Page 34 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 34

32                      POST  OFJ~'ICE GUIDE.
        Parcels must be sea.led  wi~h sealing wax,  lead or  ot.her  material  which must bear  the
      special  WArk or  impress  of  t-he  senders.
        PIU'oels for these countries may not be registered. and cigarettes may  be .seut in 1\fl.Y  quantity,
                     India  Island~.
        Parcels !or Aut.igua,  Barbados, Bermuda.,  British  GuiaM,  Dominica, Grenada,  Mont.-
      sez:rat,  S~. J(itt.s·Nevis.  St.  Lucia,  St. Vincent  s.ud  Trinidad,  are  forwarded regularly
      Villo u. s. A. Or Calltl.da at the ra!,e of b . per lb.  rr, however, ·parcels  for  these places
      endorsed  by  the stllldcr.  '' By c.lireot  opportunity,''  they  may be accepted at the follow-
      ing rat.e:  ls. up to 3lbs.; 2s.  up to 71bs.; 3s.  up to  lllbs.  P:ucel~ so codorsed will be held
      !or &  direct  rnail.  lnsurll.Uce  c•uu  only bt' t'lfected on  paroels guiJJg  direct.
                Conditions  and  J>rohibition.s  i n  Certain Countries.
        The  transmission of any  lette1·  whatsoever  uo  matter to whom  IU.Idressed,  ill parcels
      for the  majority of countries ia forbidden.  The few  e.~oeptions t()  this rule  can be aseer--
      tnined  by  refert>nre  to  the Ja.test edition of  the London Postal  Guide.  If any  letter- o~
      communics.tjon of the nature of personal correspc>ndunoc be found  iu a pe.tcel, and it can
      be separated  therefrow,  it will  bo  forwarded  to  its  destination  suroh1.1rged  1.1t  unpaid
      letter rntes.  But if woh letter, &:r., can 1wt be aeparated, the whole p:ucel will be liable
      to  letter  1'3tes  of postage.
        Plants are not in ordinary uonditiou.s admitti!U  into most o£  the countries of Europe,
      for fe!lor  that pbylloxet'l.l may be introduoec.l  with them.  There ~re, however, special con~
      ditions in which parcels of plant-s (excepl; vine:!) are admitted into some of these countries.
      The chief conditioDB are that the plants mua~ be packed aecurely, but in so.eb a  way that
      they Cllll  be eusily ex1.1mined,  uod  must be accomp11.nied  by u  deciMation of  the sender
      attested by some competent. authority, that r,IJere has bee.u no vine in or near the ground
      from  which  t.he pla.ots  come.
        A parcel  may not aontain MY e"-plosive, inflamn:w.ble  or c.langerous or perishable arti·
      clea, any  articles  likely  to  io)ure another parcel.  any  liquid  (unless securely packed in a
      proper case us described on  p,  23),  nor any al'ticles~lly prohibitec.l from import.a.tiou
      into a particular aountry.  (See below)-
                              s.PEOL~L PRORllll'I:'IONS.
        AusTRA.tu.-Opiuru,  except  under  prescribed  conditions;  hop  extracts  and  similar
      prepnrat.ioDB;  esse.oce  of  la~er beer;  essences  of whisky.  rum,  brandy, cognac and oil  of
      cognac; horns and  hoofs;  tobacco,  cigars,  cigarettes and snuff,  unless bona-fide samples
      or fo1·  the persoll31 use of the addrtlssee, who  must  satisfy the Colil!Uonwealtb Cuatoma
      authorities  as  to  the  ract.s.
        Bouvu..-Brandy; lllcohol;  tobacco in any form.
        BR.  GtnANA.-8pirit6.
        Ba.  EioNDURAS.- Tobacco packed with ot.her goods, tobaacosweete.oed;sacchariue, eto.
        CANADA.-Splrltuous  and intoxicating liquors  of all kinds:  adultemted  tlla;  prison-made
      Roods;  trnde  labols  in  metal;  skins  and  othel'  pa.rta  of  wild  birds;  bees,  used
      or second·hand  bives,  raw  hive goods  or  products  "~'wept honey  or  wa.x;  potutodl:  all
      nursery  stock,  iucludiug  trees,  ~hrubs, plt~nt.s,  vilte~,  grafts,  scions,  cuttinge  or  b uc!JI
      except under permit •ssued by Oanadi110 DcpartUlent of Agriculture at :\.Iootreal.
        E<:oADon.-Sug:l.r-cmne.  bra.ndy  or  it.s  combinations and  tobacco.
        E orn.-Artilir:io.l  tobncco; seeds and jaice or extract of  t.ol~t\coo, raw or refined sugo.r.
        FRANCP..-Tobacco, except in limited quantities for addressee's use, essence of tobacco.
        lTAT.Y.-Unml\nufactured  tob~Wuo.
        ,JA:PAN.- Tobar.r.o.
        Nxo~~:ruA.-8picituous liquol'l!  1\nd  wines.
        P.\1!1AMA.-8Wt>r.t.s,  paste,  fats  and subsbnces  which ea.'lily  liquefy.
        PEnu.-Toburco in MY form.
        PB:IUPPIN:E  IsLA'<Ds.-Same  as  U.S.A.,  except  thatcigsl'l!lllld cigarettes are admitted
      without restrictions liS to quantity coutaint-d iu sin~;le pl\ckage.
        PoRTUGAL.-Tobacco,  manufactured or unms.nufar.tured.
       SPAIN.- Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco sm•d a.nd juioo.
        SWPJDEN.-Tobacco of o.ll kinds, except manufactured tobacco which  may be imported
      by tobacco mercba..nts.
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