Page 41 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 41


          IX.  One  form  of  undertaking  will  suffice  for  two  or  three  (but  not  more)  psrcela
              posted LO!!;cUrcr  by  the same sender  to  the same nddressee.  In such cnses  the
              fee  will  be  Gr.l.  for  e!lch  parcel.
           X.  The. followir!g  Me the nrticles liable  to  duty  under  the  United  Kingdom Tariff
              wh1ch  nrc  likely to be d<'spntch~cl from  .lnmnicn  by Pr1rccls Pust,  to{tether "'ith
              the  rntes  of  duty  thereon.  'J'Ioe  e  rares  arc !'Uhjccte.l to cunsic.lerable  ~h:mge
              o.nd should he re:1d  !l~  approxirn'llc :-
                                                               £  8.  d.
       ·l(;ocon                                        per lb.   0  0  1
            lluske nnd alu:lls  per cwt. 2s. Tnkc r.lcpusit   "   0  0  1
            or chocolate, grounr.l, prepared or in nny way mnnufnctured   "   0  0  2
         "   Butter                                      "     0  0  1
       ·Coliee, per cwt. 14s.  Take deposit              "     0  0  2
         "   kiln dried, roasted or ground               "     0  0  2
       ·Confectionery, cunt.'lining chocobte   ..              0  2  0
       ·Soap, transparent, in the manufacture of which spirit  hns been used   "   0  0  3
       · Spirit~ nn•l  Strnn~: \\':lll'rs:-
         ltum, other Spirits, Liqucrs, Coruinls, J\lixturcs nml other pre- l
         pnrntions contnining  Spirits,  such  ns  Pimento  Dram,  Prune  per pt bot,  0  1  5
         Dram,  Anisou,  Aniseed,  !llilk  l'unch,  Ornnge  Wine,  Ginscr   "  qt.  "   0  2  9
         Wine, I\oh1 Wine, &c.   . .                  ·
                                                      "  pt. hot.  0  1  s
         Perfumrd Spirits                           {  "  qL.  "   0  3  3
       'Teo.                                           per lb.   0  0  8
       ' Tob:~cco, rMnufncLured, dz.:
          Ci~:nra                                        ..    0 12  0
          Cigarettes                                           0  \1  u
          Pip<'  tobacco, including" Donkey Rope" Caveudish nnd
            Nc::rohcnd       ..                          ..    0  5  4
          ou ... r  lllllllllfllctur"d tuhnccll                0  •I  S
        .  Snuli             . .             . .               u  4  10
       'Tobacco,  unmnnufacturcd, including "stemmed" or "stripped"   "   0  3  Si
          "         "          "     unstemmed or unstrippcd  "   0  3  8
         XI.  P1~rcel~ ~·ill  be ncceptcd  in  the  United Kin~:dom for  delivery  in  Jamaicn  free  of
             Customs duty  on  condition~ similnr  to  lire  forc:going.  Such  p:1.rcd~ nre  linblo
             to  exnminn.tion  on  nrrival  for  Cus~oms purposes,  and  nil  pnins  nnd  pcnnlties
             1\tt:~ching  for  unden·o.luation  or  misrepresentation  of  contents  or  to  pro-
             hibited  I(Oods  will  be  enforced  n~:ninst. the  l!;oods  themsdves  or n.(!ninst  the
             parties nssuming the chnr~es, ns mny be decided hy proper nuthoritics.
                          C.  INSURANCE  OF  PARCELS
                To the  United Kingdom  ancl certain other Countries.
         l. E,·cry  insured  p>urt:l  mu!<t  be  p!lckcu  carchrlly  nncl  ~<ub~t:urt.inlly,  "'ilh  due  re-
      . g11rd  tu the nnlurc  of  the  cunwnl.s :uul  the  h:n~:t h  uf  the journey  a uti  must  be sc::lcd
       wilh  WI\X  or lend  in  such  a  wny  thnt it canuot be  opened without either breakiug  the
      ' sco.l  or  lenving  obvious  traces  of  violation.  For  instance,  seals  must  be  plnced  over
       <  join  o.nd  loose flap  of  the covering  of  a  parcel;  and, if string be used in packing, a
      . ee11l  must be plnced on the ends or the string where they nre tied.
        2.  All  the on an  insured  pnrccl must be of the  kind of  wax or  lead  and
      ·must  beo.r  distinct  impressions  of  the  same  private  device.  Coins  must  not  be  used
       for acnlins:;  nod  the deviee must not consist merely  of straight, crossed, or curved linea
       which could  readily be imitated.
        3.  l'nrr.cli  containing  coin  or  bullion  (not to  exceed  £5 in value,  except in the case
       ol coins clearly intended for purposes of ornament,) wo.tches, jewellery, precious stones or
      . any nrticle of  gold or silver must  be enclosed in strong boxes or caae.s, which must be sewn
       u porotheroviae fastened, in wrappers of linen, canvas,atrong paper, or other substantial m a-
      , ~orial.  In aucb  cnaea  the seals must be  placed  along  the  edges of  each  join and loose
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