Page 42 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 42

l'OST  OFFICE  HAl\"DDOOK.             33
      flap  at distances not more than  three  inches  npnrt.  Tbe address  of  suci1  pnrccls  roue~
      be  tnitten outheir actual  covering.
       4.  If a  parcel  tendered  for  insurance does  not,  in  the opinion of  the officer  of tho
      l'ost Office to whom  it is tendered, ful61  the foregoing conditions na  to pneking nnd aenl-
      iug, it is his duty  to rcfuse to  insure it.  Nevertheless the onus of properly enclosing,
      packing, and  sealing  the  packet  lies  upon  the  sender:  and  the  Post  Office
      assumes no liability  for  loss arising from  defects  which may  not be observed
      at the time of  posting.
       5.  The nmount for  tvbich n  parcel  is  insured must be written  by  the scn<ler  both in
      words  nnd  in  fic;ures  nt the  top  of  the  nddrcss side or  t.he  eO\'Cr,  thus:-"Insnred for
      fifteen  poun<le (.1.:15) ".  No nlterntion or ernsure of the inscription  is nllowe<l.  If n mis-
      take  is  mnde,  the entry must lie  completely oblitcrnted nnd  nn  entirely  11CW  one
      by the scn<ler.  The nmount must be entered on the Letter llill for  Kingston.
       G.  No parcel  cnn  be insured fur  more  than its  nctunl value,  or  fur  more  thnn  tho
      sum entered below ng11iost the nnme of  the Country or Colony  t.o  t\•hich it is nddreesed.
      A  parcel  of  which  the contents  have no saleable  Ynlue mny,  however, be  insured for
      a  nominnl  sum  in  order  to  outnin  the  safegunrd.  Over-insurance  is  an  obstacle
      to compensation.
       7.  All parcels post pnrcels  nddresse<l  to  the United Kingdom (or other places to "'hicb
      the iusur:mcr.  ~.1·stem ext.ends) contninin~; nrticles  of  jewellery, watches, hullion or other
      nrticl~s of gold  or 11ilvcr,  must))(' insured and <:nnuot otlwrwisc be furwnrded  tu dcs~inn­
       S.  The  countries  to  which  p:ucels  m:~y  be  insured,  the sum  payable for  Insurnncc
      in  addition to the postage which  must be affixed  to the parcel, nnd  the limit of insured
      vnluc nre shown  ou  T:dJic pp.  :l!J  to  •Hi.

                           D.  UNINSURED  PARCELS.
                            KINGDOM  ANO  JAMAICA.
       The l'uslmastcr fur Jaumica will  (uul in conSCCJlii'IH:t·  uf :u1y  1.·~-:nllinl>ility, hut volun-
      tarily, and ns an net of grace) give compcnsatiou for the loss or darn age of uniusured pnr-
     ccl~ sent hy l'nrc<:isl'ost bct.wecn  the  United  Kingdom  and .Jamn.icn,  when  such loss or
     d:"'"'l-:''  l:d:.•x  pla.:l!  whilt:  l.iu~  p:li'I'<•IR  nn•  in  his r.usL"'I,\',  nnd  doe~ not Arise  from  nny
     fnult or neglect of  the  semlcr~ ur  from  the  nnture of  tl1c  cuulcuts.
       1.  Iu all  cnscs of loss. :~ustraction, or damas:e, except such  M  nre beyond r.oulrol,  the
     sender,  or,  in  default of or at  the request of the sender,  tl•c  n.Jdres.<;ce  ~hall he  ('JlliLicd
     to nu indcumit.y corrcspom.lins: with  the nctunl nmount of the loss, or dnmns:e,
     unless the d:unage has arisen from  Lhe fault or negliJ,:t'llCe of lhn liCudt:r or fm111  t.hc unlurc
     of the article, nml  IITO\'ided nlwnys that the inclcmnit.y  due.~ uul exr.ct:d. iu lll<'  r.ns"  uf nn
     unin$ured  parcel, .!:1,  nnd  in  the cast• of nn  insured  pared.  Uu: ~tun for  which  it lut~ llcen
     in~nrt:cl.  Tl•e sc•11d<:r of :t Jl'lr<'cl  which  l11~' ht:cu  lost. or 11£  whi\'11  tll<'  c:onlenl~ hn\'C  hcen
     lost or CCIIItpl .. tcl,r destroyed in  the pusl, ,,1~:~11 nlso he culitl<·tlt<, l.hc rduru of tlu:  po~lnl(o.
     He is uut lun< CHlr entitled Lu  the return of·  iu~ur:uu·c· f•·e.
       2.  The ohli~ation of  pa,riu~; the indemnit .. \'  shnll  re~t with  t.he  •lt·~pukiJiiiJ.: ulli<:c,  hut,
     until  the contrary is shown, the re$puusihility for  tJ,r  loss. dulll:JJ(~'. or  nhsLnu:tiuu,  shnll
     rest  with  llu:  ulli.:t•  whir.h,  ha\·iu::  reecin:d  thr.  parr••l  without 1111okius:  nn,\'  uh~<;r\'tltion,
     can11oL  prm·.,  it.s cldi\'cr.•·  iu  J.:OIId  eoudit.iou  tu  t.IH'  adclrt·.,s•·c·,  or  in  tlu•  t•nsr  of  n  t.rn11eit
     JI!II'Ct!l.  i1~  n·;::ubr  trau<icr  t.o liul next  oliiec.
       :t The:  p:t_l'ml!uL of tlw  iutlt:lllltit.y  to  llu·  $\:udcr •u·  ncltJr .. ss•·•:  ou1:ht  L•l  Lnkt:  plncc  ns
     soon  as  pussibl1!. :uu.l  ut the  lnt<•st  within  a  year  nf.  lite  d11l•:  uf  npplicmtion.  The
     admiois~rn.•.,ou  responsible  "·ill  he  uuund  tu  mnkc  J.:•IUd  without dd11Y,  Uu:  nmount  of
     the iudcmnil·~· p:1id.            ·
       4.  No  application  for  an  indemnity  will  be  entertained  unlesR  mndc  within  1\  yenr
     of the posting of the parcel, nod nfter this term  the npplicnut will  lmvc  no  right to noy
       5.  If the loss, abstraction, or damage s)tall  ha1·e occurr<:<l  iu  the course of  eonveynnee
     between  the cxr.hnn::ing oflices,  and  it shall  not h<:  possiiJIP.  to  nsccrt.nin  ''" Lhe  territory
     or in  th? ~>cn·ice of which  the loss, abstraction or dnma~c tonk pinr.•·  Lt.c indemnity shall
     be  ~harcd co•J:~Ih·.
       fi.  No  rc.~ponslbility t\'iil  be admitted  for  pnrccls of  which  the  owners  hnve nccepted
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