Page 25 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 25


                          cr.ASSIFICATION  OF  MAILS.              23
      ol.herwise  defaced  in such  a  way 8.8  to render the article  unsaleable in t he ordinary  way
      of t!·nding.
       p,cka.ges  of  printed  and  collll.llercial  papers  nnd  samples  must  be fully prepared: iJ
      11(JI  fully  paid they will not be /OI'Warded.
       Special regu.lation.s  o-B  to  certairt articla.-Though under the regulations  or  the  Postal
      Union art·iclesliable IQ Customs  duty may only be s !nt  by the parcel or the  insured  parcel
      post, this rule is rela11ed for samples in certain countries.  In  some instanc~  •am plea liable
      to Customs duty are delivered either l'ree or on payment of the duty, but iu others Lhey may
      be withheld from  delivery.  Samples  of U>a  e<tceeding eight  ounces  in gross  weight are
      not  m any  case accepted for  trallllmission abroad; and some countries have  !Lxed  "'  till
      lower limit. both for  tea  and for  certain  othe1· articles  Samples liable  to  Customs duty
      are ordinarily  admitted  into the United  Kingdom when sent. in quantities so  small  ns  t<l
      have practically no saleable value; but the importation of IQbacco, cigar a, cigarettes,  &c., by
      sample post is prohibited, with  the sole  exception of packets of type 81\mpl€6  of unmanu-
      factured tobacco not. exceeding six ounces in gross weight, which are delivered on payment
      uf  2s.  tid.  Cusloms duty.
       Sample&  of Spiri~  (except  perfumed  spirits)  may  be  sent  t<l  the United  Kingdom
      provided  that t he samples Me p lainly  marked "Slririla (not pe~jum.ed)."  Each packet ia
      liAble to a  <Jiulrge of 3s. 6d. Custon a duty.  Samples or 1t·ine  are admitted  free of  Custom
      chargtu;.  The  gro•s  wdght of  any  snmple pucket  coutnining  wine  or  spirits  mu>t  no~
      exceed  12  ouncea.
       Sarnple&  of 'l'ea  uot  exceeding   o~.  in  gross  weigbt mu.y  be  sent  to  U.  K.,  provided
      that the p11cketa are plainly marked us containing tea.  Each  packet  exceeding  3  oz.
      weight,  is  liable  to a  cbnrge  of  ld. Customs duty.  Packets of  tea exceeding  8  oz.  in
      gross weight aud sent by sample post 1\re liable to forfeiture by the  Custom~.
       A·ny li!Jl'?:d,  ml,  nr  .~!Lbatance which Cllsily  liquefies must be  enclosed  in  a  gln~<S  bottll'
      bermetica.Liy sealed; and  the bottle must be plac11d  in  a  special hox of rn('tal,  woorl or  of
      strou@! corrugated C!l>rdbot>rd containing sawdust, t•ottou, or spongy mnteriul  in  auffi~iru~
      qunnllty to absorb the liquid if the bottle Lecomos hroken.  The box  itself, if it  1a  of t.hin
      wood, must be enclosed in a second c:>st•  of metAl,  of  wo()u  "";th  'l  lirl srrl'wed  down,  of
      st.rong corrugated cardLonrd, or of stout  thick leather.
       When,  however, a  perforated wooden blork is uscrl  htwing a  thi~kness t)f at  least  2t
      millimctrl'.s  (about  ~ inob)  in  the  thimlcRt  purt tlOtl  tilted  with n  lid, it  is  not.  necess!lJ')'
      to  enclose this  block  in  u second  case.
       A  fatty  substance which  doe.~ not  eascily  liquefy,  llllch  as  ointment.  soft--soap,  resin 1
      &c ..  liS  well  us  llilkworrn  l'ggs,  fhe  tnlnsmission  of  which  p•·esents  fpwer  di:fticult.ies
      must  be enclosed  in an innor cover  (box.  bal!;  of  line1l  ()r  pa rchment  &c.) 1  which  must
      it;;!'lt be placed  in n second boA of wood,  metal  Ot' Sh)Ut thick leat.her
       A  sn.mplt'  of liquid or any futty  ;;ubstanre.  or  ll Btlmple  enclosed •o  u  lin~n or paper
      envelotre  of  little  strength,  must  htwe  a  label,  prefer~~hly of  purchmPu:  uttochetl,  with
      the address of t be addressee, tl1e  postag!'  st!lntps  Rtid  the  impression  of  Hoe  date-stamp!.
      Tbeuddre~:Smust be repe~tted on the article•lf.
       .\.ny  nrticl~>,  such  a.s  tinned  food,  \\ hirh  wuuld  be  spoilt  if  pucked  iu  the  ma.uner
      pre;,cribed  may  e.xccf')tion:1J!y  be ndmitled  iu  :1  ('oVN'  ltern-.eticnllv $~~~ 1erl .  In  that,  case senuet'or the :tddressee mAy be reQuirc•d to  tu•sist in  thP  cltet•k  of !he coutents,  either
      hy  ope.ninl!;  the  packet or in some  othur sac isfnctor~· muuner .
       .  '\n !l.l't.icle M g/as~ Ill list he securely pac•ked I in  a ltol\ oi tnetol, woocl, m· strong ~:orrugnt.ed
      cu.rdboard) iu surh a  wu.y us to prevelll n.ll  risk or itdur,v lo other posll•l  pllckt!ts or to flOStl\1
       D/11!  (auiiine,  &c•.),  is  not  admitted unJess eucd!lSI!Il  iu  a  sh>UI  tin  box,  plnt•ed  insido
      ll wood~u bo•  with sawdusl between  the  two  covers   Dry  non-llolouriug  powder  must
      be p!Med in u IJO'<  t)f mc.tul,  woo•l,  or  c•flrolbo:ml,  t ho·  hox itself being end()oed  in  n  bng of
      lineu or  plltl'bnteul ..
       Live Be.())l  ruust  be eucloaed  iu a  bolC so l!tHlst ructcld 11s  to  avoid  all  dt111ger  and  to  allow
      the contents to  be 11.\lcert.ain~d.
       SluJrp  1 ~~~lrunwn/M  such  n.s  scissors,  knives,  rawl'l!,  forks,  steel  pena,  nails,  watllh
      mnchiMry  mrttol  tubing,  piet•rs  of toetal or ore.  are llli.!!;iblc  for  transmission  by  sample
      post,  provided  lbo.t  they  are  bortt;.-firle  srunples  wituout  snlenble  value.  and are packed
      and  guurJecl  in so  secure a  mnnner  aM  t.o  involve  no  risk  to  t.lte  contents of the  mail
      bags aod to the  offic·el'l!  ar  t.he  Post  Office,  whilst ut  the same  time  they  my  be  easily
       All  paokages  of  printed  o.od  commtJrf'ial  papers  and  samples  may  be  opened  and
      ~>>:Brnined by  thfll'osr  Office without  reference to the nddressee
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