Page 23 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 23

OVERSJ!lA  rt!AILS.                  21

     In either cast~ the amount  for such ticket must be paid in oash 1  anti the ticket  must be
    )landed to the driver or guard of the CO!lCb  before the pa.ssenger  takes his  seat.
     In all oases if a. pa.ssenger int.enda to leave the coach between stations he  must pay the
    (Me  lo ~be next slation beyond.
     'fhe PERSONAL Lt10GA.GE of each passenger is limited to 20! bs.  by weight or 2,000 cubio
    noht>s  by  ai~e.  Any excess must be paid for us freight, and such e.xcess rnay  no~ e:~:oeed
    10 lbs. in weight, or 1,000 cubic inches iu size.  DoGS are nota.UoweJ  t.o  be  r.arried by
                        OVERSEA  MAILS.
                      MEANS  OF COMMUNICA fiON.
     1.  Utn't'Eo  KrNGD0\4- Letter nU\il.  t.o and from  the  Uuite<l  Kingdom  is  conveyed  by
    <~Very nvailable  opportunity via the Unit.ed States,  and  by the  Eldem and  Jo'yffes,  and
    L1t,Ylt\nd  wd  llarrisou  Lines  of  steamer, via  Liverpool or Bdstol.  The  Department
    .. udea.vou.r5  to forward muil for the  United Kingdom  by  tb.e  most  e.xpeditious  route  in
    t~!lCh case.  Prm•el-post  mail  is  conveyed  only  by the  tlirect  steamers.
      I I.  UmTEO  SI·AT~sovAr.s}:nrcA-Muils(lloth letter  u•1d pycel) totmdfrom tbe U.S,A.
    ,.reconveyetl by  th11 steamers of the United Fruit Co., >\tla.nticFruit Co., Clyde S.S. Co ••
    and J amr1ica Fruit. uud Steamsllip Co., the most expeditioua  opportuuity btling  utili'lled
    l\8 far 1.18  poS>i ble.
      Ill.  CANADA-Lotter mail to aod  (rom the Dominion of Canada is sent and recei\'-ed by
    ~110h U.S. mail.  Parcel-post mail  is,  however,  conveyed  only  by  the ates.mers  of  the
    Pickford  nod Black Line  tradJng between lialifa..x, N.S.  and J11maica, and the  Cao.adi,~n
    Government.  1\:fercho.nt,  Marine  t.radiug  between  Montreal  s.nd  Halifax  and  Jamaica
    about oooe every  thr••e  weeks.
      rv. Cl!l:oo'rR..u.  AMERroA-Mail oomrnunioation with these  countries  (except Nicaragua)
    111  maintained by  the  stenmers of thr  United  Fruit  Co.,  Blders and  Fylles Ltd.,  and
    <Mn.adian Government Merchant Marine.  For special information  regarding parcel-post
    rot1il  for  these ser page 31.
      V.  WEST lNoiA T SLAJWs-Letter and parcel-post ms.ils to lUld from theW e.rt India Island•
    !U'C  exchanged regulu.rly  by  wa.y  of New York.  Mails  are also exchanged with Trinidad
    an.d  Barbados by way nf Crislobal.  The Horn Line ami the Roy11l Dutch West India Mail
    Corupa.ny maint.'\in a. direct. service to llait,i.
      1'he  Canadiu.u  Governweut  Merchant  l\.b.rille  maintains  a  direct  service  between
    J•unaica,  Bermuda,  :~nd the  BahiUllli.O.
      VI  CArnAN  AND  'foRKS  TBL.L'IDs-An  irregular  mail  service  to  and  from  these
    Ials.nds is maintained by me.ans of schooners and sloops.  Letter mail to and from  Turks
    Island is also exchanged via New York.
      VII.  CV11A.-:Mails  are conveyed  by  the  Uniled  Fmit.  and  the  Webster  Shipping
    Co's. steamers.  There is no direct parcel-post exchange with Cuba.
      By courtesy  o! the  United  Fruit Co.,  t.he  following  schedule  of  rout,es,  etc.,  of  their
    regular steamers is furnished.
      NEW Yol!.lt-JAMAJCA-PA.N.uu.-CoLOMliiA S£RVlOR-A  steamer lell.ves Kew  York every
    Wednesday  .\.M.  and  c-alls  at.  the  ports:-
      ltingston  (arrives  and  leaves  Monda,y),  Cri.;tobal,  Ca.rtngena.,  Puerto  Colombia,
    S~nta. Mart&,  Cristobal, t  Kingston  (Mfives  and  leaves  Saturday), New  York,  (arrives
    1'hursday)-a round  voyuge  or  22 days.
      During the winl.<lr  mout.hs  a  weekly service is maintained between  New York, Cuba,
     Jall..l&ioa  Pauu.IU/\ Costa Rica,  Cub1.1,  New  York-a round  voyage  of 23 days.
      N:FJW YoliK-CUli.\·JAM.UCA 8£RVTCE: A cargo stearuer lca.veaNewYorkeverySaturday.
      NEw Y ou-Cu:BA...JAld:AJCA-HOND1TRAS-GITATE1.1.At.A  SlilnVTCE:  A  steamer leaves New
     York  every  other Satw-dsy  calling  at tbe foUowing  porte:-
      Santiago,  Kingston  (arrives  a.n.d  leaves Friday), Belize  (or Puerto  Cortez*),  Puerto
     Dllrrioa, Tela, Puerto C'ustilla, Puerto B:urios, Kingst{ln (arrives and leaves  Weduesday),
     SIU1t-itl{5o,  New  York. (arrives Wednesday)
      ~aw 0RU:ANs-<'OBA-JAMAJCA SEilvrce: A steamer l~mves New  Orleans  every  Friday
     ··:~.•ling n.t  Sa.n~iago, Rir.tgl!!ton  (arriving following  Fridtly),  retuming  to Gulf  port  via
     Crntrnl American  port.
      1.11  the  foregoing  the  term  "letter  maU"  refers  to  letters  and  p~t cards,  aod  paeku~r&S o[
     Flntod and cnmmerc:ial pape&;S and samples.
       AlternatesaillniiS  ealling alBeli-z.eone  90)Tage. Cortez the next.
      tThe cnllat Crilltobul on  the Nortb bound voyage is omittod 011  allt•YifiiiC  tfJI!nks  duri.Jlg  the  ~~reater
     poruoo of 11111 year.
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