Page 44 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 44

POST  OFFICE  HAKDDOOK.                 35

        H auy  letter  or  communicl'.tion  of  the nnture  of  peraolll\l  correspondence  be  found
      'in  a  p:~rccl, l\lld  it Cl\D  be  sepArated therdrom,  it  "'ill l>c  forw11n.led  to  it.s  dcstinntion
       ~urcbrg~d  at. uurmid  letter  rnt.cs.  Dut if  sucb  letter, &c.,  not be aeparnt.ed,  the
       whole pnrro•l  will be li1Lhle  to uuflnid letter rntee uf  J)OBLa~:e.
         Ezc•lllt that if a  pnrcel o.ddrcssed  to  plnce in the United Stale.• of  J! mcricn be found
       to cnn tnin  n rr>mnumicntion  of  the un.ture  of o.  letter it sh1Lll  not be  rorwnrdcd; but will
       be  held  nt  the  scuder'a  ri~k.
                            2-DAI>GEROUS ARTICLES, .kC.
        A  pnrccl  rno1y  not  eontnin  nuy  dangerous  or  perishl'.l>le  articles,  any  :1rticle  likely  to
       injure nnuthcr parccl. any liquid (unless securely pnckcd in :1 proper case), nor nny article
       ·spccinlly  prohibited  lrorn  im;>orto.tion  into  a  pnrlicular  countn·  or  pbce  (See  below).
                             IT .-srECJAL PDOHJnJTJOI'IS.  ·
       AUSTHAI.JA, (JucludinJ; Norfolk Isl:lnd, PapuniGRt:&c.c.-Lctters, coppcr and bronze money,
         (13riti~h  ?\r.11'  Cluincu.)  and  Tnsmauia,-~  rn"·  hides,  wonl,  the  horns,  booes,  or
         Opium :u1tl tobacco.           other  parts  of  oxen  or sheep, plnnts nnd
       III:I.GI UM.-L<'ttcrs.  plnnts.  (oreiJ:n  bronze-  J1:1rts  of  plants,  includiu&  Oowers  o.nd
       copper.  "r  nickel   coins,  sncehnrine  orl  fruit,  worn  out  linen  nnd  bedding,  old
         similnr  pmcJucts.             clothes,  rn;::s,  old papers,  plnyin~ cnrds,
       nRITlSII  GUJAr>A.-Sp~ri~. ~piu m. ,~:anje. eh~-  salt, nntl cigarette papc~. sncchnrine, &c.
         r~s, hhnu,~:, r•tnnalus·uuhcn. part..-: of dn~I· IOUADI'!J.ourl:.-!::nme ns  l·rnnrc.
         1tblc  1trLidcs except by  pcrmissiun  of  thc:noJ.l.Ar>ll -l.t•Ltcrs.  hiJcs,  horn~.  living
         Govnruor.                    I  pbntl',  fnt  or nnitnals.
       c.I!>AI)A.-Oh·ornnrgcrinc:,  bnttcrine,   and~·noNC RONC.- (Includiug  Amoy,  Canton,
         simii:lr utcs  for  butter.   Foucho"··  llankow,  lloihOI\',  !llnco.o,
       CAI>AJ.  7.0NI·:.-!-;:IIIIC aR  u.~.A.   Niugpo,  Shnnglmi.  Sw:JtOI\'.)  Opium.
       CAr& t:ot.ONr.- Letkrs, ~pt:cie, bullion, golcltJNDIA  (nnd  plnres  via  lndia).-Coio,  gold,
         dust, nur;gl\ts, ostrich feathers, fruit, plants'  silver,  precious stones,  je"·ellcry, &c.
