Page 36 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 36

,.,- _,
                            POST  OFFICE  llA~D~OOK.
                        EXTERNAL POSTAL  REGULATIONS.
          Furei~:n Correspondence is cli"iuco.l into the fullowing clnsses:-
           (n)  Letters.  (b))  t>ost-cnrds.  (c)  Printed  Papers.  (cl)  Comrncrcinl  Papers.  (e)
          Samples.  (r)  Parcel  Pos~ l>nrcels.
                                 l'O!!TAL  !!~tO:>.
          For the n~tes or Postnso  on nll  cbsses ·CJf,  limits  uf wnight  nn:l size, &c.,
        sec Table, p:~ge 3<\.
          (a)  Lcltrr~ posted  unpnid  or insufficienUy  prepaid  are forwarcled,  but are charged on
        delh•er~·  with  double  the  deficiency.
          Unpnid  and  :nsufficien~ly  prep:1icl  letters  from  the  Briti~h  A~encies and  Po~essions
        to which  "penn.r postage" applies are chnrged double the deficient  postage; but the  sur-
        chnrgc  c:1n  in  no  cnsc  cxceccl  2d.  per  !  uz.  Unpnid  nnd  insufficiently  prcpnid  letters
        from  nll  other places  charged  double  tbe clcficicnt poSLn!!:c;  but the surcharge can  ill
        ·oo cnsc exceed .':id.  per ~  o~.
          No letter m:ty exceed 2 feet in len::t"h or 1 foot in width or depth.
          (h)  p,.,, Cetrd$:   See.Inl:tnd.lte~ulations  p. 3.
          For  definition  or  (c)  l'riutcd  nnd  (d)  Commercial  P:~.pers,•  see  Inl:lnd  Regubtions
        p.  =~ to  I.
          (c)  .Snm7•lr.s:  The use of the Snmple Po~t is  re~trictecl to (l) bonll-fide  Trnde ~amples
        or  Pnll.crns uf  l\lc:.rchnudixe  without Mlcahlc  \'aluc,  :mc.l  (:!)  nntural  hi~tc•ry ~;pecimens,
        dried  or  prcscn·1:<.l  :mimals  nncl  plnnts,  ~:cological 11pecimens.  nnd  scientific  specimens
        generally, keys. fresh flowers, tubes of serum and  pntholo;:ic.~l specimens  rendered inooeuous
        by their  mode  of prcpnrntioo  nnd  packinr;,  when  sent  for  no  commercial  purpo~~.
        Packet~ ~(•lltainin~ goods for  sale or  consig1ied  in  execution  nf  :~on  orJer  Chowe1·er  sm:~ll
        the quunlit~·), or artil!lc~ .~<'!ut h.1·  one rri1·:~l~  incli1·iJunl  tu IIIH>l her which  nrc not.  actu~ly
        trnclc  s:unples or  pnttcms or  scientific specimens,  &c.,  cnnnot  be for\\'o.rded  by  Sample
          It is reemnmendc<.l  thnt.  e1·ery  sample should  be  mnrked  "Snmple-not for  S.'\le."  or
        otherwise dcf:•ccd in such n wa~·  3S t.o render article  uosalc:~ble iu the ordin:try wey of
                      Sr.&CIAL  D£GUUTIONS  AS  TO  CERTAIN  ARTICL!:!\.
