Page 26 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 26


      2-:1                    POST  Oll'FICE  GUIDE,
         Tt  is tt•rbidden  to send by  n'l~il, in  a  letter, packet  of printed or conu:nert'lo.l  papers,
       ar  ~au1ple:
          ( I)  Articles which. frorn their nature or L,;.  their packiug, may  expose  poslal officiAls
             to dar•gt'r,  or :~oil  or  damage correspondence,
          p)  Explo3il c,  inflawmnble,  or dangerous substunces;
          (:H  Opium,  morphine.  coe!Une,  3.Dd  other narcotics;
          { 4)  Obscene  or  immora.l  articles;
          (5)  Any artir!P  li8ted  under ''Prohibitions" in lat.est edition of  the  London  l'oa~l
          W)  Artirlr~;  lillhlt• to Cu81orus duty, apart  from  the exceptions  laid  down in  paragraph
             following, :-to  wt•II  us  samples sent in qua.u tit.ies with  the intention of avoi<.ling
             tl.w Jlll\'lll~llt of this duty.
         l'nri"r th•' regul}4tions of the Union,  al'/icl<>s Uubh: /q  CtUltm1.t d11/y may be sent
       in  p~ck«ts (lrep  id u.t  the feller-rote of postage  to  those countries which have ugt~ed to
       t•.twH 11• dt tlur.kets.  A gl'een label giving p11rticulars of the nature, wei&ht and value of
        ne  :.rtit•lt·s  lniJ~t  be  affi.."X~l  to  each  packet.  The counlrit•ll  wbicb  p:h ticipa.te in tbia
       :•rr"n•' 111  ut url' indicated by the symbol  iin •h~ Table at pa.ges  35  ro  41.  (Seefoo~note
         Tlw s>dndnistra.tion of the country or destination is autborited lo submit  these packets
       Lo  ~ 'ust.Juts cx.'lluinutioJt,  to op11n  theJJJ  tJftirially,  nnd to collect the import duties, in lhe
       ma1mn·  p1ntrihed  b:1  il.J  leqislaJ.ia1t.  'fo  •·ountries  not  indudccJ  in  this  arrangement,
       duti!lhlu :U'tid~s may be sP.nt only hy  parc·el post.  Dtdiublc urlidr., 8cn) alheruiRR may be
       t61ttl'(tll(/,  ~ub;cctcd IL•  finM,  ()f cunfillcu.lcrl,  ttcco,dinfl  fo  the  low~ of lite country oj  dr~linati(lfl.
         The ptiLlif' i>4'tl  to be11r in mind  that  the nr>rmal method of sending merchandise
       of Mt)  sort  tlu·Oul!b  lttP mail is by  PAI'\·el  J)U~t. and not by  the method iodicaw<.l  above.
       Attentiou  i, 11len  BPVt!itdly  directed to  the fat•!  that  thi;;  s:.stem  does  not  apply  to  the
       Unilctl illugdow
         T.t~ll f'r packet .. rt·<'l!i l'l•cl  from abroad bearing the grt•e.n  lnbl"l dl"5cribed  abovto nre liable
       t J the same treatJUent as parcel-post pArcels.
         Coin, bank-nult''> atHI c·urrenr)  uot~!l,  postJ\F,t: >tt:lrnp~. bulliou,trreoious  c.tooes, jewPis  V
       &uti  ofhtlr  vr~lous 11rtit'les may only  Lie  sent by rGgistered  mail  prepaid at the hltiAr rate
       of  post11gt. •  ('J h s  flllJllies to  irda~,d lle \\odl u.s  to foreign mail,)
                            11c,gistratlon  (Ovcr3ca~.)t
         If it io  provc·d  to his sat is!ac:ilon  that u letln' ()r  pacJ~t duly admitted to  regi~lrarirm has
       Le..n  r.ntitelv ln:<l li·Mlsl in lli~ ru.,tod!l  the Postrua.ster undertakes w pay an iwft:rtmily of
       50 f•aw~. t'Xctlpt  iu l'HI't'S lJeyond control (e.g., lempeJSt,  shipwre~k, earthquake und war).
       No  ccmtpc~alinn, however,  is  prquble e:r:crpt  in tl•e  eau of the loss  l)f tho  ttllil·e  leU~rr or
       1WI'ket,  tmtl ttl•  cluitll YJ>illl,e l.lillrlitk4 if tltade 'I!IC!re  than a year cifler tile letter Ql'  rwckcl.  wag
         •rht· Post11l  Ad•nini~St.rulions of ull  cotmtries a.nd  rolonies included in the  PostAl Union
       give the sarne umlCJ l11king  in respect  of regi$tered  letters  or packets  lost. whilst in tbeic
         If dl$ired to ohtnin comrum11atio11 in the case of aiiRtr(J('tian of contents of a  letter, or
       to provid11 for ~ higLur maximum tb.m 50 fra.nrs,  recourse ruust be ba.d  to the Irt.~•(r(lnCI
       sy.•tn".  SefJ "Insurance" page 25
         The  Fee  cbt.rgeabte  for  r~stration to piJLces nbroad ia  2d.
         CortdililltJ..• vf Re!}'ii:lration.-~o postal packet atidressed t.o  initials or in pencil  (t>-~eept
       cop,vius mk pPncil)  is adwitted ro  regist.rntion.
         Hver}' letter  prCef'uted  for  registration must L<'  encl.osed io a strong envelop11 aecttrely
       fMten~d. prefcr!lbly  in  one of  the registrat.ion euvelopes sold by  the Post Oflire.
         t Thto following nre the prinnpal CJJuntriC>l< wbieb adtnlt duti&blu  llTliefe~~  in t~elr toner m nil: Arrun-
       tme, J\JHtr.lill),  Au•trla,  CanAda, Deoaur~. E!(YPt,  Fr&J!CC,  Germany,  Guatemalll,  Holland,  Indln,
       New  Ze~IIUld. Soutb  Arrrea, Sweden,  Sw•tzerlnod,  Syna, UnJted Suuos ol AmerJea.
        "i Soe definition ol term  "jewellery," page 7.
        • Th" tran&rni-..ion  of  COUI,  precious stones, llnd  jewell&y,  (by ,.,gi.•ltrtd  /1'/l~r  "'~if\  ill  rtllltrlcted
       to 1 be lol!owlng  rountries: 1\!sCGilliion, Au•trla.  Auslralia, lbrbadosi Cau:ub,Cao:<t Zon~. Cape  of  Good
       Hope,  ~<tha,  Cxtchoslova\ci'l,  Denmark,  France  Germany,  G bralt:u  Rolland,  Hungary,  I ndia,
       1vf;).lta.  New  z~alaml, NorW'tly,  Pa!lllma,  South  Africa  (llriti&h), Unlt~d Kingdom,  Uolted  Suu"" or
       Amen< •>u ... .-..ions of U. S.  'Bank and euTl'ency  notes  may, however,  !)~ ~Pnt  to  llllY  country.
        t Conditiuua \.fOY~rning  registration  u£  jor'"·l/ln  ~orrcJponda.nt-..e dUI er  .tom  lho:.oe  aovern.U:Lg  i»lnnd
       ®rr""pondencu.  See p. 6.
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