         pnrts  of  pl:mts,  bulbs,  t~nd  cuttings  or:rrAr..T.-Lctters,  unmanufactured  t~baeco,
         trees,  tobacco  5tlllks,  essences  of  tea,!  plants, or living parts of  plants including
         coffee. chicory, tobn.cco, pMts of the vine,l  bulbs,  truffies,  mushrooms,  &c.  playing
         stone-fruit.  trees,  unless  nccompnnicd  b~·  cards  addressed  to  S.  l\larino,  medicine
         n  sworn  dt:clamLinn  thnt  they  hn,·e  uot.  or other ch~rnicnl l'-ompounde without the
         come  £rum  the  United  Stnks or Amcricnj  express pre,·ious permiss\oo of the Italian
         or Cnu:~rla.                   authorities,  s:~cchnrinc  und its  products,
       CETLO~>.- l'nrts  sent  scpnmlcly of  articles   parcel~  nddrcssed to  per~ons condemned
         11·hich  nrc lio.l>le  to Customs du~y, current!  to  hard  labour,  or to soldiers in  militnry
         coin.                        I prison~; cup per coin~ noL  current  in  Itnly,
       CIIINA  (l.hrough Hung Kortl!:  l'os~ Office).-.  mt:l\511r<!S  not  of  the  d~cimnl  ~ystcm.
         Opium.                       !  Medicines  if  o.ceompanied  by  the  pre·
       COLOlllliA, IIEl'lJDLIC OF.-Letters.   i  seriptions,  \vhich  must  be copied  on  the
       -coSTA,  precious  mctnls,  to-.  Culltoms  tlcclarntion  form,  is  forl\·arded
         l>acco.                      :  at  sender's  risk.
       DAl'iiSII  \\'P.ST  lNDIES,  ST.  JOHI>  ST.  CROI,;  IA!'AN.-Lcttcrs,  opium,  nnd  o.rticics  used
         A:-lt>  ST. TI!   1  in  smokin!!:  it;  ndulternted  or  injurious
       DENMARK.-Lct tcra.  f• ~rei,::n  lottery  t ickets·  drug~;, foods nut!  bcvemgcs; nnyt.hing  cl~e
         and  prn!lpcr.tuscs,  imit:Ltions  of  money,!  considered  injurious  to  t.hc  public  henlt.h
         not<·s.  st:lu1ps,  or  uills.   ;  or  to  the  safety  or  animals  or  plants.
       DUTCH  GUIAI>A  OR  SUniN.\lt.-Letters, coin,!  tobacco lea\·es.
         raw gold or silver.          jltALTA.-Letters,  plants  or pt~rts of pl:mts.
       DUTCH  \"'.CST INDIES,  CURACAO,  &C.- Lett.erS.•li.ADTINIQUE.-Same as France.
       FIJI.-Letters                  ISATAL (including Zululand)-Lettcrs, specie.
       :F'nAI'ICE 1  FRENCH  CONGO,  OlHANA,  INDO· I'IEW ZEALAND.-Letters, rags, WOrn clothing,
         CHINA,  SOMALI  COAST,  AND  SOUDAN.-1  vine cut.tin~S1  grapes, tobaCCO in any form.
         (Sec  Scnr.,::nl.)- J..ettcrs,  sncchnrinc  pro .. son"" A v-J..etwrs.  l'hnrmnrr.ulicnl  propnrn-
         duct-s,  foreign  bron1.e  coin,  tobacco  uo-!  tions ntltlressetl to private person~.
         less  nddr~:ssed  to  the "Regie"· or  in'ortANGE nrvEn COLONY.-(See Cape Colony.)
         lirnitcd  qu:~ntitics Cor  the  personal  uscllrAr>AMA,  ne:rusr:1c  ov.-Lctkra.
         uf  the  nddrcS3ec,  essence  or  tohacco. POIITUOAL.- Lettcrs,  tol>ncco,  nud  tobacco
         pl:tying  cards,  shrubs,  young  trees,  parts  seeds,  parts  of  the  vine  (e:~tcept  grn~
         -or the vine.  Medicine is subject to special   without  leave.s),  plants,  postnge  stnwpe
         .restrictioll$.              ·  or  other  stamps  or  stamped  pnpnr  not
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