Page 37 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 37

28                 J'O~T  OFFICE  HANDBOOK.

        or SPCI!IIO'  tn~~tcrinl it.l  sufficient  qunnLit.y  to :>.bsorb  the liquid in  the event or  the bottle·
        bocommg broken.  Fmnllv,  the box  itself must be  enclosed in a ease or me'11l  with  ti~btl.­
        fittiug lid, of wood  wit.h a scren·top, or of 6trong  :~.nd thick leather,  but when  perlo~nted
        :woollen L.locks  nrc used h:~.,·iug 11  thickness or  Ill  le3St 2!  millimetre.~ (nbont t or nn  inch)
        m.  the  f!•lll!lc~t  pnrt,  provided  inside  with  nh~nrbcnt mntcrint  nnd  supplied
        wtth  n hu, 11  JR  not. ncccssn.ry  for  the  blocks to  be enclosed  iu  n  second cnse.
         IT  IS  FOH13JI>DEN  to send  through the Post to a country or the  Union-
         1.  Any lcttc:  or  p:~;cket cont:~ining gold  or silver, bullion,  pieces of money,  je"'ellery
            or preCious  nrttciP.S.  !except  to  Countries  nnme•l  in  foot note• but the  pncket
            must be Se.'\lcll nod prep:~id  nt  He~i~tercd Letter R.'\IP.S).
         2.  Any  p:1ck~t (other than a  P:~rcel Pos~  Pnrcel)  coot.'\ining  articles liable  to  custoi'Oll
         3.  Any nrticle or n nature liltely to stnin or injure  t.he corre$ponlltmce.
                      .     REGISTRATION  (Foreign).
         If it i1  proved  to his satisC:1ctiou  thr1t a lcUcr or prukct duly admitted w Rcg~tration h:~s
       been tnlirely lost tohilst in hi$ CUIIOd!f  the Pofitm:tster uudert:>.kes  to  ]lll!f an iltdcmnil!f or
       50 frolic<  <.G ). exr.ept in cases beyond  cont.rCil  (c.9., tempest,  shipwreck,  eartbqu:~ke nod
       wo.r).  No compcnsulion, howe\'er. ifi pnyable c%ccpt in U1c cnsc nf lite  Ios.<  nf lite  c11!irt  letter ·
       or  ]IIICkrl:  mul  JICI  claim  will I": tu/milled if mntlc  more than fl  yr.ur  uflt:r lite  lctla or  l•acl:ct
       WM  ]IOSI.r.d.
         The Posl:ll  A< or  all COillllric•ll nntl  cnlnnic.~ indudccl  in  (]"' l'ost.'\1  UniCin
       give  the s:nne undertaking in respect of  rc~:istcrcd letters or paclwts lost whilst  iu  their
        If desired  to obl.:lin compmsalion  in the C:l.SC of aiJ~Imclimt fl/ cmtlcnls oC n Jel!er, or
       to provide for  a higher umximum  than  50 francs,  recourse must be  b:1d  to  the /t~surcnce
        Tlu:.  Cce  <'~•:~rgeal;lc for  He;;istr:~cit:n 1.o  pi:H'<'S  :Lbr<•:.d is 2<1.
                            Cc>11ditions  of Rcg~tralion.
        No post:tl p:tckct. :tddrc.~sed t.o initinls or in pencil i$ :tllmitted to negist.rntion.
        E,·ery letter presented for Ht>!=istrntion  must be enclosed in :t stroug  envelope  se~urdy
       fnstrued, prcfcr:~hl.'· in one or the ne~istr:ttion en\'elopes sold  by  the  P.O.
        No 71ad;c!  mar::ed  011  the oul,•ide  tcith  the declared  villtte of !he  conlcn~s, as rcq~ti•·cd in the
       case Cl/ insura1lce, 'may be  sent le>  a country of the Postal  Union  by  rcoisCcred 1>osl,  aud Post-
       master,< arc inslr11clcd {.Q  re.fu•e pac!oct.• so marked which arc for
        negist.ered p:>.ckcts must be prepaid us regards both posta~te nnd registration fee.
        Packets to he  registered must  be given  to an Officer of t.he Post Office,  :md a receipt
       obtained for them; they must on  no account be dropped into a  Letter Box.
                               Adc>ice  of Dcliucry.
        The sender of regi :tered or  insured  correspondence  addressed  to  o.ny  Foreign Country
       or Briti~h Colony iu the Post1~l IJniun,  m:~.y ul>  an acknowlt~tlt;m<mt ur  its receip:  by
       the nddressce on pnyment or 1\ll  cxt~ra fee of 2d., in addition to other fees.
        Letters tmulcrcd fur'insurmJ<:c will  be accepted IJy  the Post Ollice on payment ul the
       fee  and subject to  the conditions stated  below:-
        FrP.-Gd. for C\'err  Cl2  of  \':llue  ;,.  addiii~>ll t11  th~ Jm.<la?r.  nfl(! ,·rpi.•lmtion frr .
        As few  strlmps ns  possible should  be used to prepny  the pCistnge :l.ud  insumncc fee, ~nd
       the stamp!  must not be r old<.'d o\·er the edge of  the cover.  When more stl\mps  ~hau one
       llrf\  ~~~~d the~·  must he nilixed  with !!pnc.cs brt.n·<.'en  l.h~m.   .
        A  LElTE l:  i~ the onh·  M: i:·l~ of mail  mntter which  will  l,t• arccptcd  for  ms::r:u: ~e.
       Pust  C11rdR, l'riutt:d  Papers,  Commercial  l'np~rs or  S:1mple  l'ncl;el.5  will  not uc  r.c-
       cept.t•d.                                            ·  t;onto.ininp:  coin,  anything  made  or gold  or sil\'er.  pn•~ious stone.s,  ie.wellery,
       or nm·  nrtic:IP.  linhlr.  to  Custoru.~  dut\'  in  thP  cCiunt·r\'  of  dcstinnl•on  cannot  be  msured.
       Objr~ts of \'>llU<!  whir.h C!un'>t be scn't in insared lctl~n m~y geucr::lly  be scn~ in i11:;ured
       pnrc~•.~. (!!~c pp. 32. 3:3).
        Tht' insuranct: sys!P.rn  is  spr6nlly appEcnhlc  to lettcn; 1\'hich contain bnnk-note.c;, cou-
       pon".  ~rcuritir.~.  bonds  ~nd o~hcr dc:cum!!nts  or the kind.
       ·  A lcllerl.entlered for insur11n~e must NOT he nddreS6cc1 to initinl~. or in peneil:lnc.! it mu•t
       be cnclo~c<l in  ,..  stron~: co\'cr. :uul  b-. sccurC\l.v  rMtencd 11nd  sc~lcd :"'i(.h  fine  \\'a:t  in sucb
      · ••way  lhat it cannot  be  opened  without  l~avint; tra<'<'ll  or  v•ola.l1on.  EnvP.lopcs  wJib
        ' •  Coin,  ROM,  •il•er, &c., may be scat  by registered  mail  to  the  foll'!win~  plaeeo:  A•cen•ion,  A as·
       ttalla, llarb><lo<. Can•da. C>nal  Z.On:.  Cape  ~~  Good  Hope,  Cuba,  G1braltar,  Grena!!a.  Guotema!a,
       Maha, New Zealand, South Africa, (British), United  Kincrdom,  United  States  ol Amenca  and  PO»U·
       •lo,. of U. S.
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