Page 29 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 29

C'US'rOMS  DU'l1ES.                  2T

        nnd  eonfectionery,  crystallized  Md imitation fruits and flowers,  presllrl·cn gingt!r. jarus.
        jellies,  und  n1armaladrs,  chocoiMe,  cocoa  powder, t'anued fruit,  tea, coffee.  lo C81!o of
        dried  fruit,  the  particular  kind,  61(S,  raisins,  ~urmots.  etc.,  should  be stat~.  For-
        further  particulars as to declnrat ion~, soo uote :tgll.inst the names or tlte variotts coli/lt.ries
        in  a he Table of Rates pp.  35  to  41  (col.  J.l).
         Rvcry  parcrl  post  packc•t  !lddt'O:>>iCd  to  the  Pnit.etl  Kin~om or any Brit.isb Colony
                       w an cx!ra L'!..X  of  3d., t"t;Ct/11  those  which  a1·e  culrlrl.'saed  111  mombers-
        or  Dominion  will  hear
        llj' ni.cW IJ,'}e8lll'·• Nw·y urtd A flll!l·  This War Tux  will  be abolished as from  April  I,  102(i.
          .\.  Customs r.karrtuce feet of tJd.  1~ill  be oollec!lt>d  on every parcel-post. pare~! iwbut.he.r-
        it c:ontniru; dutiable matter Ol' not), unci on  every PIWknge  (other  thou pawcl-vost) which-
        on  exruniua.tiou  i>1  found  to contain duti!lhle matter.
         The  po.~tag•• on parcels mUiil be mhnll!J pt't'p!lid  by  posrage stamps.
         The Post Office  D'.)partmeot  will  IIIJI  b~ responsible  for  the  lo"S  or  datuage  or  any
        url.i118ured parcel.  This rule is  n1oclified  in c:uoe  of pnrr.els between  the U.K. and JAmnil'a.
       Silo  page 29.
         P.ach parcel must be plainly ()irectctl,  <~Ul'il liireclions setting forth  tbe  nAme  and fuU
        nddrcss of the Jll'rson for whom th" pMr.el is intended.   A parcel1mtNl 11nt  be  TJfl&l<Jd  in a
        l,eller bOl!  but muxt be  taken i11l11  11  Po,,t O.Dtee awt /11'6Hellled  allhe COt1t1tor  to  the  Po-;lmastero
        or  pers1111  i 11  cfiJ.II'Je.
         A  cer~ific&te of  posti11g  will  bt~ given  to 1 he  porson  nosting  :~.  pu.rcC'I  bu~ no  lit1bility
        ntU!ciH's to the Post Office in regpect thereof.
         A  parcel  may IU)l contain dnngerous articles, perish!lblc arf.icles, articles likely to iuiure
        other pl\rcels,  or the officers of  the  J>ost Office  liquids  unless securely pnckeli in proper nnd surrounded wit.b nbsorbent materit>l.f or MY  contn\band articlPs or substnncea.
        A  P•,rrel  rnust  not contain  another parct'l  or other  posttll  packet  iutended  for  delivery
        t,o  :l tWrsou  oUwr than  the addressee of the 6rst-nnrned parc<'l.
         JC  ou extuuination  of any pArcel  tht>re shall be found  io  or with  the s.'lme any  letter or
        communie~tion fiJ  /.he  Wllure  of a letter  such  paper  or communication  will  be withdrawn
        tberefrow, and will  be forwarded  to  the ndd.resilec  tbereoi; or, if it be not addressed,  to-
        the uddressee of the parcel in  or with which  the same was fouod en~losed,  and tl1c said
        lette r  will be surcharged for  dc>livl'r)' at lbe un1111id  rate of postage.
         l>arcel;,;  redirected from one country tr. another will he chr.rged a  frrsh  postnge ut tht)
        rate P•~ynhle t.o  tl1e eouotry  of d••sl;iuation.
         Pn.rculs ~<hould lie a11d srcbstflnliaily packcHJ  with due reg!l.l'ti to leugth of journey,
       (JOuditions of  trnnsi~ climatiC'  courlitiott.~, &t·.; n,,,., t·:wdbo!lrd  or  ordiMry  brown  pnper
        is not in g(lnerul  ,qumcit!Ilt  pncking for  p11rct!ls  sent to pl~ce.• ubrond.  Light und  lmlkv
       artiCIC'll  should  be  Pltcked in  strong  wooden  C!\Ses.  In  some  Cll.OCI'I  seals  muy  be found
       neccssnry;  if wax is used it should l1o  nf the special  11uality which will  wi.tiLst.and  a  hot
       climate.  Parcrls  to U.S.A.  ruay uol  lie  sraled.
         Parcel~; containing coin, anything rnnde of ~old or ailver or other nredous article cannot
       be forwarded to !\ ~oun try pnrtici paling i•J  t ltc 1 nsuraore scheme t.:tt:etli  I'"'  11111 eel is i>vtured~
         Pnrcel~ con1:1i11itJg tl.tlictes of an llggregate value £50 willuoliJe :\cccpted for
       tnmsmisslou.  This does not apply to) insured parcels (for the limit of the value of  whlub
       .;ee  pages 3.5  to  :ll, col.  8).
         Parcels received at Jamaica from  pluces over sea are, in term.s  or Post Office Ltlw
       Amendment Law,  1~0. opened at the Re!td Office,  King~ton, for the purpose of asae.ssiug
       the duty on  the contents.
         Parcels  are  delivered  in  Kingstou  if  uclurc.ssed  to  a  t>lace  within  the  houae  delivery
       limit by letter carrier;  if  beyond such  limit, at the  l'tlr~el  Po:st  Office!;  in  the country,
       across  the  Post  Office  counter.
         The amount of duty o.ssessed on :my sucu parclllmust be paid before delivery, or before
       the delivery of the parcel frorn  the cuatod.v of the Post Office.
         All complaint" relating to Cu!ltoms duty on pMcels should be addressed to  the Collec-
       tor of Customs, Kingston, as the PosL Offiue has no control in the mntter of du~y.
         Applicutious for refund of duty must be accompanied by tb.nt port ion of the cover whiolll
       benrs the nddrt•:l.!l,  the duty lubt'laud  the declarlltion.
                                Cu:stom5  Outie5.
           \n wl  tnl"w" duty is levied on  t.he majority of articles imported into l!!l~>ud hy-
       the medium of  tile pat·cel  post.  The  general rote  of  nd oolorem duty  is 20  ~~. ~c1nd !he-
         t  This f~e is designated. at time llf «<>in~r to  pr-, ns  "W~r Ta.x  and  Dellv"fY  Fee.''  The  designa-
       tion  "Cu•ton~ ClearMce f"e"  will be applied as fruon  April l, 1926.
                             t C/  /(Quute, Otl.l, t•e.  pare  23.
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