Page 27 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 27

OVERSEA  .MaiLS.                    25

                  Fare3 from
                                        Petersfield.   Ramble.  J  .Montpelier.
      Savann~la-M ar                         2/      ~ 1 4     7/4
      Petersfield                                    3/4       5/4
      Ramble                                                   "l./

                             AtAJL  00AC11  R.EOOLATJONS.
        PAssl!!NGEna-At  intermediate stations a.  pa...«Senjrer  mllllt  take his chance  of  finding
      ll. vaoa.ut seat in the coach, and must, if there is a  vacancy, then Pll.V  his fare to t.he local
       postmaster, or contrac~or's agent.
        ln either case the amount for such ticket must be paid in C!ISh, and ~be ticket. must be
      handed to the driver or guard of the coach before pv.ssenger takes his seat.
        In all cases if a passenger intends to leave the <H>acb  bet.ween station~ he n.ust Jl&y  the
       fare to the next station beyond.
        The personal luggage of each passenger is lintit,ed to :20 lbs.  by weight or :!,000 oublo
      tnche.s  by size.  Any excess must be paid for  a.s freiJ(tlt,  and such excess may not eltoeed
       10 lb~. in  weight, or  1,000 cubic inches in size.   Does  t\re  no~ t>llowed  to  b..  carried
       by ~onch .
                           OVERSEA  MAILS.
                         f'll:AN5  OF COMl'lUNICATION,
        L  UNITillO  KlNOOOM-Letter mail (1) to and frow the United  Kingdom is conveyed by
      every available opportunit.y  vie.  the United States,  and h)  the  I•:lders and  Fyffes,  and
       Leylaod  and  llauison  Lines  of  steamers  via  Lh-erpool  or  Bristol.  The  Department
      elldeavow·s to  forward  mail  for  the United  Kingdom by  the mo<\t  expeditious  route in case.  Parcel post. mail is conveyed ollly by the direcl. st~<amors.
        ll.  UNtTED  STATES  OF  A.M:l!:arCA-Mails (both letter and parcel) to aud from the U.8.A _
      -are conveyetl  by  the  steamen~  of  the  Uuited  Fruit  Co.,  Atlautill  Fruit  Co., an<l
       DiGiorg:io  Fruit  Corporation,  the  most  e)(peditious  opportunity  bein~;  utilised  a..•
       far as possible.
        m.  C..uiADA-LetLer mail to and from the Dominion of Canada is soot and  received by
       each  U.S.  mail.  Parcel poot  mail  is,  however,  conveyed  only  by  the st.eamPrs  of  the
       Pickford and  Black Line trading between Ifalife.x,  N.S.  and Jamaica,  the Ce.uadian
       National Steamships  trading  between  Montreal  and  and  Jnme.ic..  about
       once  every  three  weeks.
        1 V.  C~N'l'RAL AMERtCA-M ail commwJication with these r-ountries (except  JJ:aat
       of Nicaragua) is  maintained  by  the steamers  of  the United Fruit Co.,  Elders and Fyffes
       Ltd.,  aod Canadian National  Steal.ll.Sbips.  For  special  information  regarding  parcel·
       post lll&il  for these places,  see page  36.
        V.  WEsT  INou ISLA.."'DS-Lettor  and parcel post  mails  to ami  from  t.he West Iodin
       .Isla.nds are exchanged regularly by way of New  York.  Mails are also  exchanged with
       'l'rinidad and  Barbados  by  way  of Cristobal and by Elders and Fyffe's st.eamers.  The
       Horn Line  and the  Royal  Dutch  West Inllia Mail  Company maintain a rlirect $el'Vice
       to Haiti.
        The  Caoadia.o  National  Steamships  waintain  a  direct  service  between  Jamaica,
       Bermuda,  and  ~he Bahall.'as.
         VI.  CaYMAN ISLANS  A  three·weekly service i.8  maintained by R.M.S.  "Cimbooo"
       and a.o irregular service by schooners.
         vn.  TunKS lSL.uros-An irregulg,r wail service  to  and from  these I~laods is main-
       • bined by  mean.~ of schooners and sloops.  Letter mail is also exchanged Yia  New York.
         VIII. CutH-Mails are coowyed regnl:nly by  the Uuited Ji' and Webster  Shipping
       Co's steamers.  'l'here is  uo  ilirect  parcel-post exchauge with Cuba.
         By courtesy  o£  the United Fruit Co.,  the follo\\ ing schedule  of routes,  etc.,  of  their
       Teglllar·ea.rrying steamers is fUrnished.
         Naw YoRK.J.UfAlCA-PANA~tA-COLOMlliA SERVICE-  A  steamer  lea.v('s  New  York every
       Wednesday  and calls  at  the following  ports:-
         Kingston  (arrives  and  leaves  Monday),  Cristobal,  Cartagena,  Puerto  Colombia,
        (1)  The term  ''letter''  rerers  to  letters and post oatd s,  a.ntl  paokage~ of  printed
       snd commercial papers and samples.
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