Page 47 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 47

                                           TABLEl  OF  RATES  Of'  rosT.\OE:,  ETC.
                                             Rates  of Postage frc>~n  Jamaica.
       L<Utrs-A = Hd. for  the lir6t or..  and  Id.  for each ntlditiotu•l or..;  nml  B=2~d. for  lhc first oz. :md  Htl. for  each additionn  or..  1\c:Cording  to
     de«tinntion  (see entries in  Table followin:;,  eolumu 2).  Lellers for  H.M. ShiJis  a11d  7'roo)!s-ld. for  each  oz.
       Post-Card.s-Siogle, ld. ench; llcply pnid, 2d., each.
       Printed  Papers-~ d.  per 2  or. .
       Commercial  Papers-2§d. for  first  10 oz. nnd !d. per 2 oz. therenfter.
       Sam)>lcs- ld. for first 4 oz. unci  ·~d. per 2 oz. thereafter.
       Registration  Fcc-2tl. for  all articles.
       Aduice  of Delivery- 2d. (for registered Mticles only).
       lllllurance  Fee  (Letter.Lonly)- Cld.  for every £12 or v:•lue  in addition to  tfte J>oslage  a>td rcgistrotionfu.

                                  /Jimi~ of Size (limiL~ of weight arc slrmon ill Tab!(, .:n/umn., ·1  cmd  G).
       Lelters- 2 H.  in length by 1 ft.  in  width or depth.
       J>ost-Card.~-!vla.ximurn size ii.:  ins. by 3l  in~.
                                                                                                .  I'
                                                                                          tl I .
                                                                                 .  I
                                                                             "0 .
       Printetl  I'a/>CTS   }  l   '  I   .   .   d   I   If .  f   r  11 u·  tutcnstons nre ,,  rns. 111  cngt 1 :m  '  ms. 111  t  uune er.
                      1 1  (1..  111  Cn!>Lh  by 1 ft.  tn  wtdlh or  cpl  t.
                                                       111  orm o  ro
             . l  p
       C  ommerc~a   apcrs
       Sclllt]Jles- -12 ins. by 8 ins. by •I ins.; or if in frmn of roll,  12 ins. with dinmet"er of G ius.
       The sender of a  parcel  for  nny plnce abrontl  must lill  up n  Customs  l>cdarntion on  :\ form  provided  for  the purpo~e.  There arc two forms
      in use-one yellow, and oue white.  In column 10 of Tnh!e follow in~. the  let.ter  "\V" sigr1ifies that the while form must be  used, nnd the letter
      "Y" thnt the yellot/1  form  ntust be  used.  The  fignr<!  following  the  letter  "\V'' ~haws the  number  of  copies  of  the  Customs  declamtious
      which  nra required in cnch cnsc.  When  the white form  is  used,  the scnder  must  also  fill  up a  Dcspntch  Note  (supplied  at  nil  Po&t  Offices)
      wbicb  must nccornpnny  the  p:trccl.
       E,·ery pnrcel post packet addressed  to  the  United  Kingdo·m  or nny of  His  i\lniesty's Colonies  or  Dominions  will  bear  nn extra t.nx of 3J.,
      ezcepL those which ore addressed /f)  members of 1/i.~ M·.~ Navy arnl Army.   ·   .   .  .
       9!' evcrr  parcel  or pncltct containing dutinblc  mnt.Ler  nrriviog  in  the  Jslnnd  through the  post :\  tn:t  of 3d.,  will  be collec~c;~.
   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52