Page 28 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 28

'26                   POS1'  OFFICE  GU!Oll:.
         t 1 • 311 n d  leltet'>l  will  have  all  tlae  ssfcgu:nds  of  the  R<·gistl'ntion  sysleru,  and  ;r
       1  •·ro otkat•· ot  JJOStiug must Always be obtairu:d  by  the sender  of  un  insure<!  letter.  .An.
       nrl;nowi'K.lgmcnt  of  receipt  of  the  dPli1•e•·.v  1t1uy  alt;o  be  obtained  uuder the  suwe
       ·~ondil iow•  a;! thuse uppliMble to registered let.ters, i.e.,  on payment of a further fee of 2d.
        OlntJ)IliiBatioo for t.he loss ur thuuage in  the  pi'ISt of  110  insured  letter, or  its contents-
       will uol  exceed the amount of I be 11etu:~lloso or Ul\tnuge. and will  nor be paid  at all fors.
       p!l.('k<•t ''ontaining any  prohibited ~•·tic le, fnr  at\J packet. which h~ been  delivered with-
       out e.xt~r·OAL trace of injury  nnd has been !lt'Ctlptet.! without remark. or for cu.used
       by  the fault  or uegligeoue  ()(  the :!Cndf'r  or urising  from  the  n!ltum  of  the art.iclc;  nor
       does it. follow m; n  rn,_tter of cnut·se  tha( compensution  will  be paid when loss ur~es from
       tempest, shipwreck,  enrthqWI.kc,  w•1r,  or other C!\uses  beyoorl control.  Indirect  loss  or
       toss of profits is nnt taken tul.u <:onsideratiou.  No cornprnsution will be puid for any loss
       or damage real.liUng from  Mts of T<iDg's enemies.  Nu cl11im for compensation will  be
       admitted if mnde more tban a. year after the packet was posted.  The sender or a  parcel
       may  waive his cluirn in  favour of the addressee.
        Legal  liability  lo give compensution in  rl.'spect  of  nay  for  which  an ia~urs.noe·
       fee hru~ been pnid will  not llltl\Cil  to the Posrma.ster for J s.mJ\ic.a  either 'Persoon.lly,  or in
       his official  capacity.  The tinnl decision  upon  t~ll  que-stions  o£  compellBation  rests  with.
       the postnl administration of the country in which t.he loss hns taken place.
        Insured letters will only be forwa1·ded  by stewners going direct to a .Brilish port.
                               PARCEL  POST.
        A Parcel Post o•xuh»uge exi>1ts between Jamaica und t.he countries  ll.g!linst.  which  parcel
       pogt rates of postage arc shown  in  cols.  9  to  l2, pnges 35 to .fi.  Pl!.n;el  post  businr:ss  is
       tran.sacted at all  Post Offices.
        The parcel mail for the Ouited Kina:dom 1111tl  Iri~h Free State,  l'nited ~tatcs o[ America,
       Canal Zooe, Canada, Cost~ Hica. Ps.nnrna.,  Honduras. a.ud Turks,  Cayman !\nd  Bahama
       Islands  is  forwarded by  !'-acb  avail~hle diteat  opportw1ity. That Ior  the majority of the-
       West India. Islands is st'nt and received via New York, and also by &ny direct opportunity-
        The ptl.rcel  mail  f'or P,cuudor,  Nioarngun and Venezuela is forwardeu  via Panamn.
        P!lrcel~ for  the mujoritJ of other countries fonvnrrlcd  via the United  Kingdom.
        P••stuge,  Dimc118io11.9  rwd  Wei(IM-No pal'<"o•l  rua.y e:'iceeol eleven pounds in weight.
        For post.agc, m:t--.imum llimens ious, and other particulars. see Table of Rates of Postage,
       &c.,  pages  35  to  -!1.
        fi'nreiq11  (excq11  to  U.S.)"' flwl  Cu/qnial  f1<11'Cel.~  ~~~ntl•ll  l1tt  n'jii;tered,  but  they  may  b&
       in .. urfd to cett:•in countries  unller  the couditious specilied on PttiCe  2!)
                             General  llcg'l! lation~.
                          Ouetom.! DeclanJ.l-iOnt~~lll Dispatch-JLuiG.
         Parcelt are tSid)./l!cl  lu  Customn  regukrtion6.  The sender of  each  pru~el i3  t.o
       muke, for Cust.oms purposes-upon 11. special form ot forms, whio•b  con he  obtained at any
       Post. Oflice-nn llccurate st~tement of  tile nat11re  1\Dd value  of tbe  contcnta and  otbe ...
       p~t•·tiuul&rs.  The sender's m~me mJ.dfull addrP$ must nlso be filled in.  The forms  should
       be  tilled io, in  ink.  Two forms  of  Customs declaration  in  u!!e:-(1) A  yellow form
       (No. 741), intended to be a.ffixrd  to the covers of parcels fo1·  British Colonies a.od Possessions
       and for a Cew fol'l'ign countries; a.nd (2) .'l. white form, which is used for parcel.s for all uther
       foreign  countrie~.  Several icit'ntica.l copies of the lilt! er fom1 must. in mnny c.'ISes be m~td~
       out.  The  number of 1\'}uf.e  forms requir~d is iuuicated by the figure  ufter  I he  letttlr  W
       in col.  14, Tuble  of,  pp. 35 to H .  JVhenawhitefonn  i~ u.sedlltllsen<ler  tmul  also
       Jilt up a dispatciHliJ/8.  Under valuallon of  the contents or  failure to  describe thom fully may
       result in a soizuro of the  parcels. and in or p11n:el811drlr~8Sed to the United States of
       Amedct~ in  the imposition of benvy fines,  which will  uot be remitted. eveo if the  ps.r~c!s
       Are  returned  to  the senders.  The  net w~ht ,.,.  qu.a.nliliJ  of the diJferent 'kiTll./.4  of arliicles
       ~onlllitled in a  parcel  ~lwu/d be l!trparalely  xial~.  Any othoJr  pl\rticultu"S  should be given
       which would facilitate tbe a.sses8ment  of  Customs duty.  such  as the rna.terllil  of  whicll
       olothing is composed,  and whether iL  is new  o) r  not..  Io  the case of :.1rticles  returned  to
       the  country  wbere  they  originated,  the  faot sllouJd be str1tfld.  CWitoms Dec~ra.tions,
       instead  of  bearing eot,ries of "Groceries..'' "Presents." etc .. should  bear entries giving a
       description  and  the  weight  of  the following  articles,  when inclosed,  viz : Sugar, sweets
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