Page 21 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 21

MAif,  COA.ORES.                   19
                         MAIL  COACHES.
     Mail coaches are  ruo  between  the following places: I<ingst.on  and  Port  Antonio  (via
    :\l{orant  Bay);  Ewarton  and  Montego  Bay;  Moot.ego  Bay  and  Lucea;  Bala.clava  and
    Santa  Cru~; Ipswich  nod Black River; Montpelier and  Savanna-la-Mar;  Linste.'>d and
    Qayle;  Richmond  and  St. Ann's  B!l-Yi  and  Shooter's Hill and Browns Town.
                         MAIL COACHES  FAQES .

                         :;.:.   ~  g  g   .,;                   ~
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                 .J   ...;   ~     0   E-1   E-1            ...   ~
                         "'  "d
      Fares from    1'1   ~   gj   ;>,   E-1   d   E-1   ,;   .:j   ~   0  to
                 ~  ~   til   j   ?;   a  .,        ~   =='   .,   ~
                 a     0)       ~   1!:   e:   ~  ...   0   ~   ~   a
                 0   Ji   ...;   =='   0  ....   .s   0   ..!9   §   0
                 ::21  0   ;:3   00   J  p::   ~   00.   ,...,   0   A   R   ~   ~
                   - -                                    f- --
    Ewarton   .. 3/4  6/  8/  9/4 l0/8 12/8 15/4 17/ 2  18/8 20/2  21/6  'M/10 28/10 32/2
    Moneague       2/8 4/8 6/  7/4  9/  12/  13/ 10 15/416/10 18/2  21/6  25/6  28/10
    Claremont         2/ 3/4  4/8  6/8  9/4 U/2  12/8j 14/2 15/6  18/10 22/10 26/2
    Lime  Hall   ..  - -  1/4  2/8  4/8  7/4  9/2  10/S 12/2  13/6  16/10 20/10 24/2
    St. Ann's Bay           1/4  3/ 4  6/  7/10   9/4110/10  12/2  15/6  19/6  22/10
    Laugh lands  ..  - - - -   2/  4/8  6/6  8/  9/6  10/10 14/2  18/2  21/6
    Ronaway  Bay  - -  -  -  - - 2/8  4/6  6/  7/6  8/10 12/2  16/2  19/6
    Browns  Town  - -  - - -    -     1/ 10  3/41 4/10  6/2  9/6  13/6  16/10
    St.ewart  Town   -  - - -  - -         1/6  3/   4/4  7/8  11/8  15/
    Jackson Town  -  - -  - -   -           -  1/6  2/10  6/2  10/2  13/6
    Clarla!  Town  ..  - -  - - -  -               l/4  4/8  8/8  12/
    OUlloatlll   .. - - - -  - -    -  -   - -     -   3/4  7/4  10/ 8
    Falmooth   ..  - - -  - - - -      -   -   -   -    -  4/  7/4
    Little River  ..  - - - - -  -  -  -   - -     -    -   -   3/4
                           fiopeweU.  I
           Fares from              I Sandy BAY.   Lucen.   C reen  ltiland.
    Montego Bay  ..     ..   3/9  I    5/3        9/5       1:.1/11
    Hope well   ..      -·    -        1/fi       5/8       10/2
    5nndy Bay   -.      ..    -    I    -         4/2        8/8
     Lucea              ..    -         -         -          4/6
           Fares from           Btaes River            Balac:lavn
     ~~~ntll Cruz                   3/-                 11/-
     Braes River        ..          -                   3/ ..
  ljl!                        Middle Quarters.        Ipswich.
     Blaok River                   3/·                  G-
     l\tiddle Quarters   --         -                   ~/-
                                Guy's Hill            Gay le
     Linst.ead          ..         7/-                  12/-
     'Cuy's Rill        ..          -                   51-
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