Page 36 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 36

34                      PO.S'V  Oll'h'lC.E  GUlDE.

              Limitg of Size (limits ()jwei9ht ar~ ~hoton in Table,  col"mm 4 and/\),
        Uter8-Letters, or articles paid 3t the letter rate of postage, mn.y not e.•cceed  18  inches
      in any one  direction.  A  letter i.u  •,he form  of a  roll  may measure  30  inches in length
      by 4 inebes in cli:uneter.  Letters to  the  British  Empire mny mensure 2ft. by 18 ins.
      Limit of weight  to  aU  coutllf'ies=4Jbs.  6 oz.
        Post Carck-Maximum she .if ins.  by  4t ins.
        Printed and CC!mmercial  Paper-Limits of size for packages of printed and commercial
      papers is the same as for  letters. •
        Samp!e.t-Packel<l of samples  may not exceed  18 inches in  length,  8 in widt.h and 4 in
      depth, unless in form of '1.  roll, for  which  the  limits are  18 inches in  length  and 6 inches
      iu diameter.  Samples for the  British Empire may measure 2 feet by  1 foot.
        "Blind LiteraturB"-Paoketa c'ontaining papers impreSiled for  t.he use of the blind sent
      to a.ny place abroad are accepted up to a maximum weigbt of 6 lbs. 9 oz.  The prepaid rate
      Gf postage on such  packets is:-
           Up to  2 lbs. 3oz. = ld.   Up to  4 lbs. 6 oz.= lo.l.   Up to  6 lbs.  9 ot.= 1!d.
        l n all other respects  the  regulations 1\S  r~gards printed  papers apply.
        NO't'F.-Tbe rates of postage on  foreign  p11rcels  sbl'wn  in  cols.  9  to  12 are revised  to
      date of going to press.  As thr. Post Office, however, frequently changes its mtes of
      postage it follows that  the postage  on  parcels  from Jamaicm  to  Europeu.o  and  other
      ('OllDtrie.s, sent thro11gb London, arc also sub;cct to chltn)'(e during the next twelve months.
        Reference should therefore be made to the la.tellt edition or ~upplernent of  the  London
      Pos~ Offi11e Guide in computing  postage on  parcels no.ldresoed  Lo  such  places.  The  rate
      is arrived  at  by  adding 9d.,  9d., h. 6d.,  tlnd  2s.  3d.  t,o  the  f(lur  steps or  British
      quadruplf' scnle ofpost•1~e.  The ru tessbown do not i11elude  the wnr l.~x of~d., which must
      be paid on all parcels for British countries until Ma1cb 31, 1026.
        Frorn April  1,  the war tax will be abolished.
       ~Tbe mu.lmua:n  welgbt of pack&gea  or  printed papers  ie sbowo aPlQ.'It e•ch eouotry  ia  eolu111D  4
      of Table.  SillDle volumea or prloted books aeot separately  to tltt1J  duli11ali<1"  rot.t,  bowevcr, weigb
      118  IDUCb BB  61ba,  9oz.
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41