK-CUB4-JAMAJC..\ SERVlC:E :  A car$;0 steamer leaves New York every Saturday~
             arrh•int:  fullowin!!  Friday  or  Saturdav.
               NEw  YoRK-CtrnA-,lA~iAtCA-HowouN.s-C:uAnatALA SeR\,C&~  A  steamer  leaves  New
             York  every  other !:\aturdu.y  calling  at the following  ports:-
              Sant.iago, Kiolf$tOn  {arriveM and  leaves .[;'ridav),  Puerto Ca.stiUa,  Tela, Puert.o  Barrios
             (an~ D<.>lize,  monthly),  Klngllton  (arrh·es and  leaves Wednesday),  Santiago,  ~ew York
             (arnves  Tuesday) .
              N~w 0RIJ':ANs-CunA-.T.A"AU'.\  'r.RVICE .  A  ~!teamer leaves  ~t>w Orleans every Friday
             calling  at Santiagu,  Kiotrstun  (  follo11~n!l:  Friday) ,  returning  t.o  Gull  port  via
             Oeotral  American port.            -
              CottJllDrA-CA.-...u.  Zoz.a~-J.ui.Al<.-A S.E:tWitE:  A  steamer  leave~ Put>rto  Colombia every
             WednesdtLy, c:~ lh, At Carta~~>n/J and Cth.tob!d , and ur:rivtJs at 1\Jogstoo following Tuesday.
              BtusTOt.-W.  I. lf!l.A.NI'S-P.Lv.uu.-Cos  A RICA-JAM.A.ICA  SKRVW~~=  An  Elder!l o.nd  Fyffes'
             stf!amer  leaves Dcb"l.Ol  every ruteroate Saturday ~:~llin~ at  the  foUowinp;  ports:-
               Barbo.dos, Trinidwi, CriBtobRI, Limon, 1-\ingston (arrives  11nd  ll:'twes  Monday)  llristot
             (arrives  Sunday).
               A stenmer leaves Bristol every  Thursday or  Friday  callin~ at.  the following ports:-
              T<ingston  (arrives  and  lE'.tiVIIS  FridaJ),  Santa Marla,  KingsLon  (arrives  and  leaves
             Thu:rsdny), Bris(ol (arrivee Wednesday}.  Twice a month a sr.eumer calls at Trinidad and
             Barbad(ls  on  the  homeward voya&e  from Jamaica.
               Bnls'l'ot-,/a.wt~·Cos'J'.I.  RrcA·PA.'<AlU. SERVICE:  :\u Elders and Fyffes' steamer leaves
             Bristol  every  alteru~>te Monday  oatliog  at.  the  followinll:  port.s:-
               Kingston (arrives and leaves Monday,) Limun, Ori~t.ob~>l, llin!lJ!ton (:J.rtives and leaves
             Monday),  Bristol  (arrives  Monday)-a round  voyage of  five  weeks.
               Elders and  FyffPs,  Ltd.  maintain  a  furl her oservice  with  t.he  United Kin~dom,  but as
             the sa.ilin.; days and routes or these boats vary eomewhM according to the season of  t.he
             year  their movements cannot  be  reduced lo  the precision of  a schedule.
              The following  is  the  schedule  of  the  Canadian  Nattooal  Steamships  mail-co.rryicg
               CANA.O.<~.-BERMUDA-NASSAU-JAltAlC'A-BRI'I'rSH HONDtlRAS  SERYlCE:--Duriug  the sum-
             mer n. ps.••senger steamer lenves Montreal every Iori.Jljght on Saturday tuJd ce.Jis at Hamilton
             (Bermuda),  Nassau  und  :Kingston,  the  last mentioned  port  b~ting the  t~rruin\18.  The
             vessel arrives at :Kingston on Wednesdny morning and leaves 011  the return trip on Fric.lay
             night callil.Jg  at  the sawe ports in the rev~:rse order,  arriving at Montreal eJeven  dnys
             ~>fter, a.  round  voyage of 24  days,
              A freightstA.•a.meralso leaves Montreal every fortnight on 8aturday (ulternatiug with tlte
             passenger vessels) and calls at Rali!ux eo toute f o JtuUaica.
              The ~ervioc t.o Belize (which is a fortnightly one) is preformed by a smG.!J freight, p!\SSen-
             ger and  mail boat  which  connects at.  Kingston  with  the l!l.l'ge  passenger veSiiels.
               During  the  winter  months the ss.rnc; schedule is ruaintail.Jed except J,b!lt  f,Le ste~>ruers
             ~ail from aud return to Flo.Jifax, the round trip occupying 20 days.
              A steamel' of the 0 1 Ciorgio Fruit  Corporation represented by the Jamaica Fruit and
             Shippin~; Co., LLu.,  leaves Kingston for New  York every Tuesday; and an AtltuJtic Frrnt
             Company's steamer leave;> Port Antonio for New York or Philadelphia  every  Tuesday.
                               AVERAGE  FREQUENM'  OF  SERVICES.
             U. S. of Amerir.a   Three every week (1}   Five every fortnight
             Cllllada       Two every week               do.
             United Kingdom   Three every 1veek (direct. anc.l  villj  T hree  every  week  (direet  and
                             N~)                      ~aN~J
             Canal Zone, Pana-  T bree  every fortnight   One  every week.
               ma,   Oolombi11                      I
              and  Costa  Rica                      !
             Gunteruula  and   Two every  fortnight.   Two every fortnight
              R ondur9l!
             Cuba            One every week::.· _____ _  _:::O.=n:.:.e..:e:.:v.=e.:.:y~fo::.:r:..:l.=Dl·gt:h:.:t ___ _
              (1)  Tv.o from  New York  and one from  New Orleans.
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