Page 27 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 27

It is reoomrnended that the name and address of the sender  be  written on the outsido  l


      of every registered  postal packet.
        Registered packets must be prepaid a.s  regards both p011tage and registration fee.
        Packet~ to be registered must  be given  to tt.n  officer of  the Pol!t  Office,  and a  receipt
      ~btained for them; they must on no account be dropped int-o a  letter bo:t.
        A letter must not be accepted for registration u.nless it.  is  i1t  pujecl  flrdcr.  A registered
      letter fastened with gummed papt-r  r~n only be nccepted  if the sender signs  his
      I.ICr0/38  the slip  of gummed paper.
        Jiduico  of Del-iuery.-The !lender of  registered or insured correspondence addrei!Sed  to
      any foreign  country or British colorcy  iu lhe Post~l Union,  may  obtain  an acknowledg·
      meat of its receipt by the addressee on payment of .m extra fee o( 2d., in addition to otheT
                     I nsurAncc--Ovcr:sca:s,  (/''fir LeU~r$ tmly.)
        A  letter for u place  against which  11 liUtit of iusured  value is entered  in Col.  3 of  the
      Table  of Rates on  pa-ges  35 to 41, cnn  be iMnred.  Countries against which no  Mlry
      i• made do not pnrticipate in the iosUl'11llCil system.
        Letters  tendered for  insurance will  bP  1\~oepted by the Post Office on payment of the
      fee and subject to  the condit.ioos stated  bP.iow:-
        FeP.-5d. Cor  every £12 of value in atlllitiOtl  /(I  lltt  postage and rt(/idlrulioTI f~e.
        As few stamps as poi!Sible should be used  to  prepay the postAge aorl insurance fee. !lnd
      the stamps must not be folded  over Lh.e  edge of tbe cover.  '"'~'ben more stamps  one
      are  used they must he affixed with sp .. ceR  between them.
        A  I.ETTER. is  tbe  only  article of  matter which will  be accepted for  inaurauce;
      p011t  cards, printed papers,  commercial papers or sample pMkets  will  not l:"ie  .. ccepted.
        Letters  contrlining  coon,  :tnything mt~de  of  go!tl  or silver,  precious stones, jeweUery,•
      or any article liable to cUBtoms duty in  the  cnunt.ry  of  deatiua.tiou  cannot  be  sent  by
      Insured letter-post. Objects of value which catlllcH be sent in insured l8tlers  m~y generally
      be sent in insured  parcels,  (see page ~9).
        The  insurance  system is  specialiy  applicabl,.  to  letters  which  contain  bank·notes,
      coupons, securities, bonds and other documents of  the kind.
        A letter tendered for insurance must ~OT be addressed  to initials, or in pencil and it m us~
      be enclosed in a strong cover, a.nd be securely fAStened  and se11.\ed  with fine  wsx in such
      1\ way that it cannot be opened without.leftving tl'nC<.'I! of violation.  Envelopes witb
      or  coloured borders  must  not  be  used.  Seals  ruust be placed over  each Bap, or 31!Atn,
      <>f  the cover of a packet; and if the packet is tied round with  string or tape, a sell! must b&
      placed on  the ends where they are tioo.  (n the! case of long envelopes with a seam down
      in  the centr•1,  thP se:lm should be secured with placed not more  thiUI  three
      atrl\rL  All  the  seals  must  be  of  the  :;!lme  kind  of  wa~.  and  must.  benr  distinct
      impressions of  the  same private  devico.  Coins  musL not  be  used  for  aet1ling;  and  the
      device of  the  seal must uot consist merely of strnight,  crossed or curved lines whiob cnn
      be imitllted readily.
       1'he  onus  of properly  enclosiag nod sea.Jing  the  letter  lies upon  the sender,  and  the
      PosL Office  does  not assume linbilily for Ios.;  uri~ing from  the defects of the cover or the
      ser;.ls, which may not be observed at tbe trme of  posting.
       The  :unount  for which a  letter is insured must not.  exeeed its uctual value, snd rnust
      be written by tbe sender both in words and in figures tit lhe top of the address side of the
      cover, thus:-"Insureu for £12, (Twelve Pounds)" or whl\tever the amount mAy be.
       Altero.tion or erasure of tile  inscription will  not be allowed,  if a  mistake be Irulde  the
      •nt.ry must  be completel.v struck ouL and a  new eutry made by the sender.  The seala
      ()n 110  ordinary envelope of a.n insured letter must be plar.ed as shown bslow:-

       Letters  which  do not fuliiJ  the foregoing conditioru; will  not be accepted for insunsnce.
                         • See deflnlt.loo  ot "jewellery., pt•ge 7.
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