Page 24 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 24

22                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE,
          Bn1~TOL J.utAICt..-CosTA RlCA.-PAN.UiA SERVICE: An Elders and Fytres' sten.mer  leaves-
        Brist.ol every alternate Monday calling nt the following ports:-
          Kingston(arrives  1\lld  leaves Mond~y), Lirnon, Cristobal, Kingston (arrives  and leave&
        Monday), Bristol (~n-ivea Mouda.y)-a round voyage of five  weeks.
          Elders  nod Fylies  Ltd., mo.intain  a  further  service  with the United  Kingdom,  but  as
        the sailing days and routes of these boats vary somewhat  acuordiug to t.he season or the
        year tbeir movements carutot be reduced to the precision of 1.1  schedule.
          The  following  is  the schedule of  the Canadian  Oov~.<rnmeut Mert•haot ~lariue  mnil-
        carrying stearu~rs:-
          C.toN<~.DA-BFJlMliDA-NASSAli-JAMAlCA-.BRITISH  HoNot.illA:'i  SERVTCE:  A  steamer  le1wes
        Montreal  every  t.hree  weeks  on  WPClnesJ~*y, aud  at  the following  pons:-
          Haruillon, N~u, Kingston  (arrives  Thursday,  leave.:  Friday),  Belize.  returning  to-
        Kingstou on  thr.  following Friday  Md SAiling same  day  vit\  Na~au aud Bermuda  for
         Mont.real (arriving Friday), a round  voyage of 37 days.
          Du.rlut,~ the winter moulhs the same schedule is  maintuiued  every  three weeks I'XI•t•pL
         tllLlt  IJ.1e steamers leave from  Halif:~:.  on  Sat.urday  !l-nd  ret urn  thither on  Tuesday,  ~H
         days after,  arriving and sailing from illngston •In  the same dt~Y of  the week  as on  th&
         SUlDmer  service.
          A Jamaica Fruit  and  Shipping  Compuny's  flteamer  leaves Kingston  tot  New  York
         every Tuesday; and an Atlahtic  Fruit Company's ste~mer leaves Port Antonio for New
         York or Philadelybia every Tuesday.
                           AVEllAGE  FREQUENCY  OF  S:ERV(CES.
            Country.          Recei:vals froru.       DispMches lO.
         u. s. or America   Three  uvery  week t   Seven every roctuigbt.
         Cnnu.da.       Two every week.               do.
         Uuited Kingdom   Two every week (directsnd via   Five every fortnight. (direct and
                         N.Y.)                   via ~.Y.)
         Central A.rnerica   Two to three every fortnight.   One every week.
         Cubn           Doe every week.         Three evM'Y forlnight.
                            ClA55IFKATIOM  OF  MAIL
           Foreigu Correspondence is dh-ided  int.o  tbe following classes:-
           (a)  letters  (b)  Post-cal'ds,  (o)  Printed  Papers.  (d) Commercial  Papers.  (e)  Samples,
         (f) Parcel-Post Parcels.
           For the Rates of Postage on aU  ciJisses of mail-mlltler,  limits of weight  and site,  &c.,
         see  'fable,  page  33.
           (a)  letters  posted  wholly  unpaid  nr  insufficiently  prepaid  are  forwarded,  bur.  Me
         charged on delivery  with double the deficiency.
           Unpaid and iiL·ufficiently  prepuid  from  plaot!S  abroad  are  charged double  the
         deficient  postage.
           Letters or p>l(;knges paid at the letter rate of  postage recoived rrom abt·oa.d suspected
         to  contain  IU't.icles  liable  to  customs duty  aro detained  under  authority  ()(  t.he  PO!:!t.a.l
         Uniuu Convenlioo pending inquiry n.nd the payment by the addressee of any duW leviable.
           (b) Post Cards:  See  Inland Regulatioa11,  p.  ·1.
           (c) (d)  Printed  and  Commercial  Papl!rs:  For  definition uf,  und rules governing thes~
         see  IolwJd  Regulations pp. 5  and 11. •
           (e) Samples:  The use of  t.he  Sample  t>ost  is restricted  to  (l  bona-fide Lrade  sanJples
         or patterns of mercll&ndise  without. sa.leable  vallle.  and  (2)  ot~tura.l history  speciwcus,
         dried or preserved animals and plants, geological specimens. and scientific speci  eo. gene-
         rally, keys, fresh  flowers,  t.ubes or se1·uw  and pat.hological  apeuimens rendered inocuolla
         by their mode of  preparatJon nnd  packing,  when sent fur  no  cornmerciul  purpose,  nod
         prin~era' blooks "'hen not for sale or in  e,Xijcution of an  order.  Packef.s containing good~
         for sale or conshr;ued in execution of an Ol'der (however smaU  ~be quantity)  or arlicle8 81ml'
         bv 01111  prit•ate  fudit>idual  tn  another  which.  are  not 1u:luaUy  tratk  «amples  or patterns  or
         scientific speuiruen.s, etc., cannot be forwarded \ly sample post.
           lt is recommended  thAt every  Slltl.lple should  be marked ''Sample-not  (or  sa.le,"  or
            Tlte ittland rate of postage ou  "printed" •u•d "commercial''paper.ds th~ same, but  the for<il('fl  rat•
         <>n  "commercint" papal'! differs from lbe intan<lr:~te, see o. SS.  The ditrereucoa between t.betwo etasse"'
         of maU eboutd lle carefully notod for thnt ti/Ul!On.
          tTwo ftom Now York and one from  New Orleaus.
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