Page 33 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 33

SPECIAL  REGULA1'10NS.                  31
        Eaoh parcel must, be  so  wrapped or  enclosed  as  to permit  its  conttmts  to  be ea.sily
     ~l<amined by l~IJY Postrtli\Stc.tor Cust.orns Offi11er whose dut;y it may be to do so; and each
      parcel v.iU  be subject in the couutry of dest.inatiou to nll Customs duties und uJI  CU3Lorus
      regulations in force in that. country for the protection of its Custorus revenue.
        A parcel for United Stnte.'< and Caual Zone m1~y be reui.qU;rerl on like  conJ.itions to those
      that govern the registration of other oorrespondeooc: aud ou payment of the sum or two
      penr.e additio!IAI to the fir3t charge, the sender r.~n ohts1in n rer.cipt for such parcel  (roru r.he
      addressee, but paruels for the United l'tt1tes ami thl' Ctrnal Zone mAY  not ba in.sur~d.
        Parcrls must be so carefully  packed n.s  to  be safely Lransmitted  iu  the  m1.1ils  of  either
      country, both in going to the Post. Office of exchange of  the count.ry of origin, u.s  well &S
      1.0  the  oflice  of  address or  tcbe  country of  tlesl ina.tion;  and  t.hey  mus~ not be  sealed  or
      ~tosed against inspection,  that is,  the.v must uot  be st-oured by  menns  of  wax,  lead or in
      nny  trumner  wWrh  would  not  adu1it  of  their  Pasy  eumination  by  the  Customs
      Authorities in the  United  St.ates.  Paruols closed  by  mean&  of  !lllils  nnu  screws  um
        The  country  of  deslinatioo  may,  at il.s  option,  levy  and  collect  from  the ntlllressee
      lor inland service and delivery, a charge nol excee1liog twopence half-p~uny (or five cents~
      ou eaoh single parcel of not  more thao one pound weight: anti,  if  lhe weight exceed one
      pound,  a  charge equal to one lal\lf-peuny  (or one rent.)  for  each  four  o11nces  or  fro.ut.iou
        U  more thnn one pnr~el is sent at  nne  tinoe to one addressee. the sender should  number
      the parcels consecutiv~lr aud shoni<.J iurlic;~te <)n earh parcel the number of ptu·rels forming
      thc cousigmnent.  For instum:c,  if the consifi"Hlllcnt  cousist;; of  three pan·cls,  the  parc•els
      should be numhered "1/3, '' '".U3,"  '  3/;l," re~spec1 ively.  Tf  the vt<lue of  the  goods  (exclu-
      sive of p!\pers aucb  -u;  3toulu, bomls,  etu ..  or uo t::ornrnerci!l.l  value)  corttl\itw('l  io  a  pat·cel
      or in .. ~vcrul parcels sent. at  the snme time l>y  tJJJC  ;;em.ler  f(l  he  sum,.  11ddressee  ~~xreeds
      100 dollars,  an im•oice  certifie1l  by  a  Uui(!!d  States Consul  should  be  !umisheJ.  Tbis
      invoice should be enclosed in the rel11live pttrt:el,  tl11•  Custorns Derlarnt ion  Ll<Jiug  uotcd
      "Consular Jnvoire enclosed. "  When the Consutur  lul'oice rehltes to  mnrc  Jl!lrcels  than
      one, iL should be enclosed in parcPI No.  I, the Customs Declanllion being  no tell  uccord-
      ingly.  'l'be Custorns Declarations or covers of tbe r·emaining pnrcels should  be  m~rkeu
      "Ct~n.sular lnvoit•e iu  parcel No. I.''  If thesenJer prefers, however, the ConsultLr  Inv'lir.6
      m~y  be  Sillll  sep:u'tltely  to  the  nddro!-'!Set<,  the  rel11.1ive  Customs  Declaration  beiug
      suitabh•  notl'd.   Wloeo  Consular Tnvoit•e is erwlused  no  other  invoice  •Jr  sta!Alment.
      of value ueed be furni!'lherl.  If r.hc  Consul1.1r  [ovoit•e is ~<·ut sepurntl'ly  to  the addres~ee.
      a conmtercial invoit·e should l•e eodoscd in the pMecl.
        If a parcel Cl\.ttnot be delivered liS addrf'SSj!d,  within :zg <lays of its receipt, or is refused,
      j t  will  fort hwilh  be returoed  to  l·he aP.nders;  who  must.  pay  at  the  office  of  origin  1\n
      ~mount ~qual to  the postage  originally  pt.ud  thereon.
        Any  rcque.~t that a  parcel  m>~.y be  rto\:-.ddl'<!ssed  or returned  must be  accompanied by
       tbe !lll\OUilt of  IJOS[{lge at the origiuai rate ror  i t.~ further prepayment.
        The  Post Office  Depsrtment  will  not  be  respon~;ible for  the  loss  or  ditmage  of an.'
      pa.ckuge;  and  uo  indemnity  can  cooseqnently  be  claimed  by  the  ~ender or adur!!Bee  in
      ~ither country.
        Payment of  Cuslorns duty cunnot be undertnken by  the sender.
        For prohibitionS, see p9.J."ll  33.
        The  regulatious governing the PMcels  Post. exchange with Canada are  identiuL~l  with
       those of  U.S.A.,  with  r.hc following  exceptions:-
        1'here is no prohibition or limitation or numbers of t'!igurs or cigarettes which umy be
        Parcels for  Canada can  neither be insured nor registered.
        t'nolaimed or  refused parcels art- dealt with  in  Lhe S!lme  manner aa parcels from  tlte
       United Kingdom.

                               IV.-Panama,  etc.
        A  Parcels  Post exchange  now exists be~wcen .Jama.ioa and  the  Re~Jublics of  Panama,
       Eouador, Nicaragua and Venezuela,  via Colon.
        The regulations governing the exoha~e wilb these countries are ideotic&l  with tboseo[
       U.S.A.,  with  the  following  exceptions:-
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