Page 31 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 31

SPECfAL  R£GULA'l'IONS.                29
         8.-P,·epaym.ent  of Cu4tomll  Dutie11  and  olher  chariJ&  on  Pare&«  Post  Parcel11  to  Utt
       Unilr.d  Ki1l(Jdom.  Persons sen.ding  pnrcels  to  the  United  Kingdom  and  certain  other
       countries,  may  if  they so desire, talce upon themselves the prepayment of the Customa
       du£y Bnd other charges whlcb in ordinary cnses leviAble on  the addressee.  The sender
       will be told at !.be time of po.~ting what tile approximate amount of these charges will he
       a•d a  deposit will  be taken. of  the estimat,ed amonnt.  A  settlement will subsequently
       be  made wlmn a stat.ement or  the  total arnuunt or  the  cba.rges  ba.s  been received lrollll
       the British Post Office.  The follo\ving are  the nonditions:-
         Parcels to be sent under this nrn\Dgement must  be handed  in  at  tltc  Parcels  Post
       Branch at TGngston,  or at llny distri()t post office.
         The cover mWit bo marked by the sender "To be delivered free o£ charge."
         The sender must  fill  up  and sign  a  formal undertl~king to pay on demand th<! !\mount.
       of the  chnrges  due.  Forms  for  this  declaration  may  be  had on  11pplication to the
       P arcels Post Bmnch at Kingston.
         Parcels for frue delivery will only bei\Ccel>t.;t.l from persons whose se~tled residence is in
       Jamaica.  U  the sender i:J  residing  only  tempon.rily in  Jamaica  4  p~~rcel o;wnot  hP
       accepted ! or tlt~li very free  of charge.
         A fee of 6d. per parcel is charged for the cost oi the service in llddition to the postnge  1111u
       deposit  for  duty.  This fee  must  be paid  by  e  stump or  starnps  o.ffixed uy the sender
       to his fonn or undertaking iu the place indicated.
         A  fee  of  2d.  for  <klivery  charges  must  be added  to  Amount depol!ited  for duty.
         The sender nnH!t m •ke such depo..~it on 11.ceount of the cba.rgea for  whioh he  desires t()
       provide aa the clerk irt  charge  of the  Parcel  Post Branch at  Kiog~~ton or the  district
       postrn~ter may, in ea~•h cas", decide.  Thil! deposit wm, for the  preaeut, be t.he  nmoun~
       of the estlm1.1.teC1 duty :tnd mu11t be pnid h.Y stamps affixed to the forru  of underl.aking in
        the place indicatrd.
         One form of Ul.ldertaking will surlioe for  two or three (but  not  more)  parcels  postecJ
        together by the same sender to the~ same addressee.  la such cases the fee  will bo  Od. for
        each  par~cl.
         The  followntguratlu: artinl"S !fable to  tluf.y  urtder  the  United  lClQgdom  Tariff  which  likely  to  be  despatched  from J!\maiotl  by  parcels  post,  together  witb  the  rate&
       of duty, (tmd in t.he  Cl\88 of tobacco, of cert.'\in  tin&!)  thereon.  These .u-e 8'tW)ed  ~
       ccmsiderable change and shat.Jd b6 TtSal.l  as t&pJJru.ritYii!lr.-  £  s.  d.
       Coffee, kiln  dried, rOl!Sted or ground          per lb.   0  0  2
       Tea.                                               "     0  0  4
       Tobacro, manufactured, viz.:
           Cipra     ..                                   f(    0  16  1
           Cigl\                                           0  12  7
  or Negrohead                              0  u  10.
           0tner ms.nufuctureu tobMco                     "     0  10  4}
        Rum                                             per gal.   3  17  10
        Tobacco,, containing 10% or morP. or moisture:
           1! stenuned or stripped    .                 per lb.   0  8  2i
           If unstemmed or IIDStrippod   . .   . .        "     0  8  2
        TobMco,  Ullmanufl).()tared containing less tba.n 10% of moisture:
           If stemmed or stripped                         "     0  9  1;
           re  u.nstcmmed or unsl;ripped                  "     0  !)  0
        lnlor~tion concerning the duty levied in the Unit-ed Kingdom on ru.w,  wiues o.nd.  other
        spirit,  .. ··.:1n  bo·  ohtained from the ColiPctor-G~neral's Department.
         Parcels  will  he  accepted  in  the  United  Kingdom  s.nd  certain  other  countries  for
        delivery  in JRUIDica free  of Custorn.s  duty on conditions similar  to  the  foregoing. Sucb
        parcels  liable to exnminAtion on arrival !or Customs  purposes,  IUld  all  paios  and
        penn.lties attach:ng for undcrvaluatjou or misrepresentation of coo tents or Lo  probibited
        goods  will  be enlorced against  tb.e goods  themse.lves  or  Bgainst  tile  p~~>rties assuming
        the charge, aa may be decided by the proper authorities.
             C.-lniUraru:c of Parce/4  to the  UniWd  Kingdom and ce~·tairt olllt!r Countriea.
          Parcela ror plt.~ees agaiasl wbioh a limit  of insured  value is  entered m ooi. 8 in the Tnble
        of Rates on pages  3;; to 41 can be insured.  Countries  against  which no  entry is  made
        do not participMe in I he insurance system.
          E very  insured  parcel  must be  packed  carefully and substantially,  with due regard.
        to the nature of the contents and the length of the journey and must be sealed  with  wu
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