Page 35 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 35

MTillS  Oli'  POSTAGl!l.               33
       UNITED  Kr.-muoAt.-Extract.s or  essences of  c:>ffee.  chicory, tea.  or tobacco, or  any
     ndruixtnrc of the same.  Saocbru-ine, mixtures con!Aiulng saccharine and other ~ubstBuces
     of simibr nature or usE'.  Any  pac!reU> cont.~ining sucb. substsnct'.s will be handed over to
      the c~tom.s authorities  tlnd the persons concerned  in  importing  them  will  he  liable  to
     heavy pecun.iary pens.Jt.ies.  Liqtlicls  or  substances for  analysis  or medical  examination.
     P athological  ~eaimtlns.  Butt~ mw;t  be  i.nclosed  in hermetically  sealed  t.inll.  Snufr
      work  (tlu.t is,  prcpu.mtions  of  tob•\Cco  or snnff  or imitations of  them  made  up  in any
     w~y, ss into cakes  tAblets,
                       w or ft~ncy articles).  Tobacco stalks whether manufactured or
      not.  Tobllt'l'O stalk  flour.  Toh.\cco  ~weet.ened (whet.ner or unmanufac-
      tured) or ci.gl1retoos sweottltled OP mn{{e with sweetened pn.por, except os otherwi11e i!peeially
      provided in  any nct.s  relaj,ing  t.o  the  customs.  Ctlt  tobacco so  compNSSed  as  to have
      been rendered uolit for irnmediate smoking until it l.l.'\8 been restored by steamiu~ or some
     other  prucess.  Ctwt~ndish or  Negrohead  tobacco  cont-aining  leaves  of  trets  or  plants
     other than the tobacco plant.  Mn.nufactured tobatteO  other than or Negroh.ead  any  pt·ohibit<>d  lngreclient.
       Tbe hidl'i!, «kiu.q,  horns, hoof;s.  or any other p!IJ't.  of <'~lttle or other t\nimlll!  which may
      be prohibited in  ordt>r  to  prevent.  tiJ~ dissern.ination of :J.ny contagious di.~r.em per.
       GooJs mt\d~ in  roreign  prisou.s  ~>xcepL goods iu  transit,  or not import~d for  purposes
      of trade, or of 1.1  desl•ription not. mtlonfact.ured in the United Kingdom.  Living anirnlas
      ex~ept hees in properly  constructed  boxes.  Bulliou exceedin~ £5 in  value,  coins excP.ed-
     ing  £5  in  value  unless  accompanied  by  a  declaration  thAt  they arc  iuteuded !or
      ornament.  Rags. bedding and soiled clothing..  Clean  secondhand  clothing  is  not,  how-
      ever. Jlrohibited.
       Fire11r~, deadly  weapoll.S,  11ud  detached  pieces or suuh ariUS  or  weapoD.S;  synthetic
      organic dyes,  coloum,  or  colouri~:~g  mattel's  containing  syntheti~  qrganic  dyes  or
      intcrmedia.ry  organic  products  usetl  in  the  prepur:\tion of  syntbet.ic  organir  dyes,
      colours,  rolouring umtters.
       UYJ'l'ED  S·t'A'I'ES  IH' .AmmtcoA.- Letters; o)lium, morphine  ro~:Wte IUld other narootics;
      poisons; prison-:r•:•d"  Q:nn•l!;, spirituous and intoxlca!fng liquors of aH  kinds: films n.t~d pict-o-
      rial  rcpresentat:i<>u>~ of  pt'ir.e fighl.s;  tldulter~~tet.l foot.l.s and dn&g::~; live bees; dead  animals,
      except insec~ and reptiles ~horoughly dt'ied; feathers and skins of wild  birds (exoept ostrich
      feathers),  u.nles~ illleutled  for  scientific  or  cc.Jucational  purposes;  cigars  anll  cigarettes,
      unless packed as !'f'..quired t>y  thP. United :'lt.ll'e~ regulatiou.s t\nd sent in I'[Unnt.itir<!  nu m be~
      ing at least  3,000  in  a  single  package: potatoes,  cereaJg,  rotton  lint (including  uotton
      wn.ste and !Ill forrns of unllll\.nufact.ured entt.on tlXCept. samples  t,hP.reof,  col ton seeds  and
      pods, antl the produots of t·ottou &el•d  ex~ept oil.  sug1u· oones or cut.Lings or p~rts of sugar
      canes,  citrus,  unrsery  stock,  anrl  aft  growing  or  living  plants.  seeds  and  other  plant
      products  for  propagation (including  btilbs,  root:~  nnd  tubers  and  lhe seeds  of  trees and
      shrubs.  but  not  lle!,"Ctable  and  flower  seeds  and  field  seeds  other  than  cereals)  unless
      addressed to a.nd  in t.endt>d for the nse of the .Fcdert1l  Hortic·ult11ral  BoarJ or tbe Office of
      Foreign Seed and Plnnt Int.roduction, United Rtates Department of Agriculture,  Wash-
      ington, or C.'<ceP.t. under license issued by tue Federal Ilorticultuml Board.  Sealskins and
      articles  wbolly  or in  part  made from  them  not admil!l!ible,  unless accomp!lnied  by
      Ameri~lln  Conliul's  certific:J.te  of  origin.
       Viruses, serurns,  etc.,  can be seut  to tbe  U.S.A. ooly in aacorda.nce  with  provisions  of
      the u.S. I,!lw of July 1,  l!l02.
        For fn.rtber lletails, consult latest edition of the London  Postal Guide.
                    TA&LE  Of'  DATE.5  OF  P0.5TAGJ:,  t:TC.
                           Rates  of frum  J tlmaic£1.
        Letters-A.= H:d. for  the first  oz.  u.nd ld. for each ndditiooal oz.; and B= 2td. for  the
      first og.,  and  l!d. for  eaoh additional  oz.  according  to dostiwltion (see separate entries
      in Tahle following,  colwno 2).
       Letters for  B.M.Shi:ps of Wara~d H.M. Troops  serving  abroad,  irrespective of 11ddress, ld.
      per oz.
       Post Cards-Single,  ld. each; Reply paid, 2d. ooch.
       Printed  Papers--!d. per 2  O<~.
       Commercial Papers-2~d. for first 10 oz, and !d. per 2 Oll.  thereafter.
       Samples-Id. for first 4  o~., and !d. per 2 oz.  thereafter.
       Registration  fee-2d. for all articles.
       Advice of  Oelivery-2d.  (for  registe .. ed articles only),
       Insurance Fee (Letters o?lly)-5d.  for  every £12 of  value  in udd'ition t.o  tM  po&tage  and
      registratio11  fee.
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