         Thou~th under t.he reguhtiOI)S or t.he ro~Lnl  l:!nion  m'iiclr.~ /iol!lc  ,,·cu$111111$  Duly  m:tY
        only bo srn t by t.ho I'Mecl or the lnsurco.l  Box  Pust,  this rule is rela:-;cd  for li:lmplcs in cer
        uin  couut.ri~~.  Ju some inst.nnces  s'unrlcs Jinble  to Custmns Duty nre clelivered  either
        free or on p:~ymcnt of the duty, but.  in others they umy be withhelcl from  deli1·cry.  Snro-
        plcs nf  l~n CXCI!<:tlin~: ch:ht  uuncc.'l in ~:mss wci;;ht am not in auy  c:t."C  1\tecplcd foi  traus·
        mis.~iun nbro:tcl; and !lume countries have fixed  n still lCJwer  limit both fur  I.e.'\ nnrl for ccr-
        t:~in  other  nrt.icles.  S:unples  liable  to  Customs  Duty  3-re  ordinarily  ndmitted into  ioe
        United Kim:dom when S!.'llt in quantities so small  ns to h:wc  practi~~tlly no S:1lc1ble ,·alu~;
        'but  the imp11mt.ion  of lfi!JIIrCfl.  cit~~r.~, ci.gnrctrrs,  !h.,  b~· !):wiple  Post  is prohibited,  "~th
        the  sole  ex~cpti;>n  or  p:tckc::s  of  type s:unplcs  of  unrn:u1Ufnc~•1rccl  lC!bncco  not  exceed-
        in)! six oun~c·s in gross \\'C.I!hl,  which  :~re dclh·ercd  on p:tymcnt. of 2s. Gel.  Customs Duty.
         SnmJ•Ir~ "/ S1•i,.iL•  (cxcc[ll p~·rfumcd ~pirits)  nrC'  :~lmiltr I  t.o  l'.  K.  prnl'idcd  that  tbc
        &uuplc·s :m: plaiul.'· m:u·kc:u  "SJ>irit., ( m•lt•r.•')rtmr.c/J."  Each  pack cl  i~  liable to 11  clmri!C
        CJf  1s.  ·Id.  Cn~tums Duty.  S.unplcs  or  •ci11'  3-rc  ndrnit.ted  free  of  Customs · ch'lrgcs.
        The !lrO~ wci::ht. of nny s:unple p:tcket. eont.:J.inin~ wine or spirit~ must not. exceed 12  ounc~s.
         :O:aul; . l~~ ui Tc:•  IWL •• c o·~·..: .lu~ -;  oz. in ::·o·s IH·i::ht  1011::  he  ~cut I o  C. K..  pr;n·,dd
        tlmt. t :IC'  r~~·,Ns are pla'u·~·  mnr';c:l  es  cont~in:ng l<·a.   l::a~h  p:tc~et,  eXI'CC iiug 2 o:.
        in wei~;:•t, i• li11ble ton charge or 31. C·tstoms  Dut.~·.
         &mple pnckcts contnining !i'Juids oud  gtt4$Y wbs/(liiCts e.~n be seut.  to countries in  the
        Post:ll  Union:  nlso  live  bee$  (except  when  prCJbibited  by  the special  regubt.ions  of  lhe
        country or  They must.  be n111dc  IIJl  ~o 1 h:tt. tht-y  c:nn  he  c••~ily npc1wt!  for
        purpCJ:;<~~ of il•sp(:cliou,  wil.h cxccpt.iort  uf packcls runl.:•iuiug li1·c  bct•s,  whit:ltlllll~l ho
        eocln~rd in boxes so as to allow the contents to  be ascerLnined wilhout  open in~;.
        The hot.tJcs us'!cl  for cnclosin!: liquids  mus~ be or gl:ts~. and :UI  articles of  vla3s  must  be
        st:curdy packed in hnxc.~ of •netnl or  wood.
         Li•JuiiLt, OiLt,  mrd sul:.~t.:;,.cc.• e.'\Sily liquefied  mu~t be cucfm;ccl  in  gla.'!.,  bottlc10,  hcrmcti-
       .c:ally :se.'llcd.  Each bottle must be plo.ce<.l in a wooden  box furuishcd  with  Mwdust, ootton
          •  M~S. ror  t.hc  prcAA.  tohru nnf tiUnmptJnir ... t  ,, ..  iJ.A  rtlnli'lf  puwf.  :ltldru~d  to  placu abroad, i•
        ~ubjec:l to po•t.a£e ra\.C  for  ·• Commcrei3l P:>pers," l!«l T:>lolr l•·  :1:1  fur ruW, e\.C.
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