Page 32 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 32

     -or lea.d fn sur.h 1\ wfly lhu.tlt oonn?t be opened without. eit.her breaking the ~eJ_~I or lea.ving
      obvious  ~r 1 u·es of violation.  For Josl~nce, .s01als  mu.ctt.  ~e place~ over each  JNn  And  loose
      tt ~:~  of the ~ 0 vering of a  parcel; and, 1(  striDg  be used m  pllockJng,  u seal  must be  plttced
     o0n  l.he t; of the string where they are tied.
       All the  8 euls  on 1\D  insliJ'ed  parcel must be of the '!ame kind of wnx or lea:l an•!  must dl~tinet impressiollll or the Slime private  device.  Coins tnus~ not be used [or sentiug;
     .:md llt!! device must  not consist mer~ly of straight, crossed. or cut•ved  lines  which could
     readi.l,)  be imitated.
       'PArcels containing  Coirl  or  Bullion  (no~ to e.'l:ceed £5 in  value, except  in  the  case of
     -coins  clearly  intended  for  purpn.ros  of  ornament,),  watche;;.  jewallery.  precious  stones.
     -or  any artiole of gold  or silver must bo  en~'losed in  strong bo·<es or cases,  whir:h must  be
     ;sewn up  or ot.herwise fastened,  in  WT!ippers  of Linen,  co.nvll3,  strong  p!lper,  or  ot.ber
     .substant.ial material.  Tn such  C!\::li!S  the seals  must be  piMed  along the edges of e'1cl:t join
     and loose Ba.p  at Jis~ance:; not more  r.nn.n  three  inohcs  ap~rt.  The  11ddL·c..'\S  of  sllcn
     parcels  m\18t  he writtefl ou  Uwir  nctW\1  coveril\g.
       If a  paroel  tendered  for  insura.11ce  does not ..  in  th!' opinion of t.ue ofli:er  of t.he  Pol3t
     Office to who'l'l  it  is t.enrler:Jd,  fuUil  t.!Je  fore.~oing condition'3 as  to p•iukiug and  scaling,
     it is d11ty to refu3i! t.o in~ure it.  Neverth<lle3!  th<ol  onui of prop ·1rly flnelo>ing.  p•1oking
     and seq,\ing t.he  p!!.eket lies  upon  t.he seoJar. sn-i thz Post.  Office 11SliU<l1oH  M  liabilit,y for
     loss ~~orisiug fmro  deff!CI.>l  whidt tally not be ohservod  M.  ~ne Liru.~ of,
       The nrn01mt.  ror whicb  a pl\roel is in.mreu OJust be written by tha sender  huUt in worcls
     anu in fii(Urf~ ut  the  t{)p  of  the  u.tldress side of  the  cover.  thus;-" Tnsut•er!  fot  fifteen
     pounrls  ( £15)  "  ::--io  nlf.efalion  or  erMsure  of  the inscript i<Jn  is  u.llower1.  If 11  mistakt'
     "" made, the ent,ry  rnu~t b~ cornpletely obliterMed and an entirely  new one rn~de by the
       No puree!  can  be insured  for  more  thart ikl ~tctual value, or fur  1110re  t.ban  tb.o  sum
     illll.ered against the nam~ or  the countn•  to  which it is  addrP~cd (>~ee Table pp. 35 t.o  41
     coL 8).  A pan~el of wb.icll the con !.eo ts ha\ e no saleable v:\lue  U\ay,  bowevor,  be  insured
     for a  uominrll  SUOJ  in  order  to  outain  the  8!t.fegunrd,  Oltllr-immrance  is  (lfl obstacle  [()
       \11  tJa.rcnl-post. parcels  addressed  to  the t.,.nHed  Kiugd•lm  or other pluco>S to  which
     the insurance system extends  containing articles of  jewellery.  watches.  bullion  or  other
     articles  of gold or silver. must be insured and  cannot otherwise. be forwarded  to  d&stlnation.
       Rules irt re$pect of cornpen5ation  for  in.sured  ltl/1!1'8  apply gener:>lly  to insured 1>arc(/s
       D.-CompeMation for loBI!  or dam4ge of UNlxsuneo  7)III'Oel~  !Je~wf.en. the  U nitcd Kill?iltml
     .and Jarrw.icn..  Tbe Postmaster for .Jamnir.a will  (not in O()usequence or an.v  legi\IIL'Ibility.
     but voluntarily, 11ud as an tict of grace) give compensation for the loss or d!!.mage of l.min-
     l'llred pQrcels sent  by  purcel-post between  the Fuited Kingdom and J am!l.icn.,  whtm HIICU
     loss or damage t.akes place while t be parcels are in hi~ custocl v, u.nd does no~ arise from nny
     fault or neglect of the senders or from  the nature of th<'  contents.
       The compenslllion paid will in no case exceed £ L.
       Th~compeusa~on payable 1Vill he in accordanctl with the general  rcgula.tionsl.\8  regtu·ds
     insured paroels (see above), so jar u11  thw;~S rey«laliurn~ ut·e afrplioablc.
       B.-Undeli1•erc1.l Pru•oels.  t;ndelivered parcels originating in  t.bc '(Tnited  Kingdom  Me
     Teturned  to the senders n.t  their expeo.~e tmless  tbP sender ha.s indicated liy a  note on tile
     pn.rcel  t.hat.  he wishes  it to be  abandoned  in case of non-delivery.  The sender  msy also
     dire<:~ that  a  po.!'cel.  if  uodeliverable  at tbe tirst address,  may be delivered  a.t  a  secoud
     address.  IC .aot delivet·ed at lhe second address wilJ  be dealt with as above stated.
               11,-UnUed 5tate.s of America and the  Canal Zone.
       The following are the specinl regulations wl:ticb govern the exchltnge of parcels:-
       Let,ter~, post-cMds and  wri~ten matter of  the  natur·e of  persoual correspondence nwse
     nnt be enclosed in  a  parcel.
       I£ sucb be found  the letter will  be placed 111  mai~ if separahle; and, if the lelter he
     inseparnbly attached,  the  whole  package 'Will  be  rejected.  Ii  however  any such  sb.o1uld
     inadvertently be forwarded,  I he country of tlest.iuation will  collect doub1e of postage
     n.rcording to the Postal Un.ion  Convention.
       A  pllrcel  may  uo~ contain any  other po.rcel intended  for  cl11livery  at an  address other
     t.han that borne by the parcel itaelf.  U suob endo::ed  pr~rccl be detected lt  must be sent
     •forwo.rd siogtv, charged with new and distinct
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