Page 45 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 45

30                 POST  OFFICE  HANDBOOK.

                          SPECIAL  PnOBIBITIONS 1  continued.
         obliterated, . J?aper  money  payable  to   than gold :md silver; fictitious stamps aucl
         bearer;  rn~tli~ne (unless nccompnnicd  b:v   nny die, pl:\te or mnterird for makin~ such
         t~re  pre~.:rrptror~)  and  (tia  France),  gold,   stmups;  extracts,  cs..~cuccs  or  conccntra·
         srlvc;,  Jewellery,  &c.  A  p11rccl  may  not   tion (J(  coerce.  chicory, tea.  or tubncco  (ex-
         consist  of  t'II'O  or  more  packages  tied  ccpt  in  transit),  indecent  or  1>1Jsccne
         to;:cU1cr.                  ·I · priuts,  books,  pictures,  or other  articks;
       nusstA  IN  EunorE.-Lctters,  plants,  nil'  snuli  work,  tobacco  stnll<&,  tou:tcco st.nlk
         p:~rts of . the  vine,  gold  or  silver  coios,l  flour  (except by special permission of  the
         lottery  trckcts, nrms,_pla.ying  cnrds, saus-  British  Customs  Aullrorities);  cut  aod
         ngcs,  &c.,  :~nd,  to  Fmlnnd,  brandy,  poi-  compressed  tobacco; tobncco packed with-
         sous,  pot.4t.oes,  church  effects,  ether,  c!;c.   the  leaves  of  trees  or  plants  other  than
       BT. liELENA.-Ostrich feathers, Cape branay   the  tobacco  plant; :uticlcs infringing  the
         Arrnck,  Bengal  rum,  nqua-ardentc,  gold   lo.w  as  to  the  mnrkiu~ of  mcrch:mdize;
         (unless  uumufncturcd).       forc:i~n prisun-m:ul<:  ~ouds;  loncry  ntlvcr·
       &rAr~.-Lcttcrs, rcproductiou  of  Spanish   tisemcuts;  sugar,  sacdmrin  Dml subslno-
         m~ps or plnos, mi~ls, bre\'nries, rosaries,  ces of a  like nature  or use,  such as  snxio,
        relics, &c., plants,  gold,  silver, jewellery.!  &c., or mixtures of the;  liquid  cellu-
        tcb:~.ccn ~cc:l and jukc.    ' 1  loid; bount.y-fcd  ~ugnr produced  in Russin,
       STRAIT  StrTLEMENTS.  (l\Jnlnccn,  Penang,   Denmark  :1nd  the  Argentine  Republic,
        Pru,·incco  Wclle!~lcy  nnrl  Sin~nporr..)- 1   cxc<'pt in  tr:U<sit to other \'uuntric~; rngs.
        Parcc~ will  alsn  be  acu.]llcd  at  Sender'$! · shoddy,  disused  urul  filthy  cl<Jthing  aud
        risJ:,  for  Johor,  Ne~ri Senbilnw,  Pahan~;,  bedding,  and live animals  (except bees  in
        Pcrnk,  Sclangor  and  Sungic  Ujong,  in   properly  constructed  cnscs).  Subject  to-
        the :tlinl:\y:rn l'coninsuln.- J.cttcrs,  opium.   th<l  rcstrictious  mculioucd  in  the  fore-
        spirits.                       going  p:•mgrnph,  tob:rcco,   including
       6'1\',  rngs,  shoddy,   worn  ci11:nrs.  cigarottcs  and  snufT,  i:<  ndmitted,
        rlothes (uuless for the pcrsoonl use of the  if declared, but is subject to  :1  line io ad-
        addressee his family,  or scn·ants), m:~nu-  dition  to  the  duty.  Gold  anti  siiYer
        i:lctured gold and  sih·er not of  a  cert.ninl  plnte,  imported a.s  merchandi1.e,  must be
        degree  of  fineness,  drugs,  and  arsenic,  assayed, aml is not admitted if bclo"· the
        unless  addrcs..<cd  to  professional  men,.  proper  st.4ndard.  No  pnrcel  mny  coo-
        uticlcsmndcabroatlbetiTingSwedishmarks1  tnin coin, or ~:old,  manufactured  or  un-
      SWITZF:RI,M>o.-Lcttcrs,  ncwsp:~.pcrs int<'nd-1  numuf11r.turcd, including l!<>!d  coins  nnd
        col  for s.~lc or distribution, (unlessaddress·j  nrlides consistiu~ p:Htly of or containing
        ed  to  11  post  nflicc),  :rlcuhol.  spirits  ofj  ~old .  All  manuf:rcturcs  of  sil·:cr  ot.hcr
        wine,  snlt,  fresh  mc·nt.  pork,  bacon,  or   th:~.n  sih·cr  watches  and  silver  wntch·
        saus:1:;es: gr:rpes. fruit tre<'s  plnni$. bulbs,   cnscs.  .lcw<'llcry of every description.
        and sbrtrlJS.                ll:NITEll  STATES  OF  AMERICA.-Letters,  post
      TODAGO.-( !\5 Trinidad.)   cards ~nd matter of the nnture of
      TRA!\S\'AAl...-:Moncy,  :;old,  precious  stones   pcr~;unnl  correspondence,   publications,
        in addition  to the articles inadmissible to.  which  violate  the  copyright  la"·s  of  tho:
        C:rpe Colony.                I  country  of  destination,  poisons  aud  ex·
      TRINID.\n.-~tters,p3rlsof dutiable articles.,  plosi\'e or inflammable substnnces. lh·e  or
        rum.  nil  nther  spirits erupt perfumed  or  de:rd  animals  (erccpl  clel\d  insects  and
        medicinal  spirits,  guuga,  bhang,  c:urna.ll  reptiles  when  thoroughly  dried;  :1.nd  live
        bis-indica, opium.             bees  put  up  in  woutlcn  boxes  with  wire
      n mKs JSI.AI'>n.-L<'ttcrs.       !tCr<'I'IIS nn<l  mov<'nblc lids).  livin~ plauis,
      Tl'J\1\J:\".( a ) llrit.ish Ag'.•ncics.-Lcttcrs,prinl·•  hulbl';,  ~ecd~.  fruits  :nul  vc:;<'tal>lcs,  nud
        in~t  t.ypc,  leaf  tobacco,,  chlomte  ofl  substances  which  exh:rle  a  b:~.d  odour,
        Jlloln.'>•ium   forci~;n  sil\'ct  coins,  lottery;  lottery  tickets,  lott-ery  Mh-crtiscments  or
        tickcl~.  firearms,  patent  mC'tliciucs  andi  lottery :11l  ohs::<>ne  or  immoral
        clcctri.,al  nppliances  of nll k;nds.  Plant6  nrticles.  articles  "1\'hich  mny  in  nny  way
        book&.  mu~azines nnd  newspapers c:ro  be  uam:r:;e  or dcst.roy the mails or injure the
        acn~ by parcel  post only  nt sender's ri~k.   persons  h:rndlinp:  th<'m,  d~;:rrs  iu  less
        Toh:u:co  nnd  (  the  Const:mzn   quo.ntit.y than  3,000 in  a single  package,
        ruutc).                        rrl/  ~p;rituon<;  and  intoxicnting  liquors
       UNITr.u  KINGDOM-Letters;  explosive  and   :111d  l-:ry rum.
        dnn~crous  articles;  furei::n  rcprint.s  of
        UriLiah  cop~·right works;  acetylene;  b:lSP  \\'JND"'AIIU  ISI.ANos-Nil.  E%ccpt Grc.oad:r.,
        or  counterfeit  coin;  forc:igu  coin  other  munnnufncturcd t.obacco.
        fur further •lctnilR, c<•ns11lt London Post!ll Gu:dc, pp. to 723.   Co!umn  S.
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