Page 30 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 30


              When, howuver, a  perforated wooden block is used having a  thiclmess or  at  2!
            millitnetrea (about }  inch) in the tbin.nest part and fitted  wHh a  lid, it is not necessary
            1o enclose this block in a  Reuond  case.
              A  fatty substance  wbioh  does  not  M-'ily  liquefy,  such  as  ointment,  soft soap,  resin,
            •to.  aswellassil!..-wonneggs, the transmission or which  presents fewer  difficulties, must be
            Clnolosed  in  an inner cover (box,  bM of  linen  or parchment,  &c.), which  must itself b e
            plaeed in aseeood box of wood, metu.l, or stout thick leather.
              A  sample  of liquid  or any fatty substance, .or a  sample  enclosed iu a.  linen  or paper
            envelope  of little stren~Sth, must have a  label,  preferab~l' of  parchment attached,  with
            the address  of  the  addressee,  t.he postal!e stawps aml the irnpre.'>Sion of the date-;itamp.
            The address must be repea~ed ou the article itlleli.
              A.ny  a.rticle,  such 9.S  tinned  food,  which  would  be spoilt,  if  packed  in  Lhe  m~uner
            prescribed may  exceptionnUy be aflmitted iu s.  cover herm!!tically  seo.l.::d.  In that case
            the sender or the arldre~B may be required to assist in the cbeok of cunteuts,  either
            by opening thu  p~Wkct or in oowe other satisfactory  manner.
              An arlide of glo•s must be securely pncl;ed (in a uox of metal,  wood, or stront; corrugated
            (:ardboard) in such a way as to prevent all risk oC iujw·y to vther  postal packet.~ or to Jl(istal
              Dye  (alliliue,  &o.),  is  not, admitted  unlc...~  enclosed  in  n  sto1tt  tin  box,  placed  inside
            :~.  wooden  box Wlth sa.wclust  between  the  two  covers.  Dry non-colouring  powder must
            be pla.ced i'n a box of metal, wood,  or oa.rdboard, the box itself being enclosed in a  bag of
            linen or parchment.
              Lit·~  BB8$ m\lSt be enclosed in a box so constructed 88 to avoid all danger and to aUow
            the cO'tlte:titll to be ll.!lcertained.
              Shnrp  lt&sll·um~nl~  suoh   9.S  aci,s,.ors,  J;.,uvc!l,  ruzors,  forks,  steel  pens,  nail<~,  watch
            machinery, metal tubing, pieces of metal or ore, are eligible for transmi..-.ion by sample post,
            provided t bat tbey are  bona fi<ZIJ  samples  without  sa.leable  vulue,  und  are  packecl tmd
            guarded in so secure a  manner as to involve no risk to the contents of the mail bags and
            to the officers of the Post Offioe, whilst n.t  the same tillle they may be easily e11s.rniued.
              All  packages  of  printed and commercial  papers  and  se.mples  may  be  opened  and
            examined  by the l'ost Offiue wit.hout refereooe to the addressee.
             It is  prohibited to  send  by  mail,  in  e.  letter,  packet.  of printed or  commercial
            papers or sanwte
              (1)  Articles wnich,  fron1  their OT by their  packing, !llay expose  postal  officials
                  to danger, or soil or damage uorresrle5ndence;
              (2)  Explosive,  inHarnmable,  or  da.ngt~rous substances;
              (3)  Opiutu,  morpbine,  cocaine, and other narcotics;
              (4)  Obscene  or  immoral  a.rticlesi
              (5)  A.ny article listed under" Prohtbitious" in latestedition of the London rostal Guide;
              (6)  Samples sent in  quantities witb the  intention of avoiding  the  payment of duty.
              It is prohibited to h., port int,o  .Tamaicn. by  "letter" mail any a rticll' listed  un  er
            puree! post "Prohibitions (Import)".
              Under the regulations of the Postal tJ uioo , arlicl& lic1ble lu CWJtoms cl·••IY may uow be sent
            in  packets  prepaid at t.he ktt~~r-rate of postage  to those countries which btwe  agreed  to
            .adroit such pa.ukets.  A green label giving particulars of the nature, weight and value of
            the  aticles  rnust  be  affixed  to  each  packet.  The countrie.s  which  participate  in  this
            arrangement are indianted by the symbol tin the Table at pages :~9  to  45.  •'racticaUy
            aU the countries  of  the  Postal  Union  have  now  agreed  to  admit  dutiable  articles  or
            packets of  wercba.ndise  in  their lcUel'  mail;  the only  European  oountries  which  now
            exclude such articles are Great Britain, Italy, Norway and Spain.
              The administration of the country of destinatiou is auU.orizeJ to submit these packets
            to C.ustoms examination,  to open them officially, and to collect the import duties, in th11
            mam<tr  pr88cri1wl  by  it$  l.!i{}illlCition.  To  countries  not  included  in  tbis  arrangement,
            dutiable articles may be s~nt only by parcel post.  Dt1liable articl68 sen.l othar·uriso may be
            re!itrrted, 81/.b]ecled w [Pl68 1  11t'  cot~fo!cated, =rJin.g (.()  I he laws oj the country of destination.
              The limit of ~gbt of such packets is 4 lbs, (\ oz.
              Letter packets l'eceivecl from abroad hearing the green label described above are liable
            "o  the  same  treatmen L as  parcel post  parcels.
             Coin, bank notes and currency notes, postAge stamps,  bullion,  precious  stones, jewelat
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