Page 30 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 30

     J)l'\lf••r<:n!i!'ll r:ltc is 1; ",..  Tll.o ptefereoee _of 5 %is gi-'':n. to good~ which a;e the produce
     Jaod  mnnufuntuu•  of  th" (Qllowrog  countrres of  the BntlSh  Emprre:  Untted  Kingdom,
      JriMh  l•'r•··· StAll, l"'.mucl:.o,  Ne.<w1oundland, New ZealAnd. Cypru:', Fiji, B_ahamas, Barbados,
      Hrau~h l1•H'  11 , 1 ,  Triuid;.~.d, Lllewa.rd Islands, Grenada, St. Lucul, St. Vtnt-ent, and  Turks,
      (; •f•·o.~t>ud 1:!'1) mnu  IRiauds.
       c.u.,cl~ imported from  the above-named countrit>s  must  be accompanied by a certificate
      or origtn  and of British manufacture.  in order to  secure the preferential  rale of duty.  U
      k<ir ·d.  the ttlrlificate  may be enclosed in the parcel, and a  note to  this effect  made on
      ti,. Cn.otonh de•·larstion.  I1. must be dis~inctly understood that goods mailed by pnrcel
      po"'  in un)  of tile above-named oouncries, which are not  sccompnnied  by the nect>Ss&ry
      rurtifiNte .,r British  ma.nufact.ur.:,  wiU  be  ~essell M  the  general  (20 %)  and  not  t.he
      Jtr••rut'llntW.l  rate (15%) of du~y.
       In  addition to  this tariff there it~ a  tlf>ecific  or rated  tariff wh.ich  ie levied on  oerli&in
     a.rricl"~• and also a  list on which  no duty  is  collected  illhe goods are from  the countries
      nat11ed above, and on which !i %duty is levied if otherwise, 1t0d an unresurved  free list.
     For Curlher information concerning rawd, parthlly free, and  wholly free articles reference
     .-boutd bl! made to a schedule of Customs Tnriffs.
                       Du ty  Payable  on  J?epa i r~ .  Etc.
       Articles  of  any  description may  he se11t aw11.y  frow  the  isla.ud  und  re·adrnittcd on
      l'aym~t of  the  duty  on  rue  ~ost, if  any,  of  repairs,  dyeing  or  cleuniog. or  other
     Jllterattoo  or adjustmunt  on  the  following  contlitioDS being cor.npljed  with:
       1.  The e.~porter sh>\11  fu.ruish  the l'hicf officer  of CusloDJR with notice, and with s  s~lln­
      oient. description in  writing of the nrt.iciE's it is  iotendP.d  to send nway,  nnd if  the  chief
     officer of Customs  l:iball  think it expedient, the  article  sbnll  th••1t  he io>~pllCI«d by and
     sb!fped under  the s11per•ision of  the  proper oAker of Customs.
       ~.  On the return of the article so expol'terl, oroa the return of an ilrticle uot so expor~d
      but  in respect or which it shall be esl:~blished to the sat isfa.ction of the chief offioor that it
     is nn article which bad been C'-'JlOrted from thi.s island, such article may be delivered upon
      the pliSSing  of  the necessary entries,  anti  payment of duty,  on  the cost  of repair,  etc.,
      ii any, which must be Yerified by the production of an ~ccount or in some other way to
      the satisfaction of the chief officer provided in Pvery r:a."C  tlu . ..t  the id1mtity of the.  flrLicle
      is  established to  the satisfaction of t h••  chief officer.
       3.  The parcel post being in the majority oC tbe medium  through wb.ich  articles
      are returned t.o  the isl:md, Collectors at outports m\l;~t Iurnisb to the Collector of Custome
      at Kingston a  list  of articles  sent aw:~.y to be returnt>d as  well M  thll description of o.ny
     a.rtides whi<•h  have undergone examination  before beiug  ~l'nt aw:~y in  nrder thM such
      dll~~eription may be recorded in n  register kept at  Lbe Post.  Office with  a view to the iden-
      tifi~nt.ion and admission duty free, or on payment of  the duty f)D  the cost of repttirs, 11t.o.,
      ii  tuty,  on t.heir return to thi,; isltlod.
                              Refund  of Duty.
       Oooda. wnres und  merchaodi~e npou  which any duty under l.nw  I of  11J25,  shAll  have
      been Pl'id,  ou its bt>iQg  proved t.o  the satisfaction of tl\c proper llfllr.,r  nt  Customs  Lhat
      a ruiat~k.e has been and that such goods are not the  gOoda ordered hy the
     a nd tlut.t such goods have been  returned to the exported, if duly exported within  three
      months of their first  irnport.atiou, shall  receive a  drawback  of  the full  dtllil'S  paid on
     importation.  Application for  refund  of duty should be  on  the fol'nt  provided for
      the purpose,  which may  he  had {rom  lb.e  Poslmaster or  Collector.
                   Special Regulations :-1.  Uni ted l<ingdom.
       A.-Cash on.  Delivery Svstem.  A  Cll.Sb.  on  Delivery System  of parcels  i$ in  existea~
      between  this  Colony and  t he  Unitecl Kingdom.
       Parcels up to the value of £40 each may be sent either way  and the value together with
      the fce.s  atten.d!lnt ou the exporl.!~t.ion collected from the o.ddreSi!ee, and remitted to the
       A Ca.qh on Delivery parcel may only be retained at the office of dt>Stination for  15 days
     from the date of arrival, after which if u.uclai01ed it  is forth1vith returned to origin.
      Any  further inform!ltion including fees charged oon be obtained from  the P~rccl Post
     rOffice,  Kingston,  to which office  the service is litni ted.
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