Page 43 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 43

34                  POST  OFFICE  HANDBOOK.

              11.  Canada,  United  States  of America and the  Ca na l  Zone.
        ThtfoUowing arc the Sprcial Rcgulation.s which QOvcrn the E%changc nf11arccls:-
        A  declnr11tio~. of  cont.cnts  nnd  their  value  with  the  sender's  &iJ:nnturc nnd  address;
      the  of lllll.lhng,  o.od  the plnce of address must be made on  the nuthorieed !orm and
      fixed  to the parcel.
        An nckno11·ledgmcnt thnt  a  po.rcel to  a stated  oddrcss hnd been  posted  ~Till  be  given
      to  the poster,  but no liability o.ttnchcs to  the Post Office in rcspe<:t  thereof.
      ·  Letters,  postcnrds nud  'lnitten matter  of  the unturc of personal correspondence mu81
      not  be  enclosed io a  parcel.
        If such  be found  the  ~Till  be  pl:lced  in  the mails, if scpnmble; nnd. if tbe letter
      be  iuseparnbly  nttached,  the  whole  package  will  be  rejecl.!d.  Jr,  however,  nny  aucb
      ebould inadvertently be for~Tnrded the country of destination will  collect double rate of
      postogc  according  to the  l'ostal  Union  ConYentioo.
       A parcel  may  not  contain nny  other pnrcel intended for  delivery  nt an  nddress other
      thno that borne b~· the parcel itself.  lf such enclosed parcel be uctected it must be sent
      ror~Tnrd singly, charged  '1\'ith  ne~T nnu distinct Parcel  Post rntes.
       Puulicntions which ,·iolntc the Copyri:;bt Lnws of  the country of destinntion;  poisons
      and  explosive  or  inflammnble  subst:~nces;  fntty  substances;  cou!ectioos  nod  pastes;
      live or deo.d  aoim:~ls,  rrccpt  de:~d insects nnu reptiles, when  t horoughly  dried,  o.nd  live
      bees put up in '1\'0oden boxes  closed with  a "·ire  screen prot.cctcd by n  moveable '1\'ooden
      lid;  fruits nnd  vcget.'\l>lc.~.  and subst.'\nces which exhnlc n bnu  odour;  lottery  tickets, lot-
      tery  nl.lverlis•!rnr.nt.~  or lt~tl.cry;  nil  uh~ccnc cor  immoml articles; whicb
      m11y, in llD)'  wny. cbm:~gc  or destroy  the  mnils  or  injure the  J•crsous  hnnulio~; thern.
      Cignrs  in  less qu:~ntities  tha.n  3.000. in  n  single  pack1\gc  must  not  he  tlncloscd  in  a
      p:~orc:el  for  t.he  United :;lntcs, but. mny  be sent  tu C:uuLC!a.
       Each p:.rcel must be so wrapped or E'nclosed  ns to permit its contents tu be  ea.sily  c~­
      amincd  br nny Postrnnsteror Customs  Officer  whose duty  it  J03.Y  he to do eo;  nuu encb
      pnrcel "'ill be subject in thc country of destination to all Customs duties nnu o.ll  Customs
      regulations in force in  that country for the pro!.ection of its Customs revenue.
       A  p:~rcel fnr  Vuited  State~ aud C:nl:l!  Zone mny  be  rcQislncd  on  like  conditions  to
      tbose tho.t ~overn the registr:~tioo or otber  corresponuence; or,  on  payment  of  the  sum
      of  twopence  additional to  tl1e  first charl!e,  the  sender  can  obtain 11  receipt !or such
      parcel from  the  addressee,  but  pnrcels fnr  the Uuitcd  Stnt.e•,  C:mnun  :~uc.l  the  Cnn:~l
      Zone mny  llfll  l>r.  i11.~11rrrl .
       Parcels must. be so  carefully  packed as to  be safely transmitted in the mnils or either
     country, ho~h in  going  to the Post Office of  exchnngc of the country of origin, us well  ns
      to  the  office  of  address  of  the  countr.1·  of  dcstiuntion;  nnd  they  must NOT  u&  &&AL&D
     on CLOSI:D  AGAINST JNsrECTJO~>, that is, they must not l>c secured by menns of w:.x, screws
     or onils. or in an~· mnnner which '1\'0Uid not ac.lmit of  their ensy cxnminntion by tbe Customs
      Authorities  in  tlw  Uuitc!<l  St.nt.cs.
       The  cuuutr~· of  uestinntiuu,  rn:~y ,  at its option,  le1ry  nod  collect from  the nddressee,
     for inbod sen•ice and delivery, n char~e not exceeding twopence half-peuuy (or five cents
     on ench single parcel of '1\'hat.cvcr wei~ht; nnd, if  the weight exceed one  pound, n charge
     equnl to oue half-penny (or one cent) for each rc:.ur ounces or fraction  thereof.
       If 1\  p:~orccl cannot be delivered ns nuuresseu, within 28 dnysof its receipt, or is refused,
     it will !orthwit.h be returneu  to the scnuers.
       Aor request. that.  n  parcel  m:~y be  re-addressed  or  rcturneu  must be nccompnaied  by
     the amount of  post:~:;c ut the original rnte for its further  pre-pn.yment.
       The Post. Office  Dep3rtmcnt of either oi the eontrncting countries will  not be respon-
     sible I or the loss or da.m.'lge o! noy packoge: nod no indemnity can coDsequeotly be claimed
     by  the !ender or  nddressee in either country.
                                1.- Lt:TTERS.
       The transmission of any  letter '1\'hatsoever, no mnttcr to whom  addressed, in parcels
      lor  tbe  Continent of  Europe,  Austrian  and  French  Post Offices  in  Turldsh  Ports,  the
      Cntocroooe,  the  C:~pe of  Good  Hope,  Republic  of  Columbia,  Congo  Free State, Costa
      Ricn,  Danish West Indies,  Dutch Enst Indies, Egypt, French ColoDics nod Possessions,
      Natal, the Australian  Colonies, Smyrna,  Trinidad  and  Tunis, West Const or A!rica,  is
      ttrictlv furbid<kn.   ·